The chart with insomnia, Ketu and moon in Gemini, constant thinking can prevent someone from sleeping, I have moon in Gemini it can happen. Recently rahu was in gemini and during that time I noticed to get me to sleep was harder even with hypnosis sometimes it’s just impossible, especially when the moon would be transiting Gemini at the same time.
In the chart you have a yoga as you have a malefic in the 2th and 8th from rahu and ketu, it happens with mars and Saturn, they are opposite each other. This yoga makes being successful harder in life. Mars in the 8th by itself usually means something will break. Rahu is still close to Mars, and it’s the closest planet to rahu, the closest planet to rahu is the one we have the hardest time to master. So even if it's exalted a few things seems to prevent him from performing as expected.