The visual age (app...
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The visual age (appearance) of a person (aging)?

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People age differently in visual terms, one slower and the other person much faster, and some changes in appearance can occur in a relatively short time. 

A number of different starting points could be assumed here.

What could be the main indications in a horoscope whether a person looks unusually old or aged in terms of expected appearance or a relatively "old" person starts to look much "younger"?

I know people with quite healthy lifestyles who appear 60 year old rather than 45 as they really are, and vice versa.

Some people had a very youthful appearance all their lives and, despite a healthy lifestyle, look really old during 1-2 years without stress or normal kind of influence. 

There must be some significant change in the astrological cycle.

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Ernst Wilhelm
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Mars and mercury make people look old. Saturn makes people look old. Any really tough dasa can make a person look older quickly. Ketu can give early grey hair but still have youthful features. 

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@ernst I had thought Mars makes people look young, but i certainly could be wrong.....



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I think that might be a typo on Ernst' part.

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I have a sibling who's an Aries rising with Rahu in their 1st house and Mars exalted in their 10th house. They started going grey at 18.

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I have Mars opposite 1st house cusp and have always looked younger, annoyingly so until I entered my 30s.

I come across many 1st house Mars men and they have younger looking faces. One of my climbing partners has Mars conjunct Saturn in 1st (Scorpio) and even with Saturn there he looks very young for his age. Another climbing partner has Saturn opposite ascendant but again he looks quite young and has Mars in 1st (Virgo). At least three more climbing partners have Mars in 1H and look very young compared to their age.

The only climbing partner that I have that doesn't have Mars in 1st is an Aries ascendant with Mars in Scorpio. Mercury and Saturn both have a strong aspect on his 1H cusp. He still looks young but not as much compared to the Sat+Mar conjunct 1H partner who easily looks 10 years younger than he is.

A friend is a Gemini ascendant with Venus+Mercury conjunct in her 1H. Mars has a medium aspect on her 1st cusp. She looks more her age, but she also has chronic health problems.

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@karinia I've experienced similar things as a Virgo Lagna with Mars in my 1st. Recently when I received the vaccine, the attendant assumed I was 12 years old and kept asking my sister to take me to the front of the line to get the children's vaccine. I'm currently in my 30s.

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Posted by: @ernst

Mars and mercury make people look old

Do you mean a Mars-Mercury conjunction?? As they are enemies and cause problems together.


If Mars is a youth, kumara, and is also described as having a lean body and a slim waist, and one of the deities that represent him is only 7 days old right? But is usually as a boy or young man. Then how can a prominent Mars, unless afflicted, make someone look old?

And in some Jyotish texts Mercury is also referred to as kumara as well, and if it rules the grade-school learning period of being a student as a child, and is the prince and the young sovereign, and also rules Virgo, you know, girls and active in children, how can it make someone look old?

What is going on here? Im scared ???? 



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