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Exalted Mars - pillar of strength or the worst position in the chart??

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recently I came across many cases with exalted Mars in the Rasi chart, in which, unexpected for me, were the worst position in their chart. For instance, exalted Mars in the 5th house - partying, drinking and having so much fun that ruins their family; Mars exalted in the 8th house - surgery going wrong and since then the person has insomnia and can't sleep without pills; Mars exalted again in the 5th - the woman is so worried about her children that she got extreme paranoia related to them, etc, etc. 

So can we speak about excessive, malefic Mars energy, even though Mars is in a good dignity?

Overall, I started to pay attention more to Mars in the chart and I notice that some of the worst obsessions come from Mars placements.

Thank you. Best


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I have a sibling with an exalted Mars in their 10th house with the 11th cusp there also. When we run errands, they refuse to get out of the car. Their reasoning is always, "I drove you here. That's my contribution." Funnily enough, Mars is their BK (exalted) and it's my AK (starved) in my 1st house lol

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I'm Sag lagna and my Mars is exalted in the 2nd house. It's interesting because I remember from the LA course, Ernst was talking about how we tend to overcompensate for the starved planets using the proud planet. 

I haven't looked too much at the meaning of it, but I was just looking now at Barbara Pijans mangala in bhava 2, and she says "loud speech". I am a very loud, passionate, and intense talker. 

I am very intense person in general, its like things just go from 0-100 in a second. Or when I would get something done, I could just chill, get it done really fast, and then just chill again after. No fucking around. In and out.  

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Hi Katalina,

Have you checked the other Lajitaadi Avasthas for Mars in these charts? They could be significantly starved by say Saturn and then it would actually take a while until these people would be able to fully tap into the best parts of their exalted Mars.

I'd also look into other parts of the chart for clues as to what might be causing less than ideal behavior with respect to those things, for example the Lajitaadi Avasthas of Jupiter (karaka of children) and the LAs rulers of those houses. On a concrete level, an exalted planet should be able to manifest something really great. But charts are as complex as people, so there could be other things interfering.

There's also a difference between the concrete (Jaimini) and the subjective experience (Parashara). The mother could on a concrete level have wonderful, exceptional children (Mars gives something outstanding), but then have some Lajitaadi Avastha (i.e. habit that makes it so she worries about them more than she needs to). It's always an interplay of multiple things in the chart. A person can have something great at the concrete level, but their subjective experience of it needs to be looked at with different techniques.

It's also worth noting that Mars is still a cruel planet, so being on the receiving end of logic, efficiency, the ability to assert oneself might still not pleasant, even if the person uses their Mars in an exalted manner.

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@francesca-2  i have an exalted Mars and i have many characteristics of Mars. But my Mars is far from perfect as it is with the Sun and Ketu so LA it is shamed and combust. I am direct, efficient, get in and get out to do something, methodical/logical, organized, no non sense type of a person. It is in my 7th house. But i am impatient and i get frustrated easily (combust Mars). For the last several years after i have learned about my Mars, i have been working on being more patient and be "softer". In the business world that i am in, it is good to be efficient, get in and get out to solve problems, but on a personal level, that might not be so good to use Mars in an exalted manner.  I have upset some relatives and friends and have regrets in doing so in the past. I agree with you that an exalted planet will manifest, perform the way it is supposed to, but you have to look at all the other factors affecting that planet to determine how well that exalted planet will do on both the concrete level and the subjective experience level. There are many pieces to the puzzle to derive at the conclusion...



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That's exactly what I said. "But charts are as complex as people, so there could be other things interfering." And then I went on to describe what could be interfering (other Lajitaadi Avasthas, the ruler of those houses in bad dignity Avasthas, etc.).

But in that case, the problem isn't your exalted Mars, it's the Sun and Ketu shaming it. I feel Ernst is very clear about this in his LA courses as well. What we need to heal aren't the proud Avasthas, but the starvation, agitation, shame. And those are caused by habits interfering with the proud planet's ability (i. e by the Sun, Saturn, etc.). He keeps saying that a proud planet will actually be able to overcome the other bad avasthas over time.

I know this from personal experience because I also have an exalted Mars that's starved by Saturn. But the problem is not the exaltation, the problem is the other Avastha, it's Saturn shaming it.

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@francesca-2 my n comments were that I agree with u…



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Oh oops. My bad! I completely misunderstood and thought you were correcting me ???? . My apologies for being all up in arms. I'm glad we agree and seem to have similar experiences.

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@francesca-2 np u always have very thoughtful assessments n I enjoy reading your posts…



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@tuyetv Aw, thank you ???? . Likewise.

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@francesca-2 @tuyetv this argument/consensus turn out to be valuable for me as well so ???? keep it up  


Amit Bhat
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You can paste LA screen and Rasi, something else should be going on.

Exalted planet is a highly capable planet but say if exalted Mars starving saturn and nothing else saving the Saturn means it's tempted to misuse the energy on unproductive pursuits or prone to accidents

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@amit That's what I was saying too. I don't think the problem is the exalted Mars.

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Yeah right

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@amit this is the chart of the person with severe insomnia caused by an unsuccessful surgery. I think it was the result of Mars in 8th house of surgeries, then problems with sleep seems possible again from 8th house. 

Also there was another case recently - Mars in conjunction with Jupiter in 10th house. The person was obsessed with becoming rich and somebody important.


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Here Mars is directly opposite to saturn and starving it and being a difficult 6th lord too which could have caused unsuccessful surgery.

Also Sun us agitating and shaming jupiter and venus through same sign conjunction. Saturn is  thirsted too by moon probably showing some financial issues.  So, lot of stress could be causing sleep issues. 




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Sleep issues can be caused by many different things. 

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@katalina1 In the chart I'm noticing Rahu is near mars, not the same sign but still close so this might mitigate the exalted state of Mars. Also there is a malefic on the 2nd  from rahu and ketu, I don't use yoga often but this one I pay attention to and those malefic are Mars and saturn. He has insomnia if this is recent rahu was in gemini recently, with his moon there on top of ketu I think this may cause the insomnia, on it's own moon in gemini he is factor for difficult sleep I think because I know I have it I think too much before sleeping, add rahu transiting on top and each time the moon get there every month I had some insomnia that night. If you have some very disturbing event happening on your life that would certainly not help the insomnia. 

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@amit This is the person that is constantly partying and drinking, despite age of 63. Apart from Saturn in 4th house, which may also contribute to the problem, as he doesnt have full access to his real feelings and he is bottling them up. Saturn must be also a reason to drink and party all the time. But I feel that Mars in 5th is also a factor for that state.

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hit Alt A and it will change to LA calculation based on same lord sign. I think that will cause mars shaming moon and venus.

Also lagna lord in 8th house can be an issue as that asks for lot of transformation and rahu in scorpio giving emotional disturbances.

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What is your experience with using same lord conjunctions for Lajjitaadi Avasthas? You find it working well? I would assume so if you brought it up. 

Amit Bhat
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Yes, i find them they do..

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@amit sorry, im using Mac and when i press Alt A it doesnt change anything. Can I do it manually from somewhere?

Amit Bhat
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Please check with @ernst for that setting.

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I believe that chart also has a 'liquor yoga' if you look it up in the mental illness yogas. And also a kapata yoga I think as well with a malefic in 4th and 4th lord under malefic influence (Ju conjunct Ra) in Scorpio. 

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@scott-m-19 Do you mind sharing where to find the compilation of mental illness yogas?

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I don't know where to get a compilation. Maybe Ernst has a way to see some code feature in Kala where you see all of them, but here are the ones I have seen in Kala:

The 3rd lord eclipsed, debilitated, or in the 6th, and aspected by a malefic indicates one suffering from mental deviations caused by narcotic drugs.

The 3rd or 8th house is Scorpio, and Venus is afflicted indicates one addicted to liquor.

Saturn, the Moon and the Sun in angles indicates that one will be idiotic and addicted to wine.

The Moon weak with a malefic, in the lagna, 5th, 8th or 9th indicates insanity.

The Moon with a malefic and Rahu in the 12th, 5th, or 8th indicates that one will be liable to insanity of a raging kind and will develop a tendency to quarrel.

The malefic Moon in the 8th with Mars, Saturn or Rahu indicates trouble from demoniacal possession, fire or water.

The Moon, weak, with Saturn in the 8th indicates one suffering from psychophysical complaints.

Saturn and the 2nd lord with the Sun indicates mental illness (insanity due to vatta disturbance).

Check out the ruinous yogas in Core Yogas. 


My own notes:

Addiction yogas:

nodes often involved or conjunct Ve, Sa, Ju, Mo.

Ve afflicted as it rules sour taste (alcohol).

3rd and 6th lords in scorpio and Ve afflicted.

3rd or 6th is scorpio and Ve afflicted.

2nd house of ingestion is afflicted

8th house (moksha) is afflicted, also maybe 12th too.

Debilitated Mo as well.

Weak Mars.

From Jaimini sutras course. 

Ra and Sa in svamsa give an addictive streak. Su and Ra in svamsa also, but more inclined toward cigarettes and weed


For those who want to know what Ju in Virgo in the 2nd looks like: just read the above... Some of the above yogas were when I was looking up famous people who committed suicide (one I think was possessed). I like using yogas as I have a good memory and I find them fun.

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@scott-m-19 Thank you! I don't have Kala yet, so this is very helpful.

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@scott-m-19 really interesting observations. I am not so good with the yogas as they are sooo many, but with the time i might be coming back to that post. Thanks  ????

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By the way, interesting colors you use for Kala....!!

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@scott-m-19 the yellow default really triggers my OCD 😀 Its nice and neat this way and faster to recognise different entities 🙂

I was thinking lately, do we have a facebook study group, for us who study with Ernst? It would be really easy for chart sharing and discussion.


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Hi Katalina!

I thought about the Facebook group, too, when I started studying with Ernst in 2020. I asked another forum member about it at the time and I don't think there has been a Facebook group for Ernst's students.

I would love to have a channel to discuss Ernst's teachings with other students as well. I've been in multiple Astrology Facebook groups since 2018, but have narrowed it down to two since last winter. I have been a moderator on one of the groups for a year now. So if there are enough people interested, I would be open to sharing moderating tasks with other people.

One of the questions for me would be how we do it without necessarily claiming that anything we say or write reflects Ernst's opinion? It might be worth asking him what he might feel comfortable with. It would also be nice to have someone in there that has studied with Ernst for more than a year and a half and has more expertise.

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@francesca-2 i totally agree with you and I am also available to help in any way with the moderation. 
We can create a post and start a discussion on the topic? Did anyone try this in the past?

There are not many astrologers out there that Study by systems that really work. Most of them know astrology on a very superficial level and are not good with predictions either. While the system of Ernst really works and I know everyone who studies with him knows astrology. Thats why I value your opinion more than anyone else in other groups and will be nice to have easier access to it. 🙂

kind regards


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Awesome! Since his name is attached to this in one way or another, maybe it might be a good idea to ask for Ernst's input so as not to step on his toes. How would you feel about that? I'd be open to approaching him and asking and then we could see how many people would be interested.

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@francesca-2 yes, of course we need to ask how he feels about it first! Thats why I suggested opening a post here on the forum.. Do you have any other idea how we can proceed? 



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@katalina1 I always play with Kala color settings. Love yours! Would you care to screen shot the settings you currently have, so I can borrow it and try it out maybe? ????

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@mirela sure, thanks for the compliment! Here it is, wish it serves you well, same as for me 😀

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Laura Barat has interesting color settings for her Kala.

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@scott-m-19 does she? I will reach out to her! Thank you.

I think she is also on the forum but dont wanna call her out like that, maybe she doesn't wanna share publicly ???? 

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I actually like the default color settings in Kala, mostly...I just want to be able to see clearly. I find too many colors is distracting, but everyone is different....and it can be fun to goof around with all the settings. 

I changed the tone of the yellow slightly and made Rahu/ketu black because they are easier to see and they are the shadow planets. 

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@scott-m-19 good choice as well! As the most important points in the chart maybe its good Rahu and Ketu to pop up more and direct your attention to them before you start with the other factors. ???? ilike that

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@katalina1 For the constant partying one, first ketu in Taurus can easily make someone addicted to pleasure, and someone that don't like doing any effort. I know a kid with that placement and even playing a game for that kid can be an effort that they don't want to do, if the game need a slight effort they would rather not do it, they prefer to watch someone play the game for them, this child is constantly gifted with things he barely use. It can also make someone fearful as rahu is in the Scorpio sign, and since it's a mars sign it directly affect Mars ability to be productive. I have studied someone for 5 years with Mars exalted with rahu in that sign and Mars isn't that productive, they constantly see themselves as the best but a little bullying on them make them run away like no tomorrow, any threat even talking on the phone is something they would rather avoid, argument is difficult for them but they always pretend they are the best, the strongest, and what not, this person is still productive though but it's a normal productivity at best. Then in this chart Jupiter is close to rahu, Jupiter is the direction, if Jupiter is weak Mars don't know what to do, what goals is good for them. Sun is in Pisces, so their Sun the 2nd directive planet is affected by rahu, as Jupiter is Pisces lord. Saturn in Sagittarius, again another bad point for their direction and goals in life, the Sun is also affected by Saturn by sign conjunction. Moon close conjunction to Venus, again addiction to pleasure, Moon in Aquarius also often have a lot connection with people and so might help them find people to party every day, moon in Aquarius often have popularity.

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@lorris I don't think that being lazy is valid for that person, as he has Moon and Venus in 6th house, which gives him the power to do the mundane things without any complaints.

But you are making some good points on all other positions. Rahu in Scorpio adds to his emotional insecurities created by Saturn in the 4th. And not being able to see clear direction in life, also spot on.

My point for creating this tread was that I see a lot of coincidences on charts with exalted Mars that their most obvious problems are related to the house Mars is positioned. I think that a problem N.1 in your life should be more literal in the chart and not be a product of a bad 4th house or tough emotional state, for instance. Which may really be the case, but still a bad emotional state can cause many other results.

I don't know, maybe it's just my raw logic and not really have any ground basis. 

Thanks for you opinion.


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