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Frontal Lobes

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I even found a dissertation citing research from Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's Jyotish school that has developed their own unique system of astrological correlations in the brain.

The 9 planets are the 9 sub-organs in the basal ganglia, the rashis are the 12 cranial nerves, the bhavas are linked to the 12 divisions of the cerebral cortex, and the nakshatras exist in the brain stem as the 27 cell groups. As a theory that must have been fun to put together.

The human nakshatras are the serotonergic cell groups, the deva nakshatras are noradrenergic, and the asura group are dopaminergic.

I would have thought the dopaminergic ones would belong to the devas, being the more rewarding and soma-like of the neurotransmitters that motivates us to do the most important and fulfilling things, and norepinephrine, being a form of adrenaline for more instinctual alertness, would belong to the asuras. But I guess dopamine is associated with both pleasure and motivation and may not be that simple.

It still makes one wonder if chanting hymns to Indra while the moon passes through Chitra or Jyeshtha, or performing agnihotra under the Pleiades or when facing Sunrise on the Spring equinox, could help with dopamine down-regulation due to abuse or long-term use of inappropriately prescribed stimulants or with dopamine-related problems like Parkinson's and ADHD.

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