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Frontal Lobes

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Hi Ernst/all,

A certain planet has the brain as the organ that it rules (Mars?). But due to the fractal nature of correlative occult science, the brain can further be broken down into all the planets ruling it's different parts and functions.

Does anyone know which planet would rule the frontal lobes region of the brain? Would it be the same planet that rules executive function in general? What planet to strengthen that would also strengthen the frontal lobes of the brain and help regenerate growth and active connections there?

For executive function in general it would be hard to pin it down on one single planet. Mercury is the manager, Mars is the general, and the Sun runs the whole kingdom. But Jupiter sees the bigger and higher picture, is a counselor, and even has some influence over the Sun. But the Sun is exalted in the head of the Kala Purusha, which is ruled by Mars.

I guess I am mostly interested in the frontal lobes of the brain.



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I didn't even consider the Moon, since I did not associate it with executive function or frontal lobe function, but more with mood and personality. But in the Anatomy and Nutrition course, it is allotted rulership of the cerebral cortex, of which the frontal lobes are usually considered a part.

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I started my Vedic astrology studies with Sam Geppi, before finding Ernst. He had a bonus class that he called Quantum astrology which I found really interesting. He talked about our 3 brains: reptilian (protection, survival), Mammal (nurturing, connection,...), Human (conceptual, abstract, beliefs) which, according to the drawings, includes the frontal lobe. He associated Mars and Saturn with reptilian (our fight or flight functions), Venus (fulfillment/relationships) and Mercury (organizing, detailing) to the mammal and Sun (power of the Self), Moon (power of love) and Jupiter (meaning) with Mammal brain. It also follows the 3 gunas: tamas, rajas, sattva. So, to your question and according to this, it would be the 3 Sattvic planets (Sun, Moon and Jupiter) that have some frontal lobe influence. Where he got that from, I don't know/remember nor whether it is widely accepted among astrologers, just an interesting approach I thought. 

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@mona  The thought had crossed my mind about the Sun and Moon. The ajna chakra in the forehead area is known as "command center" and contains the Solar/Leo and Lunar/Cancer petals. And Jupiter, the other sattvic planet is exalted there.

I think in some Kundalini or Kriya yoga school ajna chakra third eye-type exercises are thought to strengthen or activate the frontal lobes.

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However Dwight D. Eisenhower, who was known for his good executive function, had a debilitated Sun, but an exalted Mars. And by the time he became president he had already become an accomplished army general, the role of Mars.

He was famous for his priority matrix, a perfect example of executive function at its best. I guess that reflected the stereotypical Venus-ruled Libra Sun thing about carefully thinking things over, balancing and weighing priorities against each other and giving weight to the activities of the most fulfilling value.

And I guess a "King" can also still have a debilitated Sun if made up for by a strong Mars as both Mars and Sun have strength in the 10th house of karmic obligations to the world.

Vedic astrologers sometimes assign the amygdala to Mars. And Mars is often associated with impulsiveness and quick instinctual use of energy with fight or flight. But then Mars is also linked with self-discipline and personal will power and self-control. I guess a good Mars gives you a grounded and prepared form of executive function that can think on it's feet.


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@mitryendra80 I have Sun in Libra and you described it very well. And, sometimes, this can definitely be a handicap but that's most of it, and I don't think Sun in Libra impacts executive function as I understand it is your conclusion as well. Mars gives great logic. Here again, if taken to extremes, this can become a handicap just like any other function of Mars. I don't know enough about the brain to figure out which ones exactly correspond to what but I'll check the link you shared on your other post 😉

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@mitryendra80 I have Sun in Libra as well, conjunct Venus and Ketu. My Mars is starved in Virgo in my 1st house. A few years ago, I had an EEG done at a cognitive clinic. I was told I had weak frontal lobe activity. I have Jupiter and Rahu in Aries in my 8th house. Ofcourse, back then I didn't know anything about Astrology. But once I started studying it years later, I found it funny that Jupiter rules the brain, Aries rules the head and the 8th house is inherently flawed.

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@kam That makes sense. Because if Rahu is with Jupiter in Aries, then Jupiter and Aries are the planet and rashi that need more strengthening due to being underdeveloped or unexplored in this lifetime. And Jupiter likes being in Aries.

So through the 8th house (researching occult knowledge such as astrology), you have found a way to activate Rahu in Aries and the planet Jupiter and the frontal lobes. I think Ernst mentioned the house that Rahu is in will be the doorway through which you enter into the rashi or helpful instigator of Rahu development in that rashi.

And you might want to try one of those light therapy lamps that shine a combination of red and near-infrared spectrum light at the eyes and forehead, as that has been shown to stimulate the frontal lobes. (I'm considering one of those, as my Jupiter and Mars are starved and mrita, and my Sun, Rahu's lord is in low digbala).

In fact, if the debilitated Sun, the rashi Aries containing Jupiter, and starved Mars are weak, then warm colors in general may be good to have around. Red, Magenta, Gold, etc.

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Now I am wondering about what planet rules the hippocampus.

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