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Would anyone care to share their experiences with transiting Neptune triggering their natal planets or Rahu-Ketu by square or opposition, especially since Neptune has been transiting in Pisces.

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Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3387
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For me when Neptune crossed my rahu in 2016 and 2017, it was a period of really letting go of the rahu house. Just pure letting it go and no different activity in the house. 

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When you say 'letting go of the Rahu house', do you mean not doing the Rahu house? So, doing more of the Ketu house?

Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3387
Joined: 12 years ago

By letting go of house, the need for that house just faded, so just less attention towards it. 

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@ernst Aloha Ernst, from this standpoint. I have stellium on my 3rd, 6 planets with Neptune on it.

Would that letting go factors other houses due to the massive planets in that house as well? 

It seems very complex if there is alot of planets in 1 house so I am very curious about the effect or what to do about it, unless it's dependent on something else that I do not know.

Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3387
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4 or more planets in a house, other than 1/9/10, are to much to each get expressed fully. The house just can't handle the job. In the end, this can create a renunciate quality of letting go of some things, or even all things. This is the basic Sanyas yoga in whichever house it may fall. d

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@ernst You just sum up in one simple go, as I have observed my life in each suffering, One prominent thing to say is to let go and just choose to be defeated. And weirdly, I am very wired as ENTJ, and Mars just want to kick me to do something back, but again, I have to let go.

But it's really hard when I have responsibilities in life (Financially and Supporting) if I can just live without being held to it, I probably have a good chance to be a monk. It sounds funny, but I have been thinking of this ever since I was 15 years old.

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I've got Sun, Mars, Venus, Uranus, Neptune in later degrees in 6th house. Also Pluto, Moon, Saturn in other houses. All of these planets are in pretty tight orbs with each other. Pluto just left my 6th house in Capricorn, currently having Neptune transiting my moon, it's pretty intense emotionally. I have to say that my life has been one enormous fight against all kinds of obstacles and crazy growth, which I'm grateful. I just purchased Ernst's membership for courses and I love what he said in one of the ''Outer planets in Vedic astrology'' video - ''do your best and let go of the rest'' 🙂

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