Planetary War and t...
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Planetary War and the effects on the house Lord

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Hello Everyone,

I have been studying with Ernst for about the last year. A beginner!

Can anyone help me in understanding planetry war in the fifth house/ Gemini and its possible effects on the house lord Mercury which is also there, in its own sign. Also, how much would this effect extend to the other sign/ Virgo that mercury rules. The planets involved are Jupiter 12:18, Mars 13:15 and Mercury 19:56. 

I underrstand the basic concept of planetary war and that in this case Jupiter gets a minus score of 130.3 and Mars gets a + of 130.3. I have been trying to understand what the possible effects are to the person and the overall chart.

I could say more but perhaps this is enough for now. 

This chart has been a focus for my study from the beginning, Sophie is my daughter and is 8 years old.



Sydney, Australia

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Hi @craig

Is she an Aquarius Lagna then?


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Hi Mirela

Yes she is.


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@Craig great thanks for clarifying.

Let me know if this is what you had in mind as well or if I am going in the right direction with answering....

For Aquarius Lagna, Mercury rules the 5th and the 8th. Being in the 5th in OH is a plus. The fact that he is with Jupiter is great as Jupiter is delighting Mercury. Being with Mars isn't bad because Mars is a neutral to Mercury.

I would next check what other Planetary aspects are there supporting Mercury, and I would check if Moon is taking some away from it. 

As far as Mars goes, he's delighted by Jupiter, Mercury is an enemy towards Mars and too close to him so that will put him in Great Enemy dignity I think. It's an action oriented strong willed Mars, due to ruling the 3rd and 10th, but frustrated because of Mercury rules...but Jupiter will go a long way to help even if he ends up with nothing and losing the war. The same, I would check what other friends help Mars, but we know he only has 1 enemy and it's with him already.

Jupiter in the 5th is great, he rules the 2nd and the 11th, so he's bound to manifest luck and wealth, but he's also bound to abruptly lose sometimes cause of the 8th. Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces can manifest strongly, so 2nd, 5th, 8th, and 11th houses can bring a lot when they do. 

Jupiter in Gemini with Mercury is putting him in Great Enemy dignity and that together with losing the war to Mars will hamper its ability to sustain its duties.

What I like is the fact that even Mercury is moving away from both Mars and Jupiter, versus applying to them, and also Mars is "running" away from Jupiter after he steals what Jupiter makes ....out of the 3 planets stacked in Gemini, MERCURY will fare the best (and the same with the things in its care), Mars will be next, and Jupiter falls on the 3rd spot. 

Are there any other Gentle planets doing Rasi Aspects by chance, that would go a long way.

And also, Sun is a friend to all 3 of these guys - so maybe if its a well dignified Sun that could help a lot.

I think Mercury will be able to steer successfully thru all the good and bad though. I'd have to look at the whole chart to assess further.

Let me know your thoughts...




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@mirelaThanks mirela for your interest and your thoughts.

So looking at dignities Mercury looks okay. Mercury does get a small aspect from the waning moon to 11 points, the moon also aspects Jupiter and Mars to 18 points. Mercury gets a boost from Saturn to 39 points. So I guess all looks good on that front. Also Mercury and Mars are ok in shadbala but not Jupiter which comes in at about 69% of required shadbala. Interestingly Venus which is in Leo and in bad dignity also has low shadbala about 78%. I am a bit stuck in my enquiry with Sophies chart. Sophie has a mild to moderate disability that expresses itself most obviously in her speech and her capacity to differentiate the world around her. I thought that mercury ruling speech and differentiation would have a major part to play  but maybe its more Jupiter and other aspects of he chart that I dont have any understanding of.

Sun is in Cancer and gets a little support from the moon but is being starved by Saturn to 57 points. Saturn is exalted in libra with Rahu.

I would love any other thoughts you might have or suggestions about what to study.



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@Craig thanks for sharing. Yes, you are right about Jupiter ruling the voice and Mercury is how we express ourselves. I can try to help a bit if you'd like me to take a look at her chart with medical astrology, but it won't be until June sometimes. I have an 8 year old niece so I understand your interest in finding answers and possible remedies for your daughter. Write me an email sometimes:

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@Craig thanks for sharing. Yes, you are right about Jupiter ruling the voice and Mercury is how we express ourselves. I can try to help a bit if you'd like me to take a look at her chart with medical astrology, but it won't be until June sometimes. I have an 8 year old niece so I understand your interest in finding answers and possible remedies for your daughter. Write me an email sometimes:

Ernst Wilhelm
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The main thing is that a planet who looses a war has a hard time manifesting his house, and that will be both houses. If he rasi aspects or joins one of the houses, he will still be able to manifest that house that he aspects. 

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@ernst Hi Ernst

Thanks for your response. 

So in Sophies case Jupiter Rasi aspects the fifth, seventh, and ninth rasi from Gemini, which is Libra, sagitarius ( one of jupiters houses ) and Aquarius but not Pisces ( the other of Jupiters houses ) which is the tenth rasi from Jupiters position in Gemini. Sophies 2nd bhava cusp is in Pisces and her 11th bhava cusp in Sagitarius. Does Rasi- Subha/Ishta/Dig to Bhava chalita cusps tell us anything here or is it just about the rasi. Im more than a bit unclear.


Ernst Wilhelm
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no, when in a dual sign, a planet aspects all the other dual signs. so jupiter in gemini will aspect virgo, sag, and pisces. 

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@ernstGreat, Thanks, thats clear.

Ill keep studying, Im really enjoying and getting alot from this.

Ernst, is there any direction that you might point me in, in understanding Sophies developmental delays.

Ernst Wilhelm
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no, when in a dual sign, a planet aspects all the other dual signs. so jupiter in gemini will aspect virgo, sag, and pisces. 

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