Planetary War and t...
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Planetary War and the effects on the house Lord

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Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

For any developmental issues start with the Moon and then examine mercury as well. ALso, be aware, there may not be any developmental issues but the child may just be on a different track and so be misunderstood. 

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Sophie is on a different track, and we love the track she is on. She s an amazing and beautiful kid. She has a unusual and rare condition known as CHD3, a particular genetic deletion ( or mutation ) which results in a whole string of outcomes including severe speech delays, low muscle tone as well as visual impairments and particular physical features. My questions about Sophies chart are coming more from my love of astrology rather than trying to get answers of any kind. Yet, any understanding that might come will, hopefully, help me respond in the best way I can and possibly be of help. I am also interested in any remedial suggestions that astrology would offer.

Ill see what I can do looking at the Moon and Mercury. The difficulty with speech was why I had the question about the Mars, jupiter war in Gemini, with Mercury there as well.

With thanks



Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

I see, sorry to hear that. For genetic disorders always examine venus and the first house. Venus is the genes and the first house is what we are born with. 

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Thanks for that.

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Hi Ernst,

I have fraternal twins born one minute apart according to their birth certificate.

The older twin was born with profound hearing loss, due to inheriting a hearing loss recessive gene from both me and my wife who are carriers of that gene. He was given bilateral cochlear implants when he was one year old. The younger twin is also just a carrier, just like me and my wife.

They are seven and half years old now, and the older twin is doing very well with his hearing/speech. He is in general education and has pretty much a very normal lifestyle.

My question is, both of them have the same D1. How to explain why only the older twin was born with profound hearing loss?  Both have Aquarius ascendant, Saturn/Rahu conjunction in Scorpio (9th cusp), Sun/Venus conjunction in Capricorn (12th cusp). Sun is barely at 0 degree because they were born on the morning Sun entered Capricorn (Dec 21).  Both have Venus as their atmakaraka.

Can you please clarify, with the same D1, where to look for this difference in their hearing abilities? The answer to this may also help us examine singleton (non-twin) charts in more detail.



Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

Twins show us how sloppy of astrologers we are and that anything concrete we get correct from the Rasi is due to luck and intuition. Astrologically, its about ALL the vargas. Check which vargas are there and how certain planets will move from good to bad bhavas and you will find the explanation there. 

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@ernst you're funny in the way you say it...and absolutely right of course!

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Actually one of the first things I did after taking the Parivartana Yogas course was to look for these yogas in the vargas of my twins charts.  For my older twin (who was born with hearing loss), he has a 6th and 3rd interchange  in D30, and for the younger twin it changes into 2nd and 5th interchange. The interchange is between Aquarius (has Venus) and Taurus (has Saturn and Mercury).

I interpreted that 6th and 3rd may indicate hearing related issues because 3rd  house rules hearing.  So, yes, I could see this difference in the charts of my twins born one minute apart.

As you pointed out, it is clear that D1 may not be sufficient, and we need to examine all the vargas.

Additionally, what aspect of personality is indicated by the ascendant lord of D30? My twins have different D30 asc lords, so I was wondering how that is contributing to their personality differences.




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