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Some serial killers charts could be "false"

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This week I have been looking at various murder documentaries in France made by a very good investigator that was fired from official TV. He made a channel on youtube with a lot of video on unsolved murder in France. I was trying to find famous pedophile in France to get a good database of charts. But I realized one thing, those documentaries includes murders I have never heard of before, with killing spree being on par with the most notorious serial in the USA. I have search 5 years ago the most known killer worldwide, I spent at least a month on it, but I didn’t find those serial killers at the time or there weren’t enough articles talking about them.

After watching a lot of those documentaries I realized the French government seems to hide those serial killer, the policed in most case aren’t working to catch the killer or do the minimum so to avoid media coverage. On French TV most documentaries on serial killer are from the USA, translated documentaries, with almost nothing on the French territories.

In this new documentaries I watch we see clearly see the French press purposefully overemphasising some crime while forgetting some on purpose even if by gravity those crime should make headline for months. This may actually compromise our research on astrology if the story we have been told aren't accurate or completely false.

I started to asked myself if those birth chart from serial killer in France or the USA are correct, if their story are real and not made up by the media to influence us or their crimes are exaggerated. This would explain why in some charts we don’t really see a serial killer in their charts but maybe just an actor, if their birth data are real, maybe it’s just plain fake birthdata though I think their birthdata may actually be real or half working because it’s like a varshaphala chart. At best it's like doing an actor astrology based on the movies they made.

I stumble upon some well made articles which analyses Ted Bundy, and Charles Manson murders, and according to those articles those murder are made to influence the mass by the government agencies. This would explain why Ted Bundy escaped so easily  and why his story or lack of story from his family are blurred with very few details.

I remember Ernst having a hard time in some video on Charle Manson chart, what do you think of all that? What if those people are not serial killers but actors? Do we see Sharon tate death in her chart for example? I don’t know how to verify that yet.


Here are those articles :



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As for Charles Manson there is a video about a brit who was doing 30 years or more of jailtime in the States and got to know Charles Manson. He was not impressed. He thinks Manson wasn´t behind the murder, but rather the other guy in the "family" whose name I don´t remember, and that the Manson we know about was more like a made up persona.

This is the guy, I think he speaks about it in this video:



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@staffan The whole thing even said in the official report doesn't make him as bad they show it in the media, in the official report at first he didn't kill anyone himself but in their press he was already the most monstrous thing ever known to mankind. While I was young looking at those murders documentaries from the USA I was kind of scared of the USA. And it's exactly what the government used that story for.

And Ted Bundy story now seems ridiculous knowing that the government seems to have at least exaggerated the story.  I read the story once in a book from the lawyer that defended him, that guy as lawyer didn't understand how the cop could have let him go so easily. And he certainly believed it himself. It seems the government let him go on purpose. But now thinking about it maybe that lawyer is working for the government too because a lawyer doesn't have the right to tell the story but he did, supposedly he said it was because Ted is special, what was special maybe is that Ted is an actor working for the US government. So many times the law wasn't respected in that case, making it hard to not think they protected those supposed killers.

To think that they would go this far to scare us. I heard from one of my hypnotist teacher that when the jaw movie came out in the USA people got so scared from it they would became psychotic from it, they would imagine the whole thing in their mind. It's incredible the number of things the US government did to their citizen.

In one documentary I watch yesterday 10 lawyers working for French politicians   prevented 15 kid sexually assaulted to get justice for them, they even paid the 10 rapist parents 300 000 to 600 000euros because supposedly they were wrongly accused. The media protected the rapist so much with false report that everyone thought the rapist were really innocent. They had irrefutable proof against the rapist, almost every story matched from the kids that were very young, making it unthinkable that the rapist would be set free. The french justice was almost completely corrupt, some that was supposed to be neutral on the case got attacked by the media because they would just work normally as they are used to do. Some law people didn't even have the right to talk and explain their point of view. They prevented the kids from talking by scaring them when asked something. Nothing in that case was normal. I guess the US government is capable of the same thing than the french or worse. It would be interesting to have the muhurta chart from this case.

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@lorris Yeah... Personally I try to stay away from that kind of worldly speculation. I can´t deny that I often get trapped in it, but my spread clearly says: "Don´t mind the world!(9C on the 7th position.) I´m very happy about that, I feel that I´m free from trying to understand politics and similar stuff. Great relief! 🙂 I guess that when we die we are going to see how it all looked from behind the illusion that the struggle to hard to held up before us. Whether this worlds´mighty people or the spirits I couldn´t say. Perhaps both.


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I like I understand everything, every field, I have periods I cool off because it's hard to go through all that without being influenced by their attitude.

Here though it goes beyond politics because a lot of astrology research is done with those birth chart. A lot of astrologers have done video on them to understand why they are serial killers and not normal people. I must have spent hundred if not thousands of hours looking at chart like Charles Manson. Those are supposed to be the most reliable source because they are supposed to be in the top tier serial killer. So you would expect charts that reflect that. Manson chart is quite trashed but some actors in Hollywood have trashed chart like that too. But one could argue maybe some of those Hollywood actors could be serial killers too.

But what if Manson and Ted bundy are not serial killers? we are wasting our time trying to understand something that is impossible to understand since we don't have reliable data.

Let's say Ernst tried to understand a pattern through this charts and he failed but he didn't understood why at the time.

Here is a video of Susan Atkins, one of Manson's girls, who killed for Manson:

I'm quite good at detecting someone lying and this person doesn't seem to be living much emotional experience while she talks about the murders. There is not much emotions in her words and she takes long pause to answer questions, she has a very hard time giving up details about the story, she was already judged for it so why she takes so much time to answer. She seems to be lying to me, and Manson interviews are similar, he takes too much time to answer questions. But what this guy wrote in those pdf I linked before are hundreds of red flags in those story, they doesn't add up at all.

I still need to confirm all those new information because I just discovered them last week but it seems quite convincing to me right now.

I may have answered my own question 5 years ago when I ask how to find a serial killer in a chart like Manson and others. And the answer might be " well, Lorris you can't do that, because they are not serial killer, they are actors"

Ernst Wilhelm
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One can never be certain if the chart is correct, there could be a birth time, or even date issue. But with handwriting analysis these murderous tendencies are more readily visible and bundy's handwriting is very clear, so is dahlmer's. I have not seen Manson's 

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I agree one cannot be certain, but now I would be even more suspicious or only relying on chart that I seen the event myself. So that would mean I need to know some serial killers ???? 

I have studied a lot of handwriting before astrology, yeah it's easier to see the pattern for serial killers. though I also remember according to one professional in a book she said some are harder to see. According to her some criminals draw instead of writing, and the only way to spot them is that they draw instead of writing. Those who have some almost perfect handwriting, they draw they don't write. My ex girlfriend is like that, I couldn't see much in her handwriting.


One of my suspicion  is who took the sample of handwriting, and we don't have handwriting for everyone. And also one could be a murderer but not the one mentioned in the press. If we believe the guy who wrote those pdf above he says that some murder were real but not all of them. If the charts or handwriting we have are from CIA agents they probably killed a few guys in their life, and if they lie as a living their charts are probably trashed, and their handwriting too.

I will have to look at all the data again knowing that now, and maybe read again those handwriting books.

I just looked again, Ted Bundy handwriting was quite obvious, with the first letter sliding down backward


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