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Some serial killers charts could be "false"

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Manson handwriting just reinforce my conviction right now. He is supposed to be someone who had big sexual urge, those lower loops aren't big enough to reflect that. They go backward though, but is that enough to reflect someone like that? I'm not sure.

Ernst Wilhelm
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And Dahmler's handwrting is a lot scarier than his chart at first glance. 

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I one of you PAC videos you mentioned how one can't keep their child mind repressed, it will never stop and will find a way to get its needs met. As an example you said Dahmer's child mind was trying to find connection through the crazy things he did. 

I just don't understand where the pain is in his chart. The child mind is unusually healthy, and it's a great chart overall. Why was Dahmer so crazy?

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@brightsun Probably that 3rd lord deb and hurt by Saturn, on top of that it's happening in the 4th house, Jupiter is super weak, it's also lord of the 6th his ketu. 

There is that yoga from the mental illness in kala: "The Moon with a malefic and Rahu in the 12th, 5th, or 8th indicates that one will be liable to insanity of a raging kind and will develop a tendency to quarrel."

Me too I ask myself this question and I don't think I would have said he is a criminal with that chart. 

In his Navamsa there is exchange between the 4th and 9th, maybe this doesn't help as his 4th house is hurt badly in both the Navamsa and D1. But that's not part of the course.

My best guess it that the 6th and 3rd could be more important than we may think based on the mental illness yoga. There is a lot of yoga of mental illness that involve the 3rd in the 6th or 8th, and I have seen those been quite acurate, more than I thought until Ernst made that video. 


There is also the peak yoga: 

Kuta “peak” Yoga: All planets in all 7 houses commencing from the
4th house.
Nabhasa Yogas 26
“One born in Kuta Yoga is a liar, crafty, cruel, a mediator, wicked, and poor.
One will head a jail, and lives in and frequents hills and fortresses. Living in woods
and hills, one is a wrestler, loves the tribal people, is devoid of the knowledge of what
is worth doing and what is not, practices deceit or gives false witness, and
manufactures and sells imitation goods.”
“Kuta” means any summit, such as a mountain peak, but it also
means a concealed weapon, a deer trap, fraud, illusion, tricks, and
falsehood. It is these latter meanings that seem appropriate to the
results of this yoga. Natives with this yoga have their actions very
much influenced by their imaginations and emotions. Their actions
are further conditioned by their needs, not by any sense of code or
conduct. Their actions are not necessarily selfish, only need centered,
meaning the goal is to fulfill a need, and not to do


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Which one, it seems he has 2 different handwriting, that is suspicious to say the least. In his first it's hard to see where it's coming from. In the 2nd a lot less.

The fact there is 2 handwriting in my opinion is because he was trying to hide who he really was or one of them is not his handwriting. The 3rd option is that there is 2 people pretending to be him. On the Manson case if you analyze his photography or video in jail you can notice that his face change so much that you could say it's not the same person being interviewed or photographed. I'm not a specialist at analyzing pictures though so I could be wrong.

Look at page 76 in that pdf


Ernst Wilhelm
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people write differently at different times of their lives. Also, Dahmer was different than most other serial killers as he was an alcoholic, always drinking. People who knew him said if he had not been driking he would never have done what he did. Looking at his chart, I agree with that. So his handwriting during times of drinking would be different than during other times. David Berkowitz's  handwriting was supposedly very different during the year and a half he was killing. Just as the dasas bring up different energies in us, that energy will be shown in the handwriting at that time. 

The year I got met Srishti and got married, my handwriting got more rounded, and my Moon is the Darakaraka, the spouse and the moon is round. I also started putting more salt, Moon, on my food and Sristhi's name is a moon sound name as it starts with S. So all this moon stuff was reflected in my handwriting. 

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 I agree handwriting change but that's a lot of change here, a lot of letters are different. I don't think I have seen so much change from my experience but maybe I didn't pay attention before.

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