Akriti yogas are really important I believe.
I have a tough chart with no planets with really good DigBala for example. DB Saturn and shamed Jupiter. Toasted Mercury. Yet most things have in some miraculous way worked out for me and I dare to say that I have lived a "bigger" life than most people I know. Both Moon and Asc in Vargottama may be part of the explanation, but also - perhaps - my chakra (akriti) yoga. I think I owe a lot to it. (Besides that I have a Sara yoga, but let´s not go into that.)
I read a chart today with a woman with Ma/Ju/Sa/Ra in her 7th. She also had very good things in her chart, but come on... She still seemed balanced and content. Because of her Samudra yoga, perhaps?
I just checked my wives akritis yesterday. So fun to see that she has a Ardha Shandra yoga from the 9th to the third. With Jupiter in the 9th, and yes, she´s from another planet, spiritually she´s next level. Broad vision, for sure. And ends with Mercury in the 3rd, and there I find her, sitting by the kitchen table labeling bottles of herbal extracts that she has prepared. Spot on, just how a Ardha Shandra yoga is supposed to work!
Akriti plays a great role indeed to withstand the purgative effects of bad LAs. What akriti we can expect for great saints and avatars? If that is the case, then those must be some extremely rare akritis because the true saints are extremely rare.
In my opinion, I don't think you can 'measure' somebody's state of consciousness by looking at a static horoscope. That requires intuitive perception.
I think that 12th from AK/Pada/UPA definitely has some say on the level of consciousness, that's why Jaimini says ketu there is an indication of liberation, exaltation and benefics are good to have