Saturn's Opposite S...
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Saturn's Opposite Sign

2 Posts
2 Users
Posts: 635
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In the Outer Planets course, you mention a natural harmonizing of the outer planets comes when developing/working on the opposite sign. Can we apply the same concept to Saturn? In that a way to harmonize Saturn's difficulties would be in developing the opposite sign? Basically working with the axis here. 

Also, this brings to mind that any sign with poor planetary avasthas in it. Could that sign be harmonized by working on the avasthas of the sign opposite (or the lord of that sign)? 





1 Reply
Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

No, this does not apply to Saturn. Saturn aspects the 7th from himself with full strength and so he is also in a completion phase with that house. Opposites at the extremes are the same, that is wh y all planets aspect the 7th fully. So as a person finishes up saturn in the sign it's in, there is no need to continue with the sign opposite saturn either. 

With respect to avasthas, as a person uses the sign well that holds good avasthas, the opposite sign also gets used well. So opposites are always reflecting each other so yes, we can say, use this opposite sign better, as well.   
