Yes, akriti yogas are important. Also, sanyasi yogas. Here we have moon with saturn aspected by Mars and that motivated him to just do the work and get finished with the pain. He also has Yogakaraka in l agna and its with Sun who is a neutral planet and so takes on the sharing of the raja yoga.
I also believe that sometimes being an enlightened or a saint may be operating outside of the chart. Beating the odds. Remember Yoganando chose the worst moment, astrologically, for to initiate projects, just to prove to himself and others that he did not depend on what the stars dictated.
@amit As an illustration of how holyness is often reached only after a sinful life and a drastic conversion, life presented Tolstoy´s short story "The Godson" to me.
My God, Tolstoy must have be the best writer that has ever lived! If one is into self-development as a spiritual path.
I used to read a lot when young and later in life lost the appetite. I don´t think I read more than one book a year, or so. But now, that I´ve found my way back to Tolstoy, we´ll see what happens.
He had Saturn in conjunction with Venus in his second house - again, if the birthhime is correct. But it seems quite possible, since it puts Jupiter in the 5th and gives him a Yupa, the sacrificial pillar, akriti yoga.
Saturn in DK, and it´s with Mars in the Navamsa.
Having Rahu in the 4th house in Libra can´t have been helpul neither.
Nor the agitated Moon or Saturn starved Moon. And unsurprisingly Saturn is starved too, by the Sun as well as by Mars.
Sept 9 1828, 22.52, Tula
Yes, a moksha path (if that´s the vedic word for it; I´m mostly unfamiliar with the tradition) is often hard to combine with marriage, of course. It was now many years since I saw the movie about his last time in life, "The last station", but as I remember it that inner struggle of him - and of his wife, to cope with it - was quite well depicted. I didn´t know the details you are providing though.