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Omen Foretelling a Historic Moment involving Martial Law, Blacks, and Police

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This giant tree at the historic black college of Hampton University suddenly fell down one day. That day was April 2nd.

At the time my friend and I were puzzled by this. We were studying omens at the time. We tried to connect it to the coronavirus but failed. Here's what we knew.

It fell on the cross-streets of Marshall Ave and Huntington Rd. It fell nearby the campus museum. The building in the background with the clocktower is Hampton University Memorial Chapel. The tree fell and blocked Marshall Ave. It fell to the... South. Slightly to the east as well. In the picture you also see a police car!

At the time the misspelling of Martial Law as "Marshall Law" had trended on twitter. We made the connection something historic was going to happen involving martial law and blacks. The start of another race war?

The tree was vibrant and healthy looking. So it was such a surprise that it toppled over. What was discovered was despite how good the tree looked above ground, the roots were all rotted. In terrible shape. Underlying root causes/issues were going to cause a downfall.

We haven't found the significance of Huntington Rd, the directions it fell or the time on the clocktower. This whole omen, however, is just too cool not to share. It's amazing the ways the Universe will send us messages.

9 Replies
Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

wow, that is an omen!

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...... oh MY GOD. The building in the background of the picture! The building with the clocktower??? It's called Hampton University Memorial Chapel. MEMORIAL Chapel! Floyd was killed on Memorial Day!

Oh my god!!!!!

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A powerful omen indeed.


Would do you think about the direction? South... Is it going southwards? Minneapolis is north...


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