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Omen Foretelling a Historic Moment involving Martial Law, Blacks, and Police

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Ernst, I wish we could've heard more about the riots in Minneapolis from astrologers.  Astrologers had been building up to 2020 for all of last year, and the George Floyd thing seemed to be quite the eruption.  There was a lot of silence from the astrology community on the topic, although maybe I wasn't on the right channels or watching the right videos, so I could be wrong, but I'm still curious.  I know in your book you say black people are ruled by Saturn- so the fact that Saturn, Ketu, and Pluto met up in January and are now separating, is that significant for some kind of gains toward better equality for them this year?  George Floyd has more or less faded from the headlines, but I know black people are still asking for action from white people- is that going to happen?  And based on planetary positions this year, is there anything white people can do that will have the greatest effect?

Ernst Wilhelm
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I have not looked at past events for different races to see how the planets impact racial events. Its something that should be researched and which would not be hard to do for someone who wants to take a bit of time on it. 

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@ernst oh I didn't realize you responded.  I'm not saying look at past events, I'm saying look at this eruption that's happening right before our eyes right now.  The riots have been quite captivating, compelling, heart-rending, haven't they?  And divisive as hell.  Isn't that interesting?

I also had a thought. At BLM protests in Canada, there has been a shout-out to indigenous peoples' struggle in society as well, but I think in Canada, indigenous people have something huge going on with *Neptune*.  When white people work on joint task forces with indigenous people, issues of *trust*are prevalent.  On both sides of the equation.  The Canadian government has long neglected provided safe drinking *water* to reservations.  When indigenous people are lifted up in society, it's most often because of their *spirituality* and *art*.  Furthermore, it has long been known that indigenous women are the most likely demographic to *disappear*, ie. Go missing, and the government doesn't prioritize lookingfor them.  If white people want a better relationship with indigenous people, we need to take better care of our country's chart's Neptune.

Leah T
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@field I believe that Ernst does address this in two youtube video's perhaps not as specifically as you might be asking for.  I will add the two links below if you have not already seen them, re:2020 and the eclipses, mind you Ernst does not FOCUS on Mundane Astrology.  Let's realize that events affect each of us differently, based on many factors such as the houses, and Dasas, aspects and maturation of the planets at play. So how I view the unfolding events are likely very very different as another astrologer, based on our karma's, charts and flaws/personal bias. 

If we are referencing Neptune, what does that mean to you? Is it about doing the real work you were meant to do (Dharma), is it about expecting a higher authority to right a wrong, or maybe it's seeing through the mist or fog around a complicated and intricate issue?  If you are being called to pay a debt what is the action, you should take?  In one of the video's Ernst references some deception or delusion at play, as well as many impasses or arguments. Those words might be mine, but that is what I took from them.  That means to me, everything is not as it seems, so I must go within and ask myself the tough questions.  I cannot demand that society or the events outside of me to change for me, I must look at my own reflection and know what I am to do, if anything.  History tells us that so much of the time when we rush to be on the "right side of history" we choose incorrectly. Hitler, Marx, Mao and more all came to RIGHT what was WRONG and it seemed they were doing that, until they weren't.  I've learned one thing for sure on my journey, I cannot truly know what the motivations of ONE person is, much less a movement that seems to have many factions. And when I research the actual Organization that is BLM, it's founders do not hold my core values.  In a riot that will cause violence against it's own people or to anyone who dare, suggest "All Lives Matter", which to me is as benign as the statement "Co-Exist" which has been uttered for years. How am I to believe they are aiming for something better, I have to see what is the reality unfolding.

I was born and raised in the USA. As far as the "white people", if you were to meet me, you would view my skin tone as "white" and I suppose I have more European descent than Native American, but I have a significant amount of indigenous "blood", and my children have more due to there father being 1/4 Ojibwa.  Our linage is very traceable, and dna verified.  What does that mean really?  Some of my ancestors suffered a great injustice, not that far back. My Grandfather was a share cropper and picked cotton along side people of every color. My ex's Grandfather was taken from his family and raised in an orphanage on a reservation. I was NOT raised privileged and I do not believe that I am, if I were to assume that I am "privileged" , wouldn't that mean that I think that someone else is less than I am?  Since I do not think that there is a man or a woman of any race that is "more" than I am, how can I think that I AM MORE?  I am NOT more, but I am willing to allow anyone the opportunity to merit the rewards of a full life, and to understand whatever challenges that they might face.  That pursuit requires that all people honor and respect each other, without assuming they know something about them because of the color of their skin, or the karmic wounds they came here to heal. If the world is ANGRY that is about the inner self and not the outer world.  For me that is an inner journey, for another person it might be a much more concrete action such as Mother Teresa or Gandhi. 

As I write these words, I am surely well acquainted with Saturn, Pluto and Neptune. My Lagna Lord, Moon is at 26.45 Capricorn, natal Saturn is at 15 Pisces.  Feel free to reference current transits, should you have any questions to understand my acquaintance with the a aforementioned planets. I am in my Saturn Dasa and nearing the last third of a Sade Sati, at the close of that I will begin my 2nd Saturn return.  The ride has not really been that dramatic, but most recent events are asking me for careful self reflection.  My Father turned 87 on June 21st, eclipse exact on his Sun, last week after experiencing symptoms he was diagnosed with Covid-19. I have recently had multiple incidents with my feet, 9 days ago I bruised my heel.  Since feet are something we stand on, one could say the Omen is "under-standing" - OK I've got it, now I need to understand something.  I live in Florida and we are expecting a mild hurricane tomorrow, we will likely not sustain much damage.  But storms rage outside, while you go within and try to understand - WHY....  Perhaps I will emerge with some new way of seeing things or just discover that is now a lot more work to do.

Just my random thoughts. Leah

Video links below.

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Hi Leah, I'm sorry to hear about your dad, I hope he recovers alright.  

In regards to black lives matter, I'm curious where the tension lies.  That's what we do in our meditation school- when something irks us, we do a kind of vipassana and inquire into the tension in our bodies around it.  My dad also thinks like you, so I've had to do my own inquiry lately.  It's a ton of work, not easy at all.

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