Three Leaf Clover
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Three Leaf Clover

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Now that I reflect upon it further, it seems to me that Clover must be Spades.

Clubs would be more about letting your inspirations flow, like the leaves break away, flow, and fall.

3 of clubs then would be flying apart and flowing with your ideas (like a leaf allow the intellectual airs lead you to the next idea), while 3 of spades would be flying apart and sowing the seeds of new ideas 

Clover by shape seems more like either Hearts or Spades.

I welcome any Cards of Truth students and practitioner to explain.

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Well, as I said: Omens are personal, this was a message for you and for you only. As I said: for me it would clearly be a club message, since that suit in my language - Swedish - and I think also in several other languages, are called Clover. And I wouldn´t see it as a Three of Clover, but as an Ace. Of course it has a three vibration within it, as you can tell by the three-divided leaf, as it´s the third suit, but it´s still an Ace and the concrete meaning would be along that line, for example "overcoming depression" - from you expression of how full of life it was etc, it seems plausable to me that that was the message.

Now, if you rather feels it´s a small little tree (Spades), well, then it´s an Ace of Spades I guess. Personally I can´t see it as a three of Spades, just because the leaf is three-fold. An Ace of Spades it would have to be. But if you look at the Ace of Clubs you will see that it is identical; I think it´s an Ace of Club. But again: The message is for you, not for me.


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I correct myself; if it´s a Spade, it´s a Three of Spades of course. But that´s a card about stress, hardship, the need to grow really fast to get to a safer place in life. Is that really the sensation that you received from what you saw? It´s not the impression I get. I think it was a harmonious, positive message.



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I am associating the clover with 3♣︎, but that is just my personal perception based on how my intuition goes about it... the clover can mean different things to different people 🙂


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"But that's a card about stress, hardship, the need to grow really fast to get to a safer place in life."

That seems accurate for what I was experiencing recently in the past one week or so.

But now, I would say the I have been working hard but in an inspired and joyous way, eustressed (positive stress) rather than stressed, and but there is definitely some sort of a exertion involved, which is generally a part of my life-path, which I enjoy, it is part of my message (how life expresses through me).

I feel it is Ace of Spades and Three of Spades and Three of Clubs, the meaning we associate with an Omen is the direct reflection of the psyche. As you said Omens are personal. The synchronistic implications such as what the person was thinking when they noticed the Omen, etc, must always be considered.

Still waters can reflect the same object in a different way than the invigorated waters or the dirty waters.

It was third of spades to me when I first encountered it. That is the first meaning I associated with it.
Then it became Ace of Spades.
And now, that I perceive it as Three of Clubs.

So, to both, Mirela and Mattias, would this conversation entering your psyche be an Omen for you? Would the meanings you associate with it reflect something about your own lives?

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 I see 3♣︎ it as a wonderful expanding energy, and of course moving away from the ideas that don't work, thinking more independently. So it is ultimately your call how you wish to interpret "the clover" and how it integrates well with your life and recent events...3♣︎ is about doing and not about looking for validation. I think even this thread where multiple ideas come along bringing different perspectives is a 3♣︎ example...Now if you don't see is as a "clover omen", it means that for you, it is not 🙂

In the "practical meanings of cards", some key words Ernst suggests for 3♣︎ :

"Big start of business, Business collaboration, Energy for growth, Expanding opportunities, Growing of all types of things,Growth & development, Growth of hair/nails, Self-education, Teams, Tests, Useful information"

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