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This is a fun one, I hope.

I visited the States some months ago and accepted being vaccinated due to the fact that the persons in who´s house I was staying expected it from me. Stupid of me without doubt, but it was given to me in a native American health care center; that´s my way of praying and when I saw the Eagle details on the building I decided that it should mean that I was protected. So I accepted the vaccine.

Now a couple of days ago a vaccine sceptical movie reached me; I saw it and I felt I had made a mistake letting into my body. In the same moment a message reached me on whatsapp; a girl teasing me saying that I´m Rasputin incarnated (for having a beard, what did you think?). I later thought about what it meant in the context where it reached be; Rasputin was incredibly hard to kill; they poisened him, they shot him, then they shot him again in the head at short distance and then drowned him in the river. Death cause: Drowning! So... Die hard, to say the least. So I feel that I have nothing to fear from the vaccine...

And then yesterday when I told the cab driver about the eagle omen related to the vaccine,  we drove by a bar with a sign for the Mexican beer Tecate lager. It´s symbol: an eagle.


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Well, just to be on the safe side...don't get the booster


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@valen No chance, if I can avoid it. ???? 


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@meyes That's so cool though, Rasputin.  Can I see your chart?   If you have a well placed venus, i'm guessing you could overcome anything, right?  I know someone who has venus in their 12th house in Capricorn and nothing seems to bring him down...he also has Ketu with the moon in pisces, so maybe he just keeps all his suffering to himself though.  ???? ????

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@valen Sure, why not? December 13 1968, Vaxjo, Sweden, 15.42.50 (estimated time). A good Venus, yes. My 12th house is Taurus, gemini risings often don´t need much from the world, right?



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@meyes I didn't know that about Gemini. but makes sense if that's true because my Moon is there.  I can relate to that.

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@valen I´m not sure, and I also have an austere Venus in Aquarius, but I have an easy time fasting for example.

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I had appointments that I made myself to get the vaccine so that I could travel Asia more easily, I cancelled both of them because I had a bad feeling just before. The main thing was, I didn't really want to get it, its just that I could avoid an expensive quarantine at a hotel $1700.00 for two weeks, and instead just go straight to an Air BnB at $300 for a whole month in Thailand.    

Now, it is announced that starting October 30th, I will not be able to leave Canada without being vaccinated. Also, we are not allowed to go to the gym without the vaccine, but we don't need the vaccine to go to McDonalds, lol.  I was considering the vaccine before just to make things easier for Asia, but now that I "have" to get it, it feels weird to me. 

Most of the people here are already vaccinated in order for them to keep their jobs, so not too many people are making a big stink about the new control rules as it doesn't affect them. It's not even about pro-vax/anti-vax at this point, things are becoming very Orwellian, and that is the issue that it seems a lot of people are overlooking, which to me, is concerning.  

That said, none of the people I know who have had the vaccine have died. 

Can I sell all my stuff and leave the country before the 30th? That's really not a lot of time. Do I just get the vaccine to make things easier? I just don't know... 


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@codydeboer I have a friend who is in a similar predicament. She is someone who loves to travel and pre-pandemic, I barely saw her because she was always on a trip. But now she hasn't been able to travel anymore and she doesn't believe in the vaccine because she believes: "It's my body, my choice." and "I'm not injecting poison in to my body when I have a perfectly functioning immune system." So this whole period has been really hard on her too. I believe she has done some travelling within Canada but hasn't left the country other than that.

P.S- She has Sun + Mercury in Leo in her 12th house, for anyone who's curious.

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@kam Yes, its put me in a position where I have been doing a lot of research on the virus and vaccine, in case I take it, or there was the question of, do I really need it? These are things I normally wouldn't really want to look into. I mean... I would much rather work on my goals and stuff, lol.

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Travel is a part of my life even though I do not desire it, and it always comes about last minute without any heads-up. The stage I am going through is about giving up control and wanting peace in a world that is full of chaos. The chaos in the outer world filters into my inner world throwing it into chaos, so maintaining that inner peace becomes doubly important.

Recently, someone close to me advised more than once about taking the jab in relation to travel. I had put off taking the vaccine for over a year because I did not feel I needed to, but this time it filtered through.

I came to a place in my mind where I figured - I don’t mind spending time in quarantine but for the first time since I was 15 years old, I have not had the energy to earn a living for the past 4 years (Pluto transit opposite my debilitated Mars has been spent in keeping me alive!); I am not destitute, but I need to be careful with money if travel lights up in the chart; If it’s written in the stars, then I cannot run away from taking the jab, whether I want to take it or not; If I fall sick after taking the jab, then it is also what was meant to happen; If I die after taking the jab, then my time has been up and it is time to go.

I am sure there are many other angles that I did not see, but that was the place where I was at that time.

After coming to that calm place of acceptance, a quick search on Google revealed as many positive opinions as negative, so that was not helpful. But it was also good, because that meant I was in neutral and not biased either way. If I was, then I would have seen more of the same towards which I am biased, because ‘like attracts like’.

Then I started feeling as to what’s the best way to go forward. ‘Feeling’ being the important word here, not ‘thinking’. I called a couple of clinics near me. One had a vaccine that I could have right away, the other one had a vaccine that I would have to go on a wait list for. I felt it’s better to wait, and it’s a good thing I did. A few other things transpired health-wise in the meantime, so I became aware of them before taking the jab.

Just before and during the first jab, I focused upon calming my mind and my body, to accept the intrusion. One can call it readying the body for a counter-attack. We were asked to wait in the reception for 15-20 minutes after the jab, and again I focused on calming my mind and body, trusting the body’s intuition to fight against what was harmful.

I had my second shot a few days ago, but I was distracted this time. It transpired that I also went for acupuncture for unrelated reasons on the same day. Basically, it became a needle day. Perhaps, that will counteract any averse reactions.

Whew! Did I have to write all that? ???? I guess everyone’s situations are different and perhaps not everything can be looked at from a black and white perspective. But it is also a good way to figure out how strong our boundaries are.

Coming back to the point - how desperate are you to travel? Is it an inwardly feeling that travel is on the horizon? If not, can you wait, especially since you had a bad feeling about it? But, is the bad feeling your own bad feeling or taken on from others? Are you feeling your way through this, or thinking your way through it? I don’t know if one is able to find out if one will take a jab from the chart. But, I have definitely found that calming the mind and keeping fear away helps things come together in a cohesive way. Otherwise, fear feeds upon fear and creates more problems.

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@manisha Yahoo, needle day! How are you feeling after the 2nd shot? 

I am not necessarily desperate to travel no, it was more so that my income has been tightened, Vancouver is becoming more expensive, and South East Asia is far more affordable for me right now. Not only that, but my landlord told me she is looking to sell my place, so I do feel its eventually on the horizon, its been something I have been slowly working towards (my adventurous dream) for some time, so I can wait yes, I just want to be prepared for if the places sells, that way instead of moving to another Vancouver place, I just go and travel.    

And yes, regarding the vaccine that bad feeling was more of a "I really just don't want to do this", even beyond all statistics and opinions of both sides. If there comes a point when I feel smooth about it, and I feel that it will be worth it, then it will make sense. I am still uncertain if that day will come, I am not really sure. 

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The day after the second shot, I was a bit tired and had a nap and took couple of Panadols as I was feeling slightly feverish. But as I mentioned, I was distracted that morning and didn’t calm my mind and body down as much as I should have. But other than that, and maybe couple of days feeling spaced out, everything is normal.

I had that feeling of “I really just don’t want to do this” too, and I held off for over a year. But this time, it felt like the time is right, so I did. Nothing out of fear or any pressure from anyone, with either decision.

Take it as it comes.

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@manisha @codydeboer I had the vaccine as well and barely had any side effects (as in a mild headache and a bit tired). 99% of the people I know + those living around me have had the vaccine as well and we are all doing just fine. Besides the fact that a lot of my friends/neighbors are smart cookies working in the medical industry, my oracle cards and akashic records said it was safe for me to do it (it was hard not to check that out ????). I didn't necessarily want to get the vaccine either at first, but when I see my husband cancelling his business trip to Romania because of the health situation there, their hospitals being overwhelmed and sending patients to Hungary, not to mention the side effects that are developing in someone I know who got Covid (unknown fungus in the lungs), not to mention my friend who lost her husband, anyway: I have zero regret!

Ernst Wilhelm
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are you sure that you can't leave canada without vaccine or you just can't renenter canada?

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@ernst Even leaving. 

"Effective October 30, air passengers departing from Canadian airports, travellers on VIA Rail and Rocky Mountaineer trains, and travellers on non-essential passenger vessels on voyages of 24 hours or more, such as cruise ships, will need to be vaccinated."

"Effective October 30, travellers will need to be fully vaccinated in order to board. Specifically, the vaccination requirement will apply to all travellers 12 years of age and older who are:

  • Air passengers flying on domestic, transborder or international flights departing from airports in Canada
  • Rail passengers on VIA Rail and Rocky Mountaineer trains
  • Marine passengers on non-essential passenger vessels, such as cruise ships, on voyages of 24 hours or more"

Technically we could go to the U.S. first by car, but I think non-essential travel between Canada/US border is closed. So I am not too sure about the workarounds. 



The ground border is closed for non-essential travel until Oct. 21st, and at that point they will decide whether to continue the restriction or not.  


Ernst Wilhelm
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Okay, so if you say you are returning in 24 hours, you can go. So when you are ready to leave, if indeed you decided to leave, you can just say you will be back in a few hours and never come back? My opinion is that its worth waiting before doing anything. If its possible to just not do a lot of things for a year or two to see the long term effects of the vaccine. Its not proofing all that effective, maybe down the road they will stop pushing it or not care about enforcing it one's the covid fades away. So i think its best to just ignore doing things in the world and wait and see just what is going to happen and just what the vaccine will or don't do. 

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@ernst Ya, you are probably right, I really would rather wait, best to just focus on the uplifting things that I can work toward where I am right now. I think the end of December will start give way a little.

It's entirely possible that the vaccine adverse events have not entirely appeared and or are under reported. needs more time. plus I don't want it, lol. 

Amit Bhat
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Pharmas are gearing up for 3rd dose as they think dose effects vanishes after 6 months.

Somewhere there was a news like Pfizer 3rd dose approvals have been denied by CDC because they fear side effects. That link I need to search though.

Ultimately pharmas are competing to make profit out of vaccine business and Govt taking false pride in convincing people for providing false security. But I am afraid that it could be much late before people realize what poisons they have been infected with that weakened the foundation of their health.



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@amit If I were to guess, the "authorities" that are mandating the vaccines are getting big payouts from the vaccine developers. Pzizer made 3.5 billion in the first 3 months of their rollout, and "leaders" such as Biden and Trudeau have become quite clearly fanatical with their approach. 

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Vaccination gets so much boost because most  people want this shortcut too. So leaders don't want to miss this opportunity either for their vote bank.


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