Venus Dream?
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Venus Dream?

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I had a dream with what I believe to be strong astrological symbolism. However, I can't derive much meaning from it so far. I was wondering if any of you could help me with it....

In this dream I was inside a gigantic cave, and in the center at the bottom of a hill was a village next to a lake. Everyday a horde of barbarians would rise out of the lake and terrorize the village, then go back into the lake. 

I stood on top of the hill and determined to fight the barbarians. I also had long hair in the dream tied in a warriors knot. I hesitated but a friend of mine put his hand on my right shoulder and told me not to be afraid because we were warriors. So, I went down to the village. But, as I got closer to the village I saw that the barbarians rose out of the water and went to the back of the cave. The water also began to drain.

By the time I reached the lake it was completely dry and had a ladder leading to the bottom. Three times I climbed down and back up before staying on the bottom. On the bottom was a village of huts. I went into one and a woman about 30-32yrs. of age was cooking. I knew intuitively that she was a witch and wanted me to sit down and eat. Instead, I ran away in terror. That was the end of the dream. 

I believe this dream has a strong Mars/Venus theme to it. Venus is extremely prominent, but I don't understand what the message is. If anyone would be willing to offer some insight, it would be greatly appreciated. I hope this is an appropriate topic for this forum. Thank you!

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Amit Bhat
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Just see any bad LA planets in Scorpio in vargas especially d1, d9 or d30. 


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@amit off hand I'd say Saturn in Scorpio in the Rasi chart, and Jupiter in Scorpio in the d9. Rasi chart is a Cancer Lagna, and d9 is a Virgo Lagna.

Amit Bhat
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Scorpio is playing some key role about barbarians that you mention as Jaimini associates Scorpio with demons.

Somehow either sa or ju could be your key planets as per Jaimini like AK etc...?

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@amit You're right. I have a Saturn in Saturn/Scorpio AK.

Amit Bhat
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So, you just got to defeat the inner demons of lack of emotional fulfillment which can create lack of courage too and learn to keep the mind anchored in the heart. So that includes transmutation of perceived needs through spiritual awakening of kundalini force which will lead to courage and divine happiness.

Raising kundalini from base of the spine towards the sahasrara through spiritual eye is the job of a warrior devotee and Scorpio sign shows this as the need of the person as Scorpio is a brahmin sign and has this ask of spiritual transformation.

So the girl you saw should be a symbol of serpentine power, the cave a symbol of stillness and silence needed to awaken the kundalini, barbarians the difficulties that could pose hindrance to do this job, lake a symbol of emotional happiness.


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@amit Thank you. This is helpful insight. 🙂 I'll have to meditate on this a while.

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@wolf23 That was impressive @amit! My I just add that the ladders may have a kundalini symbolism. Also the vertical movement.


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That is an intense imagery. There is a full moon happening on the Aries-Libra axis on the 20th. Besides lagna in Cancer, have you got any other placements on the Cancer-Capricorn axis? The lord of the underworld, Pluto, has been in Capricorn for a while, while transiting Mars is with the Sun. Mercury just turned direct. Where are your natal Mars and Venus placed?

Also, Halloween is around the corner ???? 

From reading your imagery, I would say that you have done pretty well until now. There is a safety net around you. It looks like you have come to the crux of the matter. There is a fear, but the fear is there because you are unclear about certain things.

Fear sometimes makes us distort things. You could replay the dream in your mind and see if you were reading the situation correctly in the dream. How were the barbarians terrorising the villagers? Were they really terrorising, or were the villagers just getting scared due to their beliefs which were based upon fear? Was the witch really fearful or was it a deep rooted fear in your subconscious that caused you to run?

What you are trying to do is understand what it is exactly that you are afraid of, what caused the fear in the first place, and where it came from. Basically, it will help you clear any distortions in your own mind. If you are uncomfortable with it, wait until after the Full Moon and see what surfaces into the conscious mind.

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@manisha Thank you! Yes, I have Neptune in Capricorn and my natal Mars and Venus are in Aries. I believe the dream may have something to do with a fear of being nurtured. I'm uncomfortable with too much comfort if that makes sense... Maybe that is the natal Venus feeling it needs more attention?

I must add that I had this dream years ago, but it still feels unresolved in my mind. 

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Posted by: @wolf23

I'm uncomfortable with too much comfort if that makes sense...

Yes, it does. But Venus is also necessary for healing. Too much of one thing is not good, whether it is Mars, Venus or Saturn. There needs to be a blend. Only you can figure out the right amounts to keep everyone happy.

Witches/wizards and Neptune is about the hidden mysteries of life. Things that are under the surface, as shown by your imagery. But they are still a part of life and opening up to it slowly, one step at a time as you have done, would make Mars a better warrior.

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@manisha Thank you. What you say makes a lot of sense. 🙂

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@wolf23 I´m working on the exact same issue, not that I consider it a prolem not needing or wanting much comfort, not even a home or a car, but I have a hard time trusting life, it´s abundance. A more common issue for men than for women I believe, since it´s about the receptive side. I thought I had my feminine side quite developed, since I´m a nurturing person and very present father etc. I didn´t realize that it´s not so much about that nor about emotional connectivity, perhaps, but rather about being able to receive. I still don´t consider a bad thing preferring a simple life, but (not) having trust is life is something much much deeper. 

I would recommend you to pay attention on your left side where signs and omens may manifest if you start to work on this theme.

Today, receiving cleansing in front of an altar, there was a cricket on my left side though, so good news for my masculinity.

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Are you sure it didn't just get imprinted on your subconscious by a movie or a book ? I'm surprised at the narrow range you put the age of the woman in the dream at - 30-32. How did you estimate that ?

I agree with Mattias. You'd need to correlate with something from the conscious world, otherwise you can get stuck in the plethora of astrological combinations and not know the root cause. I can think of three methods to resolve it if it resonates - choose the best one. I used method 1 and method 2 because it was easier at the time for me. But method 3 is equally good with the benefit of improving will.

Method 1:

Contemplate consciously if this is co-inciding with particular patterns that occur in your life at the time. I have had similar dream where I was in a war and was axing down someone. Then I realized that around the time, I was internally pissed off at my peer at what I felt as someone who was trying to one-up me at work. Once I realized it was no use to fight my peer, those dreams stopped. 

Method 2: 

It worked for my chart, you could see if it works for you too. Let me walk you through the logic.

(i) Ordinary dreams are manifestation of subconscious mind, (most likely Ra, Ke)

(ii) Dasha lord signifies what you have to focus on. 

(iii) The vargas are associated with how we feel. Look at your vimshottari dasha lord, look into the vagas where the Dasha lord rules Ra or Ke. 

(iv) Look at the Rasi aspects in those vargas. (natural karakas/Jaimini karakas). That should give you a clue to what you are dealing with. 

(v) Now combine method 1, contemplate about these planets and what they mean in your context. You will likely get your answer.

Method 3:

Using will power (spiritual) . Yogananda says that most dreams are a direct manifestation of subconscious mind. Some dreams are true vision.

To distinguish this, we must distinguish between dreams from superconscious and from subconscious. If you are able to, pay attention to the position of eyeballs when you dream.

If you think about it, we look down to get sleepy, during wakeful state we look straight, and the eyeballs of saints in super-cosciousness is typically pointed upward. 

If you can notice the eyeballs were looking down during dream, don't give much attention to it since it will reflect your mixed avasthas from subconsciousness. Every time you get the need to pay attention to the event, use your will to not give in, take 10-12 deep breaths, go for a walk. Break that attention.

Pray for the good of everyone involved. Next time it comes you will have the buffer of prayer. With time your brain cells will erase this consciousness and heal you. This is the concept of using will power to allow time to heal. (Sa in Sc, do you see a connection ? ) 

