A good example of w...
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A good example of why you need to use Bhava Cusps

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Posts: 21
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Hello fellow astrologers. I wanted to give you a good example  of why you must always use Bhava cusps. I read a chart for somebody not long ago. I said that they may need to go to the hospital and have surgery.

The person had Mars and Ketu in the 5th sign but in the 6th bhava cusp of health and disease. Rahu was in the 11th sign, but in the 12th bhava cusp. They also had a Uranus transit. Uranus and Rahu were transiting the ascendant. Since i knew that Rahu was in the 12th bava cusp, and the 12th can stand for hospitals, and it was transiting the person's first house/ascendant of the body, I told the person they may need to go to the hospital and have surgery. Mars in the 6th bhava cusp of health and disease can stand for surgeons. I would not have been able to see this unless I was reading the bhava cusps. The person did end up having to go for surgery. Thanks Ernst for teaching this. Bhava cusps are invaluable. Don't read without them.
