Bad moon = no happi...
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Bad moon = no happiness

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Does having a (really) bad moon means that a person is never gonna get any happiness no matter what they get? Like even if they achieve luxurious they won't get out any content experience out of it is that it? Are they doomed forever? Untill they find god?

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Ernst Wilhelm
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The only time the moon becomes a realy problem is when its with saturn. Its rarely the moon that is making life hard. 

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@ernst then what is it that's making life hard? By life here i don't mean materialitic achievements but their reward feelings in brain centre when you get them or worrying all the time

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@jesuschrist It's usually a starving Saturn that makes life hard.

But even if Saturn is perfect, that just shows that a person can deal well with suffering.

Saturn is the harsh truth about life on Earth. Sickness, old age and death will come to us all. They will come literally, but also metaphorically every day, with sick and dying thought and feelings.

Maybe some other solar system doesn't have a Saturn 😀

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@brightsun but it's the mind who's the sponge of all the suffering while ignoring the good there is also. so to improve shouldn't one heal the mind?

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I'm a little unsure about this. It is said that Moon = mind in vedic astrology, but in what sense?

In my understanding mind is everything. Everything is experienced in our mind, so the Moon must mean a particular function of the mind. Otherwise why would we need other planets, just look at moon!

Parasara says that Moon is "manas", which seems to mean reception of sensory impressions.

Parasara also says Saturn grants sorrow, so look at Saturn for that.

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@brightsun well that's it right there.  You sensory perceptions which come from the mind are not reality, it's your perception (a lens, looking glass) of a phenomena and what that phenomena is in actuality from it's own side remains a mystery until the ego is shrugged off and one sees beyond dualistic notions.  As long as ego remains the mind will be conditioned and the mind itself will not be see directly.  You can get a good feel for this from Ernst's video on the 5 elements particularly the one on Sankhya Yoga.

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@quasar259 great, so Moon shows the conditioned mind?

How would, for example, the will shown by Mars be different from this conditioned mind? Isn't it just a part of Moon then?

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@brightsun Your conditioning will cause you to interpret energy/force/direction/will in a particular way.  As your conditioning changes so does the interpretation of Mars phenomena.  At this point perceptions are one thing and what the energy is doing is another and yet how we perceive the energy will effect our experience but our experience of the energy is not the energy itself and here is the differentiation of Moon as perception and Mars as will/force/energy.  As one lets go of limiting factors in the mind one's perceptions change and so does the experience.

If one is caught up in trauma over their own or someone else's use of force or will on them then the indications of Mars from subtle to gross will have this conditioned flavor and working with one's will, is confused and doesn't bring fulfillment.

 The closer our interpretation is to the essence of what Mars symbolizes the more we are able to see accurately what energy is, what it means for animate and inanimate things and the universe in general. Einstein had an exalted Mars, Lg in Cancer, Moon in Sag and Jupiter in 8th and thus E=mc2.  

When one sees everything as an aspect of the mind all dualities collapse.  Until that time we experience reality in various degrees of fragmentation and the delineation of mind from will is valid and has corresponding effects.

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Moon has no enemies so even if Moon is "bad" there are usually friendly aspects to help out.  You can see this in the Lajjitaadi Avashta window.  If you pull up a few charts you'll see the Moon will have the lest red numbers on average.  Like Ernst says if it's with Saturn then it's tough.  The situation you're talking about is probably in the Lajjitaadi Avashtas of other planets.
