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Bhava Chart

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Dear Ernst, how are you? Hope you are fine!

I would like to ask about the Bhava Chart? I am using Sri Pati. In Kala, when the Bhava Chart is displayed it shows also the degrees. I am wondering if that is then accurate? In other words, is that then the actual position of the planet? Further, there is a box which shows the aspects to the Bhava cusps but the box which shows the aspects to the planets is calculated for the Rasi, right? If we analyse the Bhava Chart can we then take the aspects from that box or do we need to take the aspects from the chart because some planets may change in the Bhava Chart? How does it work with Sadbala? That is also calculated for the Rasi (and of course other Vargas) but when we use the Bhava Chart would that then not also change or are we still taking the numbers which are given?

Kind regards


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Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3498
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Bhava chart does not change the degrees or the aspects, so those are as per the Rasi chart. Shadbala has a couple of measurements dependent upon bhava chart, so that can create slight changes. but not much. 

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OK, thank you.

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There is a book by P.S. Sastri called "Scientific Hindu Astrology" wherein he speaks about different house systems, Rasi, Bhava etc. and it seems that he says the proper way to do it is to take the Lagna (rising degree) as the first degree and then add 30 degrees which is the first Bhava and also first Rasi. Have you ever heard of that before?

Ernst Wilhelm
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yes, that is called equal house system. I dont use it though. I have in the past. 

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Yes he calls it also equal house system but is it not that this house system usually is measured taking the Lagna degree as the middle and then one goes 15 degrees back and 15 degrees forward? He speaks against that saying it does not make sense because the birth happens at the Lagna and not 15 degrees backwards. I have looked in Kala and there is the option to choose if the house cusp starts at the middle or beginning of the house. Maybe thats something else? However if I look at the equal house chart in Kala it measures it going 15 degrees back and 15 degrees forward from the Lagna even if I choose to start the house cusp at the beginning of the house and not, if I am not mistaken, 30 degrees forward from the Lagna degree. In other Softwares they also do it going 15 degree back and 15 degree forward from the Lagna degree. I have not found an option to change that in other Softwares. However if I draw a chart myself using this method that Sastri advocates the chart looks different then I get in the Softwares. 

Ernst Wilhelm
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thats the vedic equal that goes back and forward 15 degrees. I think the only useful bhava cusp system to use is campanus. 

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OK. Thank you.

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@ernst Hi Ernst. I noticed that in Kala (I use your recommended settings) my chart shows a few planets in different bhava's from when I look at my chart in or my mobile app iphemeris, also using Campanus house system. 

All the house cusp degrees and planet degrees are exactly the same in all software but my Kala is putting some planets in different bhava chalita.

For example: My Sun is 4 degrees Gemini. My 8th cusp is 22 degrees Gemini. Sun is in 7th bhava everywhere else but in Kala, it is in 8th bhava. Same with a few other planets. 

I'm wondering if I have a setting wrong somewhere or if this is how it is meant to be?

Thanks for your help!

Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3498
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Western astrologers use the cusps as the beginning of the house, vedic astrologers use the cusp as the middle of the house, thus the difference. You can change those options in kala. 

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@ernst Is there another place to change it other than the "house cusp" with the two options, middle or beginning?  I changed it there with no difference. I noticed when I set the other softwares to "whole signs" instead of Campanus it matches Kala.

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