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Bhava Positions / Bhava Cusps and Grahas placement

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Hello guys - I have 2 questions

1. I'm a little confused with the bhava cusps - in this example, where is the moon? it appears on the 6th bhava, Saggitarius/  but 6th cusp is indicated in Aries 10th bhava-and Moon has no cusp indicated , is it still 6TH position?


2.4th bhava is an angle therefore  it's a good one but what happens when a malefic like saturn is there, still good or it destroys it, specially for an aquarius lagna, is that postive, negative or depends on the lajitaadi avastha of saturn?

thank you

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Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
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The bhava points, given by the numbers are mathematical points calculated in the rasi chart only and in the rasi chart they go in order around the zodiac. In the varga charts, the numbers are based on the exact point in the rasi, so just as we take the degree of the asc in the rasi chart and calculate its varga, we do that for all the other vargas and end up the bhava points in all kinds of places in the vargas. This is nto to create a bhava chart though, there is no bhava chart in the vargas. Its just to see the rulers of those points in the vargas. For placement, simply count rasis from the asc.


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@ernst thank you Ernst, to make sure I understood- this means that in the example attached - Moon is in 6th house despite not having number (6 appears on the 10th which is Aries- does it mean it's an Aries Moon or Saggitarius?

Or would Mercury, Mars and Rahu be 2nd and 6th cusp?

apologize for not understanding well, but I want to do it since this is a frequent question I have

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@veronica Did you find an answer for your question?. I have a very similar question.

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@vasanth-me honestly, I’m still confused about how to use it

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There is a Vargas video under ‘The Horoscope’ section in the courses that explains the Vargas.

In the Navamsa, if we are looking at Moon, it is placed 6th from the Ascendant, and the ruler of the 6th Bhava point is Mars. But if we want to look at the 4th Bhava point, it is placed in Libra, and the ruler of that Bhava point is Venus.

If we are looking at Mercury, it is placed in Aries which is 10th from the Ascendant, and the 10th Bhava point falls in the same place. Hence, the 10th Bhava point is ruled by Mars, and so is the 2nd Bhava point.

The D1 is where the actual Bhava points are. But as we start ‘zooming in’ on particular areas of life, we start seeing the sign itself being broken down into parts and each part is assigned a sign and a ruler. It is like ‘zooming in’ into the zodiac to notice that there is another zodiac operating within it. This is what Vargas are. So they don’t replace the placements of the D1, but fine-tune our understanding of them. The deeper we zoom in, the more ‘macro’ or the smallest tiniest part we see, and we see what is really really driving a person to be who they are.

I haven’t moved to any of the more advanced Varga courses yet, so this is my basic understanding. Perhaps someone will correct me or add to this.

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@veronica I think it depends on the purpose of your analysis and the technique you are using. My understanding is that the cusp represents "that which comes into existence", therefore, if you want to look specifically at your enemy (or a type of disease), you would look at the 6th cusp. In your example, at how Me/Ma/Ra influence it. But, if you want to analyze the yogas in a chart, you would focus on the 6th house and as "the lord of the 6th in the 9th house (Jupiter in Pisces)" though not sure about yogas in vargas but it's just to give you an example.

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What about looking at basic Yogas involving placements in the Kendra, Trikona, etc. in Vargas?

For example, if there’s a Yoga that involves Venus and Jupiter in the 5th & 9th houses… on a D60, would this be seen if they are in the same signs as the 5th & 9th cusps?  And no significance is placed on the 5th or 9th sign from the Ascendant?  Or might the sign position still hold some significance (since, auspicious Trine aspects would still be indicated in Vargas)?

Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

For yogas you use sign position, so no, dont use the cusps for this in D60
