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Clarifying The D60

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Greetings shastiamsha experts,

I am hearing two different points of view about this varga, even within the tropical Vedic Astrology community and Kala users.

One is that the d60 shows the native's past life. This seems to be most popular use outside of the Ernst school, but is used within it as well.

The other is that it shows the final result or outcome in this life, or perhaps the later part of it, similar to what contemporary pop Vedic astrology says the navamsha is supposed to show.

How is it both? Does our most recent life (or all of the past ones??) create the "ceiling" of this life? 



6 Replies
Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

Its neither, it's the ceiling under which everything is happening. That can seem like the final outcome, but it's not really final, its first. You can see it as the filter of the possibilities, what gets through that filter, can manifest as per other vargas. 

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Thanks. So common for most of us to see it in reverse at first.

Such a delicate and mercurial varga to catch timewise, unless you've got the exact moment recorded. The shift of the house cusps, what seem like the most earthiest element of a horoscope, how they show up in the rashis of the D60 can shift in the middle of the first breath in more charts of natives than can happen in the lower vargas.

Speaking of breath, if vargas d16 through d24 are of the air element, are they more "negotiable" than the more fated ones? You've said these vargas are crucial for happiness and wisdom in the courses.

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Ernst Wilhelm
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@mitryendra80 I have actually begun to see the 40 and 45th as the air element vargas. The 45th has a lot of push to change thing sin the context of the educated will.

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@ernst Bummer!

I was hoping the D16 would be more negotiable.

I am so sick of my D16. I want another one!

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Is it more important to look at rasi from AK or from lagna in shastiamsha? For example -  to find the most potential area of life.

Or just study the bhava cusp independently from rasi..


Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

It depends on the technique, if using AK techniques, then from the AK, if lagna techniques, then from the lagna. 
