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Incarnation On Earth Due To a Curse

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Hi Ernst and y'all,

1) Is there a surefire way to tell if a native has incarnated here because of a curse (originating in the realm of the devas or elsewhere)?

There are deva nakshatras and deva navamshas. What type of, and how many, self factors of one need to have in these to verify if someone is here because of a curse? (and may have originally been a "deva")

2) It seems that in the realms of devas and rishis, the power of the word is much stronger. So I wonder if someone who is down here "serving time", if one of the signs of being a cursed deva, or something like that, is to have magnified unfair karmic consequences when they say certain things. Reactions, feelings from others, and events, etc. that far outweigh what was intended.

And perhaps something like saying "Go to Hell!" too often during fits of hatred or defensive exasperation backfires in a dramatic long-term way.

Despite the supposedly sattvic or highly evolved nature of devas and rishis, they do seem to have highly charged, cartoon-style temper tantrums sometimes. Instead of maybe using their yogic self-composure and divine power of forgiveness and equanimity, they throw out curses that even they are somehow not powerful enough to reverse, even after the rage settles down! Maybe there is a deeper light-hearted symbology to this style of mythology though.



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1) I'm not sure about having any kind of way of knowing if I was cursed or not, but I definitely feel like I am in purgatory, LOL. 

2) That was something that kind of confused me, why would a god who is supposed to be super enlightened do weird shit like cheat on their spouse, or get super angry and light the god of love on fire. But I guess its the whole Vishnu thing, to where even the highest most intense form of anger is part of this divine universe. Perhaps just as there is a god who gets angry as fuck, there is also a god who doesn't give a shit about anything. 

It's interesting too because you would think no one would curse another in order to not accrue karma for giving a curse. I remember though Vic Dicara said something about when a Sage gives a curse, they are free from the karma of giving it, especially when that curse was deserved, or part of the divine plan. On the other hand, there is this whole voodoo, black tantra, slavic curse type stuff, which is just petty. Those people need to seriously grow the fuck up and let the universe handle shit.  

But whether something is a curse, purgatory, or "bad luck", at the end of the day I guess its just karma to burn off, work through, or find our way beyond. 

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Posted by: @codydeboer

But whether something is a curse, purgatory, or "bad luck", at the end of the day I guess its just karma to burn off, work through, or find our way beyond. 

I guess so.

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But if this whole one incarnation here is just a curse, then I guess all this work to "evolve" and heal L.A.s and Ra/Ke is not going to give us new better moments here or open up any higher "purpose" in this earthly lifetime/s.


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@mitryendra80 I think if someone were cursed, and could not evolve, they wouldn't even encounter this work. Encountering LAs and Ra/Ke means you are supposed to use it and evolve. That's just the way I see it though. 

"Those who don't know what can't be done, can accomplish great things".
