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Dasas effect and maturation ages of planets

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2 Users
Posts: 97
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Would you keep in mind maturation ages of planets when you observe separating factors with Rasi dasas and Vimshottari?

For instance, if a person has their Saturn dasha after the age of 36 would you consider that Saturn has matured?

If you are using rasi dashas and you have Saturn or Rahu influencing a dasha or antardasha would you consider Rahu maturing at 42 and Saturn at 36? Consequently predicting a more mild effects after that age?

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Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3504
Joined: 12 years ago

Yes, you have to judge the planets differnet after the maturation ages. Before the maturation ages Saturn and Rahu are ALWAYS big delaying factors. After the maturation age the delaying aspect is reduced. Before maturation they are also separating factors do the degree that they are troubling planets, if Saturn is in good condition and if Rahu'slord is in good condition, they are much less seperating factors, however, if they are in bad condition then even after saturn and rahu maturation you can expect a lot of seperation. 
