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Vimshottari Dasa levels prediction

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hi ernst,

in the video of of saptamsha  prediction you examin  a baby conception event ,under jupiter dasa

there were few things that you explained, as you went up to the  4 level that i am confused about:

first thing: venus is the 7th lord from jupiter (so has 7 factor agenda), but doesnt have a manifestation power all by itself, and it is not aspecting ,joined or rule jupiter so not directly conected to jupiter but still under that period a significant  7th factor event happened (as i understood there need to be a direct connection between the upper level and the lower level of dasa in order or important thing to happen) so why it happen then?

second thing: the conception of a baby happened in jupiter/venus/moon/saturn,   venus cant manifest by itself,  and moon as the lower level dasa from venus, doesnt have any ability to manifest venus but being the dk ,can be manifested by saturn his  lower level lord. in the video you make the connection of moon to venus through sharing the same lord Saturn to allow the flow of this event to the next level before it manifest. my confusion  here is, can saturn in its 4th level, manifest the 3rd  level and the 2 level, and create, an event potential before it actually rolled into its 4th level, just by being exalted and the ruler of venus. 

can any manifesting planet has that ability( manifesting a planet that has same agenda but no manifesting power and need help from a manifesting lord which connected to it  ), which lead strongly to a future event to happen skipping levels, but by being the lord of that planet keep a strong potential until they roll into play ?

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Ernst Wilhelm
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There does not have to be a connection between lower and upper levels though its more sure if there is, they just have to indicate the event. As 7th lord from Jupiter it has the agenda for conception. and here, jupiter is karaka, venus rules the house from the karaka, so that is actually a connection. 

saturn is not exactly making the 2nd and 3rd level create, but moon and venus have the same agenda and their agenda is more linked by sharing sign lord, then saturn has the agenda due to ruling the moon. 

So first, look for the agenda, see if the different dasa lords are somehow representing the same thing. That is what determines the something important to happen relevant to that thing. Then examine them for manifestation or for separation or for improvemenet, etc. Remember that a planet in good jagrad and balaadi avasthas can manifest as well. or a planet in the 10th. 

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@ernst thank you for that and for clarifying the point of a direct influence of  sequencing level lords on each other (while having mutual agenda) in creating an event.

what is not so clear to me , is the chain of the different levels lords with regard to their manifesting ability by the order they kick in,

in the example we looked at above, the chain of lords which led to conception was jupiter/venus/moon/saturn,  they all have a 7th factor conception agenda, thats good,   jupiter has manifesting power, but venus (all by itself )doesnt , but its lord saturn has (which also can manifest the moon) but saturn rolls into activation, only after the moon ,    so what i am asking is, does the order of the level lords, that responsible for activating a certain planet  (that needs manifesting help ) need to be either one level before or after or can it skip a level and still influence a planet  ,from  2 levels down the road /chain? . so saturn in the 4th level can help venus (in the 2nd level) and keep the conception potential venus has,  even tho saturn (as the 4th level lord) only roll in, after the moon (3rd level lord).

or, there is no importance for the order in which the lords happens, and just by the fact that saturn has the capacity to help venus (and being involved in the chain of lords  ), venus will manifest ,even if saturn is not straight before or after it . i kind of thought ,that ,there must be an order ,that creates a domino reaction chain of activation for an event to happen. and that a planet in the chain which doesnt have manifesting power all by itself ,but still has manifesting influence on it, need to have this help right before him or right after to allow it to keep the flow within the chain and allow event to happen. 

Ernst Wilhelm
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Yes, you want the lords related to the lord directly above or below. In this example, Venus is connected to the dasa lord by being the 7th lord from the dasa lord who is the karaka. As far as manifesting ability, this is an unusual case. Venus is not in the 10th, but he is in the 10th from the dasa lord. But more importantly, venus is causing a maha yoga with saturn by interchange so interchange between 5th and 2nd lord gives venus the capacity to manifest at all times. Maha yogas always indicated a prevelant theme of the indications of the varga happening.

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@ernst ok ,thank you!  : "But more importantly, venus is causing a maha yoga with saturn by interchange so interchange between 5th and 2nd lord gives venus the capacity to manifest at all times"  that answer my question. 

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hi ernst,

looking at a navamsha chart i was practicing on, please can you advise why marriage happen in that sequence when there were much more supporting sequences with manifesting power before the third level of rahu? 

marriadge happened under mercury/mercury/rahu/jupiter/rahu.

mercury is the 5th cusp lord but doesn't have manifestation power(sleepy in Capricorn, bala/infant, and in the 11th rasi). it does however, aspect the 9th from venus which is leo (venus in Sag joined the 9th cusp), it is also aspects the 5th from itself (mercury is the DK) so can manifest on two accounts marriage, that is all good.

rahu (which i know, likes to give marriage) is in the 5th from venus (his connection to marriage agenda), is in Aris. unfortunately its lord mars ,is in gemini, which make him slumbering but also ,he is in vrida/old avashta ,and in the 4th place from the d-9 lagna so no manifesting power, which means that rahu that behave like its lord ,mars, wouldn't be able to help marriage (nothing aspecting it or joining it) also rahu as a separator aspect the 9th rasi from the lagna separating it and the 9th from venus (leo) and separating it , next is jupiter (9th lord)which comes after. it is in taurus (slumbering) but in kumara avashta which allows him to manifest his 9th house,  and then again after jupiter comes rahu which is not connected to jupiter firstly, by any aspect rulership, position etc, and as i explained doesn't have any way to help, but rather separate. yet, marriage happens under that sequence.

 my question is 1. why did it happened under the third level dasa of rahu which is not supportive, when there were much stronger combination earlier, to allow easy flow. here the flow get stuck in the middle but still marriage happen 

2. does rahu involvement makes an exception with regard to marriage and children and tend to be more fruitful even when the conditions of rahu do not ideal?


Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
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There could be many reasons but need to see the chart...


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@ernst.  thank you,  i would love you to look at it if you dont mind, i find other periods and events that dont make sense in the level of maha dasha antar dasa with regard to events, and i would have like to know what i am missing. there is also another event i cant understand how the conditions of the dasa /antardasa support that event to happen , in the saptamsha , saturn debilitated , have no manifesting power (it will need help to be manifested) ,yet in saturn/ moon a relationship starts. (moon has 7 factor agenda(7th from jupiter) and manifesting power but nothing to do with saturn ) . will really appreciate your input

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