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rahu and ketu in Concrete Predictions with Vimshottari Dasa

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hi ernst,

with regards to rahu and ketu prediction, you said they will behave, as their lord ,or the planet they are joined with.  so when rahu is with, lets say deb sun (in libra), and Venus lets say exalted, will rahu behave like sun only in rahu/sun and behave like Venus only in rahu/venus if yes , how would we judge its behavior when other antar dasas are present, like for example ,rahu /moon ? would rahu behave like venus ,like sun or any other way? 

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Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
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It will particularly act like its lord in the antardasa of its lord, and of the planet its with during the antardasa of the planet with it. During other times it will always have the energy of its lord, but also every antardasa has the potential to shift that, so if its in cancer in D60 for instance, then in moon antardasa it will really act like moon. 

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@ernst im not so sure, i understand what you mean"

During other times it will always have the energy of its lord, but also every antardasa has the potential to shift that, so if its in cancer in D60 for instance, then in moon antardasa it will really act like moon. "  

he will act in moon antardasa like the moon particularly, his lord, but have the moon energy in all the other antardasas? whats is the difference, with respect of the concrete manifestation of rahu/ketu agendas, when positioned in cancer in the d-60 for instance.

maybe i misunderstood you?

Ernst Wilhelm
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basically, the dasa lord rahu will also give the effects of the lord of its D60 and it will do that in the antardasa of that lord. 

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@ernst ok,thanks for that , but  what i wasnt clear about was, how does rahu will behave when the Antardash is other then his varga lord, or the antardasa of a planet it conjunct to in the varga, (if it does)? with regard to his concrete manifestation, separation etc.

Ernst Wilhelm
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rahu is going to have its agenda based on its lord, the planets joining it, it will share that exact same agenda in the antardasa of its lord and the planets joining it. BUt it will have that agenda throughout the entire dasa. So any antardasas of planets that share the same type of agenda will deliver effects relative to that agenda. 

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@ernst thank you for that ,but what im asking is with regard to ,how well is he going to do ,in that varga (with respect to all his agendas)?

i understand that in the Antardasa of its lord he will act like its lord, and in the Antardasa of joined planet he will switch to behave like the joined planet (if he joined with any),  MY question is ,what  will he behave like ,when he in an Antardasa of a planet which has mutual agenda ,but is other then his lord or joined planet(if he is joined with one), would he still behave like his varga lord ,even-though its not his lord Antardasa?

also, in one of the examples you where examining ketu Antardasa, in the hora chart, and ketu did not have direct agenda to the 2nd or 3rd bhava or factor,   but you said it will behave like mars with regards to his agendas (ketu behave like mars/rahu nehave like saturn) as mars was the AmK. so now ,do we also look for agendas relations of rahu/ ketu with regards to saturn/mars agendas (respectively)  as a secondary agenda relation, if there is no direct agenda?

if lets say saturn is the DK or, 9 factor cusp lord, in the D-9,  and rahu did not have a direct agenda to marriage, will we consider rahu to behave like saturn ,with regard to marriage agenda in that varga, as well as how well he would give it (dignity, planets influencing, position as Dk ,and welfaring as cusp lord)? if yes, is rahu going to have the potential of giving marriage just in rahu/ saturn ,or throughout the whole rahu dasa?

or if ,in the D-4 ketu doesnt have a direct fortune or property agenda, would we consider ketu to behave like mars as property karaka with regard to property agenda or 4 factor cusp lord with regard to fortune, as well as how well he would give it (dignity, planets influencing, position as karaka, and welfaring as cusp lord )? if yes, is ketu going to have the potential of giving property/fortune, just in ketu/ mars ,or throughout the whole ketu dasa?


Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
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its going to do as well in the varga that you are looking at as is the wellbeing of its lord. 

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@ernst thank you

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please can i have your take on the other part of my question?

"in one of the examples you where examining ketu Antardasa, in the hora chart, and ketu did not have direct agenda to the 2nd or 3rd bhava or factor,   but you said it will behave like mars with regards to his agendas (ketu behave like mars/rahu nehave like saturn) as mars was the AmK. so now ,do we also look for agendas relations of rahu/ ketu with regards to saturn/mars agendas (respectively)  as a secondary agenda relation, if there is no direct agenda?

if lets say saturn is the DK or, 9 factor cusp lord, in the D-9,  and rahu did not have a direct agenda to marriage , will we consider rahu to behave like saturn ,with regard to marriage agenda in that varga, as well as how well he would give it (dignity, planets influencing, position as Dk ,and wellfaring as cusp lord)? if yes, is rahu going to have the potential of giving marriage just in rahu/ saturn ,or throughout the whole rahu dasa?

or if ,in the D-4 ketu doesnt have a direct fortune or property agenda, would we consider ketu to behave like mars as property karaka with regard to property agenda or 4 factor cusp lord with regard to fortune , as well as how well he would give it (dignity, planets influencing, position as karaka, and welfaring as cusp lord )? if yes, is ketu going to have the potential of giving property/fortune, just in ketu/ mars ,or throughout the whole ketu dasa?



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