rahu and ketu in Co...
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rahu and ketu in Concrete Predictions with Vimshottari Dasa

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Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3504
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Yes, always look at mars for ketu and at saturn for rahu. 

Yes, in this example rahu will have a marriage agenda always. and y es, ketu will ALWYAS act in respect to property. Ketu is a huge property planet because it gives results of mars and because ketu is the castle were we feel secure. 


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@ernst  Thank you Ernst,

would it be wrong to assume ,that ketu dasa or mars dasa would be the most probable time when a person would be dealing with the idea of property purchase ?

Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3504
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yes, or possibly sale or even inheritance under ketu if there are some factors for that there. 

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@ernst thank you!

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hello ernst,

sorry to go back to rahu/ketu again, i dont feel i understand completely their behavior in different situation.

in one of the example videos, about predicting dasas in the hora chart (the last set of videos, video 28) you examine rahu dasa, rahu was with Venus in Capricorn (Venus ruling the 2nd lord mars, in taurus) and saturn was in cancer (in the 10 sign from lagna in youth avashta) saturn is ruling the 2nd and 3rd sign from the moon( moon in sag). 

you said rahu/ venus period would be hard for  that person cos rahu will act as separator on venus(which its joined with),  my question is, if rahu behave like the planet it joins would it not support that planet and its agendas  positively? venus menifest the second lord, mars, 

rahu picks venus agendas,    venus(in cap) in a friend sign and i aspecting its sign. i am not sure i get the way things will turn out with regards to rahu and ketu in different conditions. will rahu as a separator, would separate a planet it joined with ? what about the cusp it joins, would it separate it as well?

Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3504
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Rahu always has potential to cause seperation. The times its most inclined to do that are in rahu rahu in respect to the cusp it joins. Rahu Venus and Rahu Saturn in respect to everything else rahu or saturn touches. 

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@ernst and would rahu separate venus or saturn in similar way in venus/rahu

or saturn/rahu 

Ernst Wilhelm
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Posts: 3504

@sharonsegall  yes, very possibly.

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hi earnst,

you mentioned in the drakana predicting video, that mercury (which didn't have a direct sibling agenda, but was joined with the 3rd cusp in Aquarius ) would not be affected  with regard to his manifesting of the 3rd cusp ,by separating rahu and sun in their 3rd level dasa.

my question is, does a separating planet only affect another planet ability to manifest his own signs, but does not affect his productivity otherwise , if there is any, with regards to the sign/house/cusp it influence but not rule? 

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