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Great Conjunction and Bitcoin

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Greetings astrologers,

I saw Ernst's youtube about financial astrology and I was wondering if anyone has anything to share my interpretation of great conjunction and bitcoin.

If you look at the chart of the conjunction from Yama Koti, Jupiter is the 1st lord & 4th lord and Sat is the 2nd and 3rd lord. You could interpret it that our freedom(Jup) and middle class is being restricted by Sat, the 2nd being the 1%, the controlling Capricorn class and 3rd being aquarian technology. In relation to Bitcoin; Sun(9th) in the 2nd frustrating Mer(7th & 10th) government making laws to frustrate the traders. Jup is also the depositor of Ven(currency), Ketu(crypto) and Moon(traders). I think the next 20 years look bearish for Bitcoin.

Any opinions on this?

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I did watch the video and didn't understand it all ???? But, I understood the bitcoin birth chart was not necessarily the best tool to use and that Prasna was a good technique but they also talk about Varshaphala and that's when I got confused (Varshaphala of the birth chart or of the Prasna), I probably need to listen to it again. So I can't answer your question but I have one for you: which chart is this? And why would you deduct it will impact the next 20 years? Thanks!

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This is the Jupiter Saturn conjunction that happens every 20 years

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There are a few dates that are significant for bitcoin.  No one is sure of what location to use, some say Tokyo, some use England, others, Silicon Valley.

date of white paper published = 10/31/2008

date of genesis block = 1/3/2009

first transaction = 1/12/2009

first bitcoin client = 1/18/2009

frist bitcoin exchange = 4/25/2010

Bitcoin's birth was spawned from the financial collapse of 2008 and the disgust with the way in which the financial establishment had conducted itself with the collusion of government.  The solution was to put the power of determining shared notions of value back in the hands of the masses through the decentralized distributed ledger structure known as the blockchain.  There is a lot of Aquarian influence here, therefore predicting any serious bearish downturn in Bitcoin with Jupiter and Saturn making their conjunctions in Aquarius and the perceived overall shift in emphasis toward humanitarian values seems to be an unlikely outcome of the prevailing trends. 

The idea is that Bitcoin and Crypto in general is not "to big to fail" rather, "too big to take over", since the complete record of transactions that is the blockchain is distributed so widely over the network, it is now systemic and only a worldwide failure of the internet itself could stop it, which at this point would compromise the establishment's electronic currency flows as well.  At the core of this movement is the removal of trusting a centralized power to barter the discovery of value between individuals.  The reason why there are so many different coins is because the "collateral" of a cypto coin is the idea of the shared notion of value that its statement of purpose proclaims in its white paper.  You could make a coin up for anything in which exchange occurs, AstroCoin!  Oops, already taken.  Not only is there direct agreement of value between participants in cypto technology there is also deep efficiency in the elimination of a majority of management that the blockchain structure achieves, this is why the technology has been embraced by big banks and other more traditional industries and why the technology that Bitcoin is the symbol for is projected to have ever increasing influence and application in the world.  There is potential for blockchain to be the value architecture that supports the next leap in human evolution by increasing the variety, clarity, scope and frequency of interactions through removing constricting and censoring concerns that are inevitable in centralized power paradigms.  Only time will tell, that's why we have Kala!

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@ancestorseyes thanks, very useful info! I invested $100 about 3 years ago and it’s up to $600 now, you can tell I’m a risk taker ????. That being said, I grew more interested in it recently and I find it fascinating (and promising). I read somewhere that it would take over $40B to invest to disrupt/hack the blockchain so an impossible task (don’t quote me on the amount, this is what I remember, it may actually be more than that). Thanks for those dates, I’ll keep those in mind.

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I liked that video and Im curious about the date he gave at the end but it was not clear if it was a good date to invest or a bad one ????????‍♀️

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@veronica I believe he mentioned that this summer will potentially bring some restrictions from centralized agencies, basically trying to control bitcoin.

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@mona yes which makes a lot of sense since bitcoin seems to be a great way to track it’s owners movements

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Does anyone know what exact date/time Corey uses for the birth chart of bitcoin? The chart he referred to in the video?

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@rhiannon he didn’t mention it but I know Simon chokowski did a lot of YT videos on Bitcoin which I never watched but he probably gave a date. He uses sidereal but a date is a date so that can be useful source. That being said, ancestorseyes mentioned exact location unclear. Looks like Japan according to wikipedia for Jan 3, 2009. And it sounded like Corey is using prasna mostly which I find a bit odd unless maybe he casts a new one every year?

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