Jupiter, 9th and 12...
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Jupiter, 9th and 12th lord in the 8th

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Hi everyone, I wonder whether you would be willing to share your thoughts on a detail in one of my son´s charts. I´m biased which makes it harder to see clearly, I guess.

He´s Aries lagna with Jupiter, the 9th and 12th lord in the 8th. Rahu in the 12th. He has a natural understanding for spirituality, yet avoids it as you would expect with Rahu in the 12th. 

Now, his Jupiter... Well, rather than giving my thoughts on it I ask you for your predictions.

One Q: If we embrace the 8th bhava doing 8th bhava things - like embracing the occult for example; would that take away some of the not wished for effects? Not that I can or should try to talk him into astrology for example, but I still wonder if it´s possible to avoid 8th house problems embracing the secretive part of it?

Jupiter stands alone in Scorpio in GF dignity.


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Amit Bhat
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12th lord in 8th is good for deep research but 9th lord in 8th is stressful for not being able to be anchored in life's purpose.

What needs most attention though is cultivating the true spiritual understanding which is Rahu in pisces and which will start becoming clearer at 42 when Rahu matures. Until then it's mostly delusion of Rahu and slowly learning from that.

However if Jupiter is not forming some yoga or not his self factor, he may not be much active in these areas. 

For removing undesirable effects, the only thing is to remove any bad LAs of Jupiter, rest is life!

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@amit I already told him to get into quant mechanics. Which he doesn´t want to. I knew that, I was just teasing. But yes, my kid is a deeply spiritual nature but shuns away from the matter. Which is understandable. As you say: Later in life. Also his Jupiter dasa begins at 28, maybe after that. He´s 18.

Thank you Amit, much appreciated!


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@staffan Here are some bhava yoga indications from Ryan Kurczak's book 'The art and science of Vedic astrology Volume 2'. Sharing positive indications only since Jupiter is in Great Friends sign.


Ruler of the 12th in the 8th

Positive Influences: Losses are killed. Benefits through other's losses. Good results from legal battles. Excellent consciousness for contemplation and self-realization. Gains wealth easily. Sweet speech. Good character. Makes appropriate sacrifices for health and long life. Kills vices. Sexually skilled. Happy in remote places. Destroys secret enemies.


Ruler of the 9th in the 8th

Positive Influences: Gets fortunes effortlessly. Good past life merit financially speaking. Inherits family fortune. May benefit from a trust fund or similar source of wealth. Gets good dividends on investments. Relationship improves health, well-being and psychological contentment. Sudden bouts of good fortune. Studies occult, esoteric or mysterious things.

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@qwertym2 Wow... What a buffé of good things waiting for my kid! And indeed, I can relate to most of them.

Realizing that I really have to get hold of Ryans book(s)!

And yes, since I´m his father I should probably not looking into the negative side. I wouldn´t be able to help him to avoid it anyway, so...


Thank you so much!


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How is Ju doing in D-20? And how does D-24 look? This could give you an idea of how he might naturally feel about spirituality and devotion.

Apart from this, agree with Amit's idea - being aware of and trying to heal bad Lajittadi avasthas of Jupiter to the extent possible and Venus (as he is in the venus age now)

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@jam1 Yep... He´s in Rahu dasa until 28, so partly because of that and partly for having Rahu in the 12th he´s quite focused on worldly matters. And that, I think, is perfect. There is a time and a place for everything. 

Thank you!

