@e-g-1999 Hi All
I definitely simply. sympathize with you all. I understand the helplessness I've been through that which is mean i been true the dark moment that I figured everything was in my way and nothing was manifesting the what I wanted. I had a pleasure to listen to the back flower remedies, And it was like a punch in my face. How accurate it was. I want to apologize from the beginning. If I misspell something. I'm still learning English and now Hindi. astrology But in my personal experience. throughout my life, I also had difficulty with certain liquids I was bartender in entertaining business. And I realized that, people who are allergic to liquids ,like Robert Williams said. It doesn't matter if you drink just once a month. But if you're allergic, and you can't stop after one drink For example, it's like you can't have only one potato chips. then the back flower remedy is very dangerous even two drops will trigger. that disease. I say consult with your doctor if it's OK. You also mentioned that you have Jupiter Saturn in taurus . Well, that depends when you born. If Jupiter was invisible, debilitated. which one has the lowest degree that also very important was stationed? Because if Saturn has the laws degree. then it will kind of bring you back to the reality. It will drag you down and. you got to ask yourself, are you? severing every moment in your life? What is your motive when you financial matter, health ,pleasure your creativity, something your are missing, or you dont have the strength? What makes you helpless? loosing time for self pity ? Meditation, is not going to work. if you already predicting negative up front . things ahead before it happens. So you have to completely empty your mind and be prepared when the negative manifests and you will be ready. to resolve them. It's better be prepared for the opportunity when it comes. If Jupiter has the lowest degree. then he's the powerful one. And through my experience repeatedly is a very vicious planet. Enormous. Everybody thinks it's a lucky expansion. Yes. but in what way? It can swallow the whole 12 planets to get what he wants . It's it's so big. To the EGO is big. even in ancient mythology Marduk, he wanted it all for himself, over and over He wouldn't stop. So if you have this dreamlike expectancy. you may lose yourself in that. the keyword. is concentration. focus. You have to give 100% percent to everything you do. because Saturn is time and time is precious. Every little thing takes time every Time. Every little effort takes time. So why not to do the best out of it? Ernest Wilhelm pointed me out. One specific thing. to focus on one brick at a time That's very important. And I agree 100 percent. to find Nirvana. to find enlightenment. You've got to empty your mind. like catch yourself. Why am I thinking about this or doing worthless things? is it beneficial? If it doesn't do to me anything right now, So do something which you can do. and be the best out of it. Do do your best. It's like learning in school, educating yourself. Will you put our have the wisdom and we can make mistakes over and over until we get it right. Because when you go out in the real world, some other things we cannot make mistakes no more. My Youngest brother. I saw it with my own eyes. has similar. and he also is multi talented. but imagine disassembling a watch, a wristwatch. and then putting it back. together. again and again. Even a small insignificant. thing. would take a lot of concentration and focus. When I was helpless. I decided to. composed. and paint. And it kind of helped me to clear my mind. It didn't bring me progress at that time At that moment, and make a lot of money out of it because I didn't know how to advertise that. So you lose your confidence. when you need some kind of approval. A Jupiter. Saturn. And Taurus, You will always have this ups and downs, like pulling you One Direction to another. Keyboard is concentrated and accomplished one thing. for that moment and for that day, and it will add up and it will manifest. Hunger and persistence is the key, I guess you wrote this letter just about when Jupiter to go direct but it was stationed first So the pool of energy was constant. The vibration of frequency from 125 last year. 2023 was desire unfulfilled desires and this year will go to 150 to 185. to anger. and people sometimes when they angry makes desitions in a good or bad matter It's kind of a breakthrough. to accomplish something that you truly want and what is necessary. if you truly want to practice meditation. I learned this in my school. to stand still. and avoid any gadget. for like two days. and do something useful after be Creative. that requires focus and concentration Because that's how you mind empties . And then when your mind has space in it. then you can allow new things to come in. If you had shortcomings in the past or taking shortcuts, live it in the past and learn from it. Time heals everything, everything will pass. Time is unity. Work with that. I hope this helped. sincerely