rahu/ ketu conjanct...
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rahu/ ketu conjanct 3 cusps

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hi Ernst ,friends

i am looking at a chart of an aries lagna person, ketu is conjunct the 3,4 and 5th cusps in cancer. rahu the opposing caspin capricorn 11,10 and 9th cusps. i am wondering, what is the meaning of the journey for this person. aries lagna is initiatory in its nature, beginning of a new cycle of self-actualization. it seems like capricorn holding a whole lot of major areas of life in this earth sign of concrete reality with which this native come to develop(saturn in MT in Aquarius 12 th cusp, so strong support with inclination of learning surrender) ,ketu indicate emotional past life strength which relate to intellect, happiness and identity(3,4,5 th cusps).

can that indicate an escalated journey for that person as a preparation for an important roll needs to be served this life time ,meaning a soul that chose to be born into this life time and in order to serve its part this life cycle it needs to escalate its growth quickly in order to have what will be required for that roll? 

the ak is sun and it is positioned in leo with wax moon. mercury  rasi asp along with ketu from cap (in navamsha D-9) so leadership and the lessons need to be learned about it.

please share your thoughts
