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Rape in childhood

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Tring to date a rape between ages of 6-7 and also sexual abuse by father around 2-4. Both issues were repressed until age of 51.5 and still are with some doubts

In general It seems to me  possible in this map with moon Mars Rahu,Venus in a bad position. 

On the other hand with no expirenc on the matter.can we rull it out  completely?



Israel,tel aviv

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You can read that thread for more information:

I analysed the chart you provided with what Ernst said in that thread and I didn't find it using that technique. So no tight squaring, but opposition but not even something that would be meaningful for rape, at least it's not obvious. 

So it seems more the moon on the Ascendant close to Rahu and Mars. Half shamed if we use shared lordship. 

With ketu in the 8th she is probably very sensitive, add Moon on Ascendant which can boost your intuition. Rahu is transiting her 4th house, she is probably trying to learn about her feeling at home, feeling secure and herself as it's Aries house. And mars the lord of that 4th is conjunct Rahu already. 

If we add it all together with have someone very sensitive, with a strong intuition and a difficulty to handle household things without being aggressive, as Rahu is conjunct Mars. She is probably blaming aggressive people while being conflicted and attracted by that type of person. So maybe it's more psychological. If Ernst can Chime in and correct me if I'm wrong.


In the card of truth I see her moon Rahu Mars falls in the 3of Diamond card, so conflict with Mars again. She is probably someone that is learning healthy competition while incarnated on earth.

With Ketu and Sun near the 7th house, she is probably very social and often ask for help but have a hard time being herself, probably get lost as she search for herself through others. Also Jupiter in the 11th makes someone very social and have a lot of peers.

But she has a lot of good Avastha, And Mars is stong in the D9. So  she probably has more strength than she thinks. Also Rahu in Danishta, she is trying to be someone who attracts fame, they usually have difficulties with appearance, trying to look good or impress others with their talents, need validation from peers. 



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yes, I have consistently found same lord conjunction with shamed planets (with the nodes) to produce. I believe that has a big say with this particular chart. So, Mo, Ve, and Me are all shamed by this. I don't see same lord conjunction shame to be as intense as all in same sign. Pluto has a weaker square to both Ve and Mo. Was in her Ve period when all this happened and Ve is in tough spot. Ve/Ra and Ve/Sa would have been the periods. 

No planet has dig bala shows (to an extent) how long this has taken and difficult to redirect her nature from the trauma. Also, Ve in D40 is in a difficult spot in Scorpio, showing inauspicious experiences to Ve related matters.

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I would look into the PAC course for more on childhood trauma, maybe it's triggered due to that, Venus has some trouble avastha there but no shame. 

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Not answering you specific question about rape as that would require a deep analysis of the chart, but this is just what stood out for me:

Her life path is about partnership 7th house as her Lagna Lord Saturn is in the 7th House. It is with Venus, her Darakaraka too so it is about relationship. She has 5th Lord in the 7th Yoga and that is lost of spouse or child. The Sun is agitating her Venus in the 7th House. There will be an element of incompatible with the partner. When you have Sun agitating Venus everyone in the partnership is going to be starved for quality rejuvenating time because of that overbearing Sun. It is going to force a person to do more in life and have less happiness in life. Venus is also hemmed too...

Rahu is with Mars in the second house with the 2nd cusp being in the 3rd House. 2nd House is the house of taking care of others, resources and with Rahu there she probably does not make very good decisions on personal financial matters. Her financial resources issues might be related to siblings and teammates. She has 2/8 Rahu Ketu Axis. She is more comfortable dealing/researching managing other people resources than hers since she has Ketu Mercury in the 8th House and the 8th cusp Lord Mercury is in the 8th House from the Ascendant.

Her Jupiter is in the 11 House but 10th cusp rasi aspecting her first House and 7th House (Venus is her Darakara in the 7th with Sun her Sibling BK Karaka). Is she in business with her partner or siblings somehow?



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About her work,

She works with her sister or for her a few years back and now again. 

She is always broke financially ,just works hard with little result's cause she raises 2 children as a single parent and doesn't use her talents. too afraid.


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Thanks for replying. 

I read earnest link and it's mostly about the 8 house(only on the first VA.?) 

She does have squares of her venuse with Pluto.also moon although

not totally exact but still.not rasi aspect ,angles. 

Most of what u wrote is true about her I think  but she does have a lot of shame to the point she never tell people what she does or maybe it's the validation issue. 

She doesn't have friends so much she's scared of people/man  that's what made her search in her past.

I will look at it more as I learn. If u have more info I'd be interested. 







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