In the Predicting with Rasi Dashas course, I'm seeking clarity between two critical factors when doing predictions:
1. The Dasha-Specific Factors (EG Self-Factors for Caranavamsa, Moon for Aya Dasha). This "activates" the Sign in that Rasi Dasha system. These are listed in Ernst's PDF for this class.
2. The Dasha Sign Agenda (EG 9th Cusp, Venus indicating marriage from a Sign, regardless if the Dasha-Specific Factors are present). This indicates the Event to look for during that Sign's period.
Each Dasha System gets "activated" by certain Factors, yes? Caranavamsa is Self-Factors. Aya Dasha is Moon, AmK, 2nd and 3rd bhava, etc.
If we're using a particular dasha, and these factors are NOT present for a particular sign, is the Agenda of that Sign still useful for predictions?
For example, in Caranavamsa Aries period, if there are no Self-Factors, but a clear marriage Agenda, is Caranavamsa Dasha still useful? Can the marriage Agenda be useful in predicting with another Rasi Dasha system? Or because there are no Self-Factors in the Caranavamsa, the marriage Agenda has no personal relevance, and we shouldn't use Caranavamsa during its Aries period at all?
@ernst Can you provide some clarity -- How can we best use a Rasi Dasha system (Caranavamsa, Aya, etc.) when a Sign's Agenda is clear, but no Dasha-Specific factors are activating that Sign?
Thank you 🙏🙏
Great question! I'd also love to know the answer to this as well.
Maybe I'm not understanding the question very well, but the way I understand using Rasi Dasas is that we are to use them together to see how many are pointing to the same event. So for example, if Caranavamsa is pointing to marriage, but it's the only one pointing to it, then maybe it's not so safe to predict it because there's no confluence. We're basically looking for confluence when we use the Rasi Dasas to predict events. If we have three or four Jamini Rasi Dasas pointing to the event, then we have that confluence and we can be sure that the event will happen in that time. So each Rasi Dasa has a purpose, Caranavamsa is critical for self-factors, but just because it may not be indicating that it's a big time for self-identification doesn't mean it won't give something as indicated by the other factors. Maybe the person gets married, but that event is not defining their sense of self. Aya may be getting lit up, so then they feel that they finally have the good fortune to be married. Each one will have a different flavor, but how we read them is based on the manifesting/separating factors.
@suzanstars Wow thanks for your thoughtful and clarifying message.
Here's the part I agree with / understand:
Yes overlapping confluence for the Agenda of the Rasi Dasa. IE only predict something if three or four Rasi Dasas indicate a certain Agenda. Yes Self-Factors in Caranavamsa mean self-identification with the person's Path, regardless of the Agenda. All that makes sense to me in terms of the "Agenda" of the Rasi Dasa.
Here's the part I'm still curious about:
@ernst spends a lot of time in the course showing how to identify Self-Factors in the Caranavamsa Dasa and Fortune-Factors in the Aya Dasa. He indicates these factors "activate" the energy of the specific Dasa. So, my inference is if these factors are not present, the Rasi Dasa is somehow not "activated." What does this mean for our predictions? Can a Rasi Dasa contribute to a prediction for an Agenda, yet not be "activated".
To put a point on it: When is it critical, necessary, that the factors specific to a Rasi Dasa ARE present for a good prediction? Can predictions with Rasi Dasa work if there are NO Dasa-specific factors involved, even if the Agenda is very clear?
For example, Aya Dasa regards Fortune and Fulfillment. If Moon, AmK, 2ndH, 3rdH factors are not present for a Dasa period, yet an Agenda of marriage is indicated, does that mean the Dasa period "points" to a marriage happening in a kind of abstact way, yet the marriage Agenda will not relate to an important period in the native's life for Fortune and Fulfillment? Like, they may "get" the marriage, but we don't receive it as Fortune or Fulfillment? (sorry, marriage 🙂
Here's what i think I understand you are saying:
The Agenda indicated in the Rasi Dasas stands totally apart from this "activation" thing. The "activation" of a Rasi Dasa refers to how the promise of that particular Dasa directly impacts the native -- Self, Fortune, etc. How it "matters" to the native. Does this seem like an accurate relfection?
Thank you, and would enjoy any shared thoughts 🙏🙏