Hi all,
I understand 11th house lord is an evil/inauspicious yoga breaker, as it diverts the native to seek societal/peer validation and approvals which comes in the way of following one's inspiration.
Does this evil nature/inauspiciousness of the 11th lord extend to the 11th house itself? What if a native has some or many planets in the 11th house? Would that be an inauspicious thing when it comes to following one's dharma and growing spiritually? For eg: I have seen one astrologer put it that it's harder to let go of planets and yogas in the 11th house. Another mentioning that it's an upachaya, not a dusthana and in western astrology it's the house of joy, so it's a good house. Asking here as I have seen different viewpoints by different tropical vedic astrologers.
Sa/Ra in the 11th here, Saturn DB... It´s lord Ma in inimical dignity.
I think I´m a little too close to the matter to be able to say anything authoritive and general though.
So I´ll stay attuned and see what the answer(s) will be.
(Personally, although this has no bearing whatsoever on the general picture I guess, my path is very much about breakdowns, desillusions and letting go, even though my Saturn is DB, since my BC is 5 of Clubs, which is all about that. So having this obstructed house has served me in a backwards way, I believe. But that´s me.)
The 11th house is interesting. My take on it is it is the best upachaya house, house of long term gain, investment, house of title, older siblings. You make money in 11th n what you get to keep is 2nd house. It is also the 12th from the 12th which is a house of loss. I asked ernst about 11th house because i was trying to reconcile that it is a house of gain but also a house of loss. I also have 4 2/11 pv yoga be in my vargas.
- it is a house of gain title but to get all that there is a high price to pay. You have to really think is it worth your time to get that title. Some time at the end of the day the price is too high and the return on investment is not equitable.
if u have many planets in the11th it tells me your energy will be spent there.