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Types of therapies and astrology

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I recently asked about music and astrology and got a wonderful and most elaborate answer by @Mitryendra80.

Now I´ve get yet another challenge for anyone who wants to flex their jaimini (and other astrological) wings.

What about the branches of alternative medicine and astrology?

Mars rules acupuncture and use of stones, obviously.

Moon would be sound therapy, but as Mitryendra has pointed out, bells, chymes and similar instruments are ruled by Jupiter, so a good Jupiter would be helpful in the use of those instruments.

Venus - massage?

Mercury and Moon combined for the use of herbs?

Bach flowers has to do with frequencies, right? So maybe Moon, more than anything else.

Obviously Moon and Mercury are required for healing to begin with.

Reflexology/zone therapy - sounds a bit mercurial to me...

Some forms of therapies:

- Massage

- Chiropractic

- Acupuncture

- Homeopathy

- Herbal medicine

- Bach flowers

- Reflexology

- Gemstone therapies

- Audio therapy

- Iridology

. Ear candling ("conotherapy")

- Auriculotherapy

- Fangotherapy

- Cupping therapy

- Lymphatic drainage

- Reiki

- Shamanism

- Fasting

Any ideas, anyone?

I´m going back to school in Mars, I will practice alternative medicine for 8 months. It would be nice to be able to give advice about what branch within medicine to focus on to my study buddies, in case anyone wants to know.


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I also think we need to remember Mars' role in therapies that consciously move and direct energy through the body. Hatha yoga, mudras, tai chi, qi-gong, and martial arts.

But Venus may also have a role in those, since they rejuvinate and restore flow to the vital body.

Even reflexology and zone therapy could be included in the above group of therapies.

Saturn rules fasting.

I do not recall anything about Bach remedies though I think it would be Venus due to the flowers, but it could be moon. They work on the emotional body.

Jupiter is also involved in the pranayama branch of hatha yoga since it expands our ability to hold and consolidate prana, rather than to sqander or dissapate it, or close ourselves off from it. This is a type of energetic wealth.

Mercury is usually listed for mantras but I give that to Jupiter as well. They both connect to ether and sound.

In food and nutrition, Jupiter rules over nuts and seeds. Jupiter also rules over rudraksha seeds, used as a remedy, when either worn or used in a mala for counting mantras. So with regard to mantra, I think Jupiter would literally relate to seed-sounds or bija mantras, which are also often shakti mantras. In fact, most of them have a chime or bell-like sound, and we have recently surmized that Jupiter rules bells, chimes, and gongs. And as seed-sound mantras are usually just one word that is one or two syllables long, this goes well with Jupiter's "speaks little" status. They are powerful enough to be chanted mentally, as they often are, but are also sometimes placed at the beginning of longer, vocalized mantras, giving the vocal effect of ringing a bell before singing the actual name and directed action of the deity.

I would guess that Mercury rules the longer name and descriptive type of mantras that are usually spoken or sung out loud. Since Mercury relates to earth, it would relate to tangible sound and spoken coded language. This could include the Vedic and Puranic mantras.

Unfortunately, I am not familiar with many of the other therapies you have listed.

