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What makes somebody a singer

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Hi Ernst,

Sun rules singing, but what makes singing manifested in a chart?

For example, what to look for:

  1. Singer who can sing with legendary quality but may not have fame
  2. Singer who does not sing with great quality but has great fame
  3. Singer who has both legendary quality and fame
  4. Singer who has neither legendary quality nor fame
  5. Someone who has fascination for singing but does not make the grade of a singer

What would make singing jump out of a Sun's indications from among all his other indications?




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Ernst Wilhelm
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To learn how to see a singer you need to take the first three Jaimini audio courses where that is covered. 

Degree of talent is determined by dignities. 

Fame is determined by the yogas in the chart that produce fame as well as a strong 10th and 7th house. So if a person has raja yogas, a strong 7th and 10th and named yogas and jaimini yoga planets, they will be famous for that if any of the singing related planets form these things. 

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@ernst, @amit, all

I took the first three audio Jaimini courses, and surely, it has so many profound concepts and teachings.

Regarding singing, I have produced a music album and sung in it. Music has been arranged by professionals in the industry, and I sold few hundred copies of this album. Other than that, I have performed on stage several times, but most importantly I have been greatly passionate about singing and feel singing has been my introductory path to spirituality.  But singing has never been a major job or career for me.

Now I have Sun exalted in D1, and Sun is in Leo in both D9 and D60.  I see Sun is Rashi aspecting 2nd cusp in D1, but I see no connection in D9 and D60 between Sun and 2nd cusp.

Sun is not my career planet but becomes a skill planet in D9.

Is this expected, or do we expect a 2nd cusp connection in D60 for my singing activities to have manifested?  Is this a rectification candidate for D60?






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Amit Bhat
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 You can take a screenshot of d1, d9 and d60 and post here.

As you performing this activity of singing even though not as a major job, it should show up in d60.

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I subtracted 59 sec from my D60, and it makes the Sun aspect 2nd cusp.

To clarify, I stopped singing on stage many years ago, as I was investing too much time into it, and since it was not my profession, I could not justify it.

Also, I have no Sun and 2nd cusp connection in D9. Do we need them to connect in D9 also?



Amit Bhat
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Connection not needed in d9 but in d1 and d60.

Also it's not like just like Sun has to connect with 2nd cusp only, it can be sun connection to 2nd lord or his dispositor too.. similarly other way round like Ernst explained in the class.

(@Anonymous 21669)
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Posts: 93

@anand I am still working out Jaimini, and want to be sure to follow this thread. Personally I am NOT a singer unless you count singing to my children and humming incessantly - LOL! I have an MT Sun joined my AK in 2nd so didn't help there (low dig?). But I am surrounded by family and tight circle of friends that are musically talented - some with similar story as you. A few things I've noticed in chart of others, benefic such as Ve or Mo in 2nd or lords of the house.  Looking forward to what you might discover and share.

As a side note, I have the chart of a Veternarian that practices Homeopathy and Acupuncture. It took me forever to see the connections in her chart, required some rectification but it was there. A career that is definitely not dasa dependent in her case as she is 50, and it is the only career she ever wanted or ever had. I guess sometimes it isn't as obvious as it seems it should be.


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I have an MT Sun joined my AK in 2nd so didn't help there (low dig?)

Elvis Presley has Sun in 2nd cusp. So, your Sun placement does not disqualify you from being a great singer ???? 

 A few things I've noticed in chart of others, benefic such as Ve or Mo in 2nd or lords of the house.  Looking forward to what you might discover and share.

My 2nd is empty, and my 2nd lord is Mars, malefic but it is in my pada.

My wife is a better singer than me, she has Sun conjunct 2nd lord Venus. Sun is her AK also and her 2nd is her upapada.

I have not looked at charts other than my close family, so pretty much that is all the data I have right now!



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(@Anonymous 21669)
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Posted by: @anand

Elvis Presley has Sun in 2nd cusp. So, your Sun placement does not disqualify you from being a great singer

Haha, I can carry a tune and know when I am "off". Elvis had a Venus AK double delighted by friends and joined Su/Me in 2nd. You mentioned your wife also has Venus connection I bet Venus  influence makes a big difference. I was trying to think of descriptive word for Elvis or others I know, with strong Venus influence. Fluid, smooth and full - like the space is "full" or "fulfilled". There is definitely a special quality to the voice. 

Posted by: @anand

My 2nd is empty, and my 2nd lord is Mars, malefic but it is in my pada.

Sounds like you have Libra lagna, where is Venus and Mars?

Do you think Mars changes your approach to song, such as it needing to be more planned/engineered?  You mentioned in one post it was a "passion", a quality of Mars so I wonder how your experience might differ from someone with a Venus influence.



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Sounds like you have Libra lagna, where is Venus and Mars?

Yes, I have Libra lagna.  Venus in 5th (Aquarius) and Mars/Ketu/Saturn (AK) in 9th (Gemini).

Do you think Mars changes your approach to song, such as it needing to be more planned/engineered? 

I had to discover a singing technique that worked for me, and I have to plan my singing based on that technique every time I sing. What I mean is, I need to be conscious about this technique every time I sing. There are times when I lose myself in a zone while singing for some time, but this happens only after I maintain an unwavering meditative focus on my technique for some time.

The technique itself is the most basic one for singing, to focus on the pitching. But to realize a good pitch sense, I have spent days recording a single line hundreds of times and trying to understand the incremental difference between each takes. I did many years of such singing practice, only after which, I started getting feedbacks to my singing comparable to my wife.

You mentioned in one post it was a "passion", a quality of Mars so I wonder how your experience might differ from someone with a Venus influence.

From the reactions I have received, it is the emotive expressions in my singing that people have liked. And the word that has been most used to describe my singing is "passionate".

Many of the above has come pretty much naturally to my wife, and people have always liked her singing the moment they hear her voice. She has a great vocal range and she would be a natural fit among professionals. She has not had difficulties qualifying in the auditions she has given.

My wife has had some formal training as a kid, whereas my parents didn't send me to singing classes since they worried I would neglect my academic studies. Although I sang a lot arbitrarily as a kid, I took to singing more seriously because in my teenage years I wondered what the consciousness of a singer would be like. Also I had noticed a very small barely there stutter in my talking when I was around 12 years old and I thought taking seriously to singing would instantaneously cure it, which it did.  And, my mother was an accomplished singer and my elder male cousin was a big influence since he was an aspiring professional singer.

My wife and I married quite young, and almost all of our musical journeys has been together and has been a special part of our relationship.



(@Anonymous 21669)
Joined: 4 years ago

Posts: 93

@anand A beautiful and insightful explanation, so many ways to make someone a singer ???? 

Thank you for sharing your experience.

