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3rd 4th chapter?

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2 Users
Posts: 163
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U said 1st is the most imp


2nd deals with longevity and dasas


3rd and 4th deals with small unimportant trivial things


And i love trivial things so do u have those chapters anywhere? I'm doung ur audio course on jamini but it's only the first chapter..


If u haven't done it do u have sources where i can learn those or do u plan on them? Thanks...

3 Replies
Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

There is no source for those sutras to be translated correctly to even a remote degree. I think it will be a few years before I will be able to focus on finishing the sutras. Probably be the last thing I do before I punch my ticket out of here. 

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Posts: 163

@ernst lmao


But did say that they deal with the basics, how do u know that then? Like what's even in there? I could imagine since first deals with birth the katter ones might deaal with death like how and when and what conditions like desease or accident.


Also about the next life maybe or the past life or what dimensions do we go to or what incarnation we reincarnate into but those r just thoughts


Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

3rd and 4th does not deal with basics, but deals with many different types of things. Reading jaimini and seeing what is covered is one thing, knowing what Jaimini is instructing is another. There are sutras in jaimini, especially the 3rd and 4th chapters that can take a year to unravel. Jaimini is written in coded sanskrit that even after the code is worked out can take months of contemplation. Thats why what you see out there on jaimini is mostly not jaimini. Also, the last 2 chapters suffer from more corruption than the first 2. The last two chapters were not discovered until the early 1900s and the manuscripts were just not in as good a shape as the first 2 chapters. 
