Chart of John Travo...
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Chart of John Travolta - Women

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(@Anonymous 21669)
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In Jaimini audio Ernst uses chart of John Travolta as an example showing the rise and fall of career.  I pulled up his chart in kala for reference, his lagna is Cancer and the Moon is waxing in Virgo. He has had many losses in life with various court battles, loss of his son during Jup dasa, wife in 2020. Started thinking about the recent death of Olivia Newton-John due to breast cancer.  Discovered that 3 women in his life, died of breast cancer!?! I'm not sure what the chances of that are exactly but it seemed excess to me. His chart is in Kala database under "Actors" for your reference.

1st long term relationship with actress Diana Hyland died of breast cancer 27 March 1977, John was running Mo/Su/Ve.

Wife Kelly Preston died 12 July 2020, the very day John went into Sa/Me dasa!

Recently his long time friend and on screen "love" Olivia, died on 8 August 2022, John was running Sa/Me/Su.

His Venus is BEAUTIFUL and is in great dignity in most of the vargas, so it would seem by just dignity alone that would make relationships and Venusian things wonderful. But the more you look into his chart, follow the dasas, padas and the houses it all makes sense.  I referenced D1, D9 and D30 for my look into WHY the women in his life suffer breast cancer.  It's an interesting case study so have a look and let us know what you think, you might see something I missed.


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Do you recall which audio this reference was from? 

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(@Anonymous 21669)
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@scott-m-19 Ernst didn't speak of the women and breast cancer issues and 2 of those women passed in last 2 years. The audio is probably circa 2009 (?)

He talks about JT Chapter 1 - pada - 3, lesson 5 as the last chart discussed.

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@ltmoon i looked at Travolta's chart and this is what jumped out at me:

He does have a very nice Venus, exalted in the Rasi and it is with debilitated Mercury who is the 12th lord and also rasi aspect the 12th house (double 12th house here). He also has a nice Moon too and it is in Virgo (Moon/Mercury). Moon is in the 3rd rasi aspect the 9th and 6th with Mars in it and Mars is the 5th lord. Author combination maybe, a writer at some point?

He has a 9/12 PV yoga Mercury and Jupiter. Jupiter is neutral and Mercury is debilitated. I wonder if he has problems with his belief system? Somehow his belief system does not work out for him.

He has 7th lord in the 5th yoga Saturn the 7th lord in the 5th house. That is not a good yoga for relationship either divorce or the spouse dies.



(@Anonymous 21669)
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@tuyetv Great insights!  I totally forgot to consider the yoga's, though I'm aware of the 7th lord in the 5th yoga, they just don't JUMP out at me, Thank you for that reminder!

As I consider it further, his Sa 7th/8th lord is in Sc though neutral in this chart still can take a hit as mars is in 6th making aspects from Sag to 9th,12th and 3rd.  The transit on the day wife died, Ju/Pluto exact degree on his Rahu and Sat at 29 degree Cap moving from 7th house to 8th and EXACT on 7th cusp! ???? 

As far as Olivia goes, I'm aware they maintained a friendship, Me being karaka of friends, so the Sa/Me dasa makes sense. On day of her death, Me was transiting his 3rd house and aspecting his natal Sa. Transiting Sa making an exact square to each other from his 8th/11th, also in Taurus the Ra/Uranus conjunction. The story as to why so much breast cancer around him, might be seen in the padas from Sc/Ta but I'm still trying to untangle that puzzle...

I did not consider Me as DB, as I generally look at the DB as 0-15 Pisces so as combined friendship it is showing "friendly" and also delighted by Ve. Me for sure has low uccha and dig, so as a yoga planet it can't give more 2.9 points of good - but that is still GREAT within yoga judgement standards.  I read that he was raised catholic and converted to scientology, so he for sure had problems with the original beliefs can't speak to how firm his beliefs are now. 

Also, I've read that he has written a few movie scripts, so your on target there too.

Love the feedback, and opportunity to learn were I'm overlooking things.


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@ltmoon I see more after i sent the email:

His Atmakaraka is the Sun in the 8th house aspecting his Lagna Cancer. When there is the 8th house connection to the Atma or Lagna the person is going to be roving. It creates ups and downs, looking for directions. Also 8th house is the houses of sudden losses, changes, and a hidden house. It is aspecting his Lagna with Ketu and Ketu is a neuter planet. There has been rumors of his sexuality. His Atma, the Sun aspecting the Lagna can strengthen the body, gives more confidence and self-esteem.

Jupiter the karaka for children is in the 12th house. His 5th house also represents children Scorpio has Saturn aspecting the 7th house with Rahu, 2 separating planets. Scorpio is the sign of seizure. Rahu is aspecting Scorpio and Mars the 5th lord is in Sagi aspectiing Jupiter the karaka for children in the 12 house. I think his son was known to have seizures

His Pada is Scorpio with Saturn in it. Lagna is Cancer and Moon is 3rd from Cancer. We count 3rd from the Moon and we arrive at Scorpio as the Pada. The Pada is the end so we would want Jupiter, Venus, exalted planet or Moon here. His Pada has Saturn aspecting Rahu so probably not too good

As for breast cancer, Cancer represents the breast. His Moon is in the Virgo aspecting Venus, Mercury in the 9th and the 12th house. Don't know if there is any connection there but that is what i see. 

His Lagna lord Moon is in the 3rd house and rasi aspect the 6th house Sagi. He has the 3rd and 6th house intelligence. Mars in the 6th house is the 5th house lord so he is also connected to the 5th house intelligence. I think he is an intelligent man

Transits are great for predicting events. I need to go back to practice that more when i have time..



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Ernst discussed Travolta (Yogada Table section) in Jaimini Pada 3, Audio #5 according to my notes...

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Jaimini is a unique system for sure. I have been mostly studying jaimini this year and just started the Rasi Dasa course. 

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@scott-m-19 Jaimini speaks to me for sure. But you know it depends on the questions that people ask you. If they ask am i going to be married? then i need to look at Jaimini for a concrete answer Yes or No. But if they ask is it going to be a happy marriage? then I need to look at Parashara. I think both systems compliment each other and are of equally importance. I also really enjoy Yogas.

