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Focal Bhavas

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I am a bit confused about the focal Bhava technique.

If I want to see all connections from and to Lagna, Lagna Lord and AK then I need to count the following:

Lagna: Planets in Lagna (Bhavas they rule) and aspects of planets to Lagna (Bhavas they rule).

Lagna Lord: Conjunctions of planets (Bhavas they rule), planets that aspects Lagna Lord (Bhavas they rule) and Bhavas the Lagna Lord aspects, planets the Lagna Lord aspects (Bhavas they rule).

AK: Bhavas AK is conjunct, conjunctions of planets with AK (Bhavas they rule), planets that aspect AK (Bhavas they rule), Bhavas AK aspects, planets that AK aspects (Bhavas they rule).


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I believe this is correct for the most part. 

This is a little tricky. I recall Ernst doing things a little different (unintentionally) with his weak shadbala Me in these videos and they weren't exactly straight forward. I had to re-watch them...I suggest re-watching them.


I usually find that the bhavas that the lagna lord is in as well as the bhava of the AK tend to be the main focal bhavas anyway.



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@scott-m-19 Thank you. Yes its true that Ernst did it a bit different. If I understood properly then he did Lagna Lord placement and what Lagna Lord aspects. Then Lagna and what aspects it gets and planets in it and then Ak, placement, conjunction and aspects from and to. In some other post someone asked about Lagna Lord and aspects he receives and Ernst said that Jaimini does not really mention this but he think one schould do it. If the principle behind that technique is to see all connections to self (Lagna, Lagna Lord and AK) then it seems to me that one has to do it from all sides to see all connections. But Ernst also made an distinction, which I forgot now, but something shows where the main focus is and something shows the path.

Thanks for sharing your understanding in regards to pointing out that in your experience the placement of Lagna Lord an AK shows the main focus.

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Yeah, I think he makes some mistakes on those three videos on this technique. Just forgets some aspects which is easy to do...It is a useful technique though and worthwhile to learn. Takes a bit of time. 

Sometimes it can really show a theme to certain bhava that you wouldn't otherwise think would be so activated yet shows in one's life. However, I do find that typically, the lagna lord placement and the bhava of the AK usually show key themes. 

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I also noticed some inconsistency in the videos for which planets are counted as focal bhavas. Maybe it's in the Jaimini spirit of making us figure it out ourselves! 


