Natural karaka in i...
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Natural karaka in it's own person house kills them?

1 Posts
1 Users
Posts: 163
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Can u elaaborate more one that like that one girl with venus in the 9th who's father committed sucide? 

Like will it work the same for sun in the 9th being the karak of father? Or sun in the 10th?

Like jupiter in the 5th cause miscarriage, will koon in the 5th too? Since moon is an infant? And ur daughter as an infant had trouble aswell being in the hospital and u both got moon in the 5th?

Will jipiter in the 7th cause denial for a husband?

Does it work for venus being the karak for partner in the 7th aswell or just for the father in 9? Because i suppose it denies a partner aswell. And it makes more sence with venus and mercury in the 7th denieng marriage because venus in the 7th is a natural partner karak in the partner house with mercury in the 7th who has no digballa to think throutit...


Thabks so many questions tho..
