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new rashi sutras

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Posted by: @sharonsegall

is the dignity of a planet in a specific sign in the rashi (lets say Saturn in taurus )calculated by the combined  natural friendship  with the temporary friendship of venus toward saturn


Posted by: @sharonsegall

do we also continue  calculating the other planets friendships  through combining their natural freindship plus temporary friendship toward saturn

You may see how many planets are friends, neutral or enemies (to see how many are helping or hindering).

But it's not required for calculating dignity.

Posted by: @sharonsegall

the dignity itself for saturn, would be just with respect to natural and temporary friendship with venus in this case

Yes, dignity is determined only by the rasi lord; not from other grahas.

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Posted by: @sharonsegall

if lets say mercury sitting with Saturn in the taurus sign and the total dignity toward saturn BY MERCURY  is neutral ( F+E) does that mean he doesnt hurt saturn, while saturn towards mercury is an enemy (N+E) ?

To properly evaluate how grahas evaluate each other, you can study the course on Interpreting Avasthas (it's there in the Beginner section) 

There are different systems of Avasthas. Like in your query example:

  • As per Deeptaadi Avastha: Saturn will impair Marcury, but not because of being an enemy but because of being a malefic. Mercury won't hurt Saturn as such
  • As per Lajjitaadi avastha: Again here, Saturday starves Mercury coz of it's special nature but Mercury doesn't hurt back. This system only considers natural friendship. There are then additional rules which I would suggest you better go through the course.

Take away point: Don't confuse relationships, dignities and avasthas, though they are interlinked

  • Dignity only comes from the combined friendship of rasi lord.
  • Relationships of other grahas can also be seen and noted. Like they can help in seeing the dignity in other vargas
  • Avasthas go to next level. They may use natural friendships, dignities and other special cases.
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thank you rajan, i am in the beginning stages but through those beginner videos all those examples of looking at rashi charts involve  friendship and relationship between planets that is part of the interpretation but not those freindship rules come in a later videos. while following the order of the videos i am trying to make sense of those examples but i am missing information and getting confused with the relationship being used in the rashi chart presented. but i dont want to jump forward as it confuses me more. is there any basic rule i can start with that will allow me understand why one planet would hurt another or be a friend to another while in the same house, lets say. is there any difference if it is conjunct or just sitting in the same house. like for example, there was a chart where ernst used for reading a rashi chart by signs, and mercury and venus were sitting together. as i understood from all my question previously, by natural friendship they are friends but when he referred to them at that example he said they are friends but being in the same sign they are reducing each other qualities. what is your advise regarding the way i should go to be able to understand the content of the beginner course without confusing info but get some set of rules to understand the examples presented .

i am as i said going by the order of the videos and the planets relationship videos come later on .

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Can you confirm or explain what is your understanding regarding natural, temporary and combined friendships. Maybe then I can see if there's any gap or mix-up.

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i followed what mona kindly explained to me yesterday 

"First determine natural friendship 

The signs that are the 2nd, 12th, 4th, 8th, 5th and 9th from the moolatrikona of a graha are friends. The exaltation sign is a friend as well. All others are enemies. If a graha becomes both an enemy and a friend, then the natural friendship in neutral. So for the Moon, for example, from Taurus (Moolatrikona), Libra is the 6th rasi from Taurus so it's enemy, but Taurus is also the exaltation sign so Venus is neutral to the Moon. Sagittarius is 8th from Taurus = friend but Pisces is 11th from Taurus = enemy, so Jupiter is neutral to the Moon, etc...

This is valid for all charts, regardless of graha placements, so best to memorize the table of natural friendships, as this doesn't change from one chart to the next.

Then, you determine the temporary friendships which is depending on where the planets are placed in a particular chart. The planets placed in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th rasi and in the 10th, 11th, 12th rasi are friends. Basically, 3 in fronts and 3 in the back. Enemies when joined or in the other positions. 

As per the other thread, this temporary friendship determined in the rasi is carried over in the vargas. If Sun and Mars are temporary friends in the rasi, they will be temporary friends in all the vargas. 

To figure out the dignity of the planet, you need to combine the natural and temporary friendships:

F+F=GF, F+N=F, F+E=N, E+N=E, E+E=GE

Obviously, debilitated and exalted, Moolatrikona, own sign are not subject to this rule since they are dignity in and of themselves."


that was very helpful and cleared a lot about a planet dignity in the rashi chart, but still i am confused about how to understand the rashi signs when more then 2 planets a sign, and what what rules i need to use to determin how the two planents will behave beside the determination of their dignity . meaning, can a dignity of  a planet (which based on combined total score)  be affected if there is another planet is sitting with it in the same sign meaning can it hurt them add to them? what rules i should follow then?  also what will be the difference of their interaction if they are in the same rashi  but apart, then when they are conjunct ? in terms of their behavior toward each other.

all that i mentioned is only for the rashi chart as i am not yet beyond that, and haven't watched the friendship video as i am 4 videos behind it.

thank you again


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Hi Sharon, it looks like you are trying to go beyond the techniques to understand the concepts. For that, I would recommend you start with thinking/contemplating about the planets themselves first and try to understand them properly. Once you understand a bit about the planets, you will start to see how and why their interaction brings about issues.

The best way to get a general idea would be to think of the people in your own life, and imagine what would happen if you place certain people together in certain people’s houses. 

In the example before about the chart Ernst had used where Mercury and Venus are in one sign - Mercury has a particular job and has his own way of doing things. Venus has his own job and his own particular way of going about it. These two ‘people’ are friends. But even when friends get together, they have issues and there is always a tug-of-war to get their own agendas fulfilled. Now put them in, say a friend’s house (sign), and their interaction will be affected differently than if they ended up together in the house (sign) of an enemy.

I will say be patient with yourself and the teachings. There is a lot of information to put together, understand, digest, and it is easy to get overwhelmed. Make lots of cheat sheets with lots of notes. At some point, you will surprise yourself at how easily you are able to pick the issues out. Once you get to that point, you can always go back and listen to the earlier videos again. Don’t expect to understand everything in one go. Even after a few years, whenever I go back and listen to the videos, I wonder how I missed a part of it.

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I assume that you are talking about the 'Jyotish Building Blocks' course. If you have not done that go through that first. After this course, the planetary friendships concept should get pretty clear.

Posted by: @sharonsegall

still i am confused about how to understand the rashi signs when more then 2 planets in and what would i what rulles i need to use and can a  dignity aplanet based on combined total score can be affected if there is another planet is sitting with it in the same sign meaning can it hurt them add to them? what rulles i should follow then?

For this, I could state some rules here, but it would be ideal that you go through the course on 'Interpreting Avasthas' in the Beginner section. How grahas interact with each other is best described there and that's what Ernst also considers the most relevant mechanism to evaluate inter-planetary interactions.


Posted by: @sharonsegall

also what will be the difference of their interaction if they are in the same rashi  but apart or and where they are conjunct ?

Being in the same rasi means they are conjunct. As per the avastha concept, degrees won't matter till the time they are in same rasi.


Once you are done with the Building block and avasthas course in the beginner section, you may come back for re-verifying your understanding.


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hi again,

the link you mentioned above  (interpreting avashtas) is way after the building blocks, and i am watching   building blocks videos but got stuck at  The Rasi and its Purpose    as i felt i had some gaps, and it got really technical for me to really understand it with my less then basic knowledge , so i have decided to go to the "new rashi sutras"  course to get more clear about the rashi, the sings etc to be able to understand the video of the "rashi and its purpose" properly, but then in the  course the new rashi sutras , planetary relationships, became  my missing link .

so just to be clear about my state   i have no previous knowledge or experience in astrology what so ever, so i get constantly thrown off  the order  of the videos as i am missing those basic rules to get through the order of the videos as they are  presented in the beginner section. can you please advise how  to tackle my difficulty

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It's alright Sharon

For now, I would suggest not to continue with the Rasi sutra course. Rather come back and finish the Jyotish Building Blocks.

Videos 3a and 3b contain some terms which a newcomer to Astrology may take time to grasp. Even the next few topics of astronomy will feel like so. But don't bother if you don't understand everything now. You can always re-watch these videos when you get more comfortable with some new terms and chart parameters.

So, for now just go ahead with this course (building blocks) before starting anything else, keep making notes for future reference and then you can post your doubts here.

Also, on the homepage of this website, Ernst has uploaded a document: Astrology Curriculum. Use that as reference for your further course path.

Happy Learning ???? 

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thank you rajan, i do appreciate your help greatly and will follow that you advised.

hope it will get clearer.

thank you again

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