i am busy watching the video lord of rashi in the new rashi sutras.
one of moon's enemies as described by ernst is ,venus , but moon is exalted in taurus which ruler is venus. any explanation how to make sense of the interaction of friends enemy and how to know who is enemy or friend .also how to know based on enemy or friend what happens when enemy goes to the enemy sign (sign which ruled by ones enemy ) how to determine if he this planet dignity. as i mentioned above moon is enemy to Venus (as stated)but moon exalted in taurus which venus its lord. a specific answer to that case would be appreciated but also a general rull system one can work with in consistency for all planets and sign
Actually, the moon has no enemy so moon is an enemy to Venus but Venus is not an enemy to the Moon.
The natural friendships rules are determined by the positions to each other’s. I believe it’s the 2nd, 12th, 5th, 9th, 4th and 8th to each other’s that determine friendships, others are enemies (so Taurus is exaltation for Moon and Libra is 6th from Moolatrikona Taurus so Venus becomes neutral to the Moon because it has both an enemy and friend position in relationship to the Moon-ruled sign)
that being said, when it comes to exaltation and debilitation, I tend to focus more on the sign itself. The Moon is how we perceive and “feel” the world. It tends to do better in the comfort driven, nurturing sign of Taurus and not so well in the deep sometimes dark feeling world of Scorpio.
hope that helps clarify
Additional memory points which always helped me:
1. Sun-Saturn and Sun-Venus are the only 2 mutual enemy pairs.d
2. Saturn has max enemies: Sun, Moon and Mars (as Ernst clearly emphasised in LA course)
3. Unlike Moon who has no enemies, remember that Jupiter is enemy to no one.
4. The passionate pair of Mars and Venus are actually neutral to each other.
As Ernst mentions, the 'whys' in astrology are tough to decipher, coz they are not explained in ancient texts.
Regarding being inimical to a graha, it doesn't mean that the enemy hates the graha. It's just that the inimical graha doesn't allow the other one to express naturally or in its ideal and pure form.
Does it mean the moon considers nobody as its enemy? Or nobody considers the moon as their enem
So, Moon becomes inimical to Mercury, Venus and Saturn coz our mental attachment to their significations makes them more personalised, which they are not ought to. And that's also how we understand the starvation in Lajjitaadi Avasthas.
Also, since Moon can adapt self or the environment to suit its needs, hence it doesn't find (or consider) any graha's impact as inimical (except if conjunct Saturn)
In Western astro-mythology, isn't Saturn the father and Sun the son? Or do I have that wrong?
Saturn wants to eat his children, and prevent the Sun from outshining and overtaking him?