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Yogada Table

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Hi Ernst and all,

In the Yogada Table, there are the top and bottom sections. Is there a significance meaning whether you are top heavy with raja yogas or bottom heavy with raja yogas? Some charts i see many raja yogas at the top section, and other charts i see many raja yogas at the bottom half. Just curious... Thx!




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Have this same question! Also, what's the difference between 
the dark points vs the light points in the Yogoda table? 

@ernst Please guide us.

Posts: 124
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Have this same question! Also, what's the difference between 
the dark points vs the light points in the Yogoda table? 

@ernst Please guide us.

Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

There are two types of yogadas, neihter is more powerful than the other. one is based on bhava, hora and ghatika lagnas, the other on teh 1/7 axis, t hus there are top and bottom sections. Ligth numbers are tehre when there is only 1 factor, so no yoga is formed. When its bold, its 2 or 3 factors and that forms a yoga. 

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@ernst Hi, Ernst, I'm trying out this technique now and got a bit confused with Yogada table.. In example, rasi chart has Leo lagna, Mars is in 6th there, rasi aspecting 1st house, however, in Yogada table it's shown that mars aspects both 1st and 7th in green, in navamsa chart, Mars is in in Cancer with HL, Yogada table shows that Mars aspects BL, which is in Leo. Jupiter in navamsa rasi aspects both 1st and 7th, in Yogada it is shown that he aspects only 1st. In drekkana, Mercury is in Aquarius with GHL, rasi aspecting BL in Aries, however, Yogada table shows that he aspects HL in Scorpio..

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@kannessa-chan Hi, most likely it's due to the Jaimini calculation settings for Rasi Aspects. See if it changes when you switch to "conventional" from "astronomically correct". Kala - Options - Calculation Options.

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@nkan Hi, Nadya, thank you, already solved!
