gulika and mandi
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gulika and mandi

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am I blind or stupid? you choose, please.;-))

I dont find mandi and gulika in kala. mayday.

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Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3219
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Its in the upagrahas chart and tabels you can pull them up in the pop up menu. 

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Thx. would you take my "blindness" in finding mandi and gulika as an omen that I should not use them for the time being? And once more: I am really happy that I found you! An Astrologer who knows what he is doing and why and can explain. Great! (I know lot to develop more and to find out. One must leave some job for the young ones. ;-)) So in the name of our children and grandchildren I thank you for that also ;-)) Oooommm

btw: I got answer from Andrew Foss about ShriJiyotiStar exporting in quickchart formate. Answer was: "only import". But thats only for your info. I dont really need to import too many data into kala. Can do it by hand.  For your income would be the best: make import possible but not export. Trap the clients with kala, hehe;-)). And make update after update and ask big money for updates.???? btw: the Austrian "Astroplus" gives updates for free, because they say that otherwise the first users finally pay more than the late buyers. Take care!

Ernst Wilhelm
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Best to use them after you really learn well the other planets as they are of secondary importance. I also think we need to learn about the other upagrahas that are calculated along with gulika to get the enitre picture, sadly these other ones are ingnored in the old texts so we have to start from the beginning with those. 

thank you for the import information. 

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@ernst thx. makes sense your answer. btw: having made myself your jaimini-pupil i suppose that you have the right to get little of my astrological background. I am 64 years old and since 40 years astrology is my hobby. started with some classical western astro, then added some parasharji but my main focus was on "esoteric astrology" school of alice bailey and master dwal khul from tibet. thats till now my favourite.  (fascinating but also frustrating at times. you sure understand that. its like an ocean and i come with my coffecupsize intellekt and intuition). when i was 48 years old i came into a huge personal crisis, body, emotions, mental, private life, property,...all. i stopped also all astrothinking or studying. Crisis was over a couple of years ago, i found myself as a retired single person living in the alps and himalaya.. Came covid i decided to learn some "down to earth astrology" and so decided for jaimini. was looking for a couple of months in internet to find someone from whom i would like to learn jaimini. found you among others and liked immediately your way. i love e.g. the idea of using tropical rashis and sid. nakshatras. also you really have thought through in ernstway äh- i mean earnest serious way - (e.g. how you argue for "your" ayanamsa) but as i hate the american english slang and cannot hear it i looked on. but then decided that for me you are definitely the best teacher and so have to suffer your english ???? and learn from you. that was only a couple of months ago and till now i am very happy with that decision (although i still think you americans should learn how to speak english ;-))) ). in 1992 i was  initiated into kriya-yog (by paramhans swami maheshwarananda). and so i am now here in your forum as a jaimini beginner. learning jaimini from you for me is very relaxing, because i just have to learn without much thinking. you have thought through and much deeper and more exact than i ever did (maybe even could). when i have the feeling that i have learned enough jaiminifrom you i plan to go back to "the tibetan" and start thinking for myself again. please dont answer to this post your dharma seems to teach and do research, not smalltalk with pupils!!! i see you every day, you even published your horoscope - which i find very courageous - so i thought its just fair to give you some of my background.

yours sincerely werner

Ernst Wilhelm
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@werner HI Werner, thank you for filling me in. I am laughing about having to make you suffer my english, which is worse than most American's English. If you ever want to tell us anything about Tibetan astrology, I am sure there are many here who would be interested in that.

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@ernst Dear Ernstsahib! I am still happy learning from you with your very systematic approach. Also happy to have bought Kala which is so easy and intuitive to work with (apart from some calculations one needs when learning from you and one cannot find elswere). One complaint though about this website, sorry, but its annoying. Too often I either cannot approach at all or the download of lectures is interrupted again and again so much that its useless. As I dont have this problem with other websites I suppose that problem has roots with your system. I hope so, because in that case you have the troubles not me;-))

About Tibetan Astrology. What I mean is "the astrology of "TheTibetan"", a Gyanavatar (no doubt. His teaching is proof!) from Tibet who channelled lot of Gyan through two great disciples of His: Madame Blavatsky and Alice Bailey. One of the names He is known with is Dwal Khul. Whoever wants to start understanding His astrology must imho study the first three volumes of: "A treatise on the seven rays" by Alice Bailey. And maybe more from Dwal Khul and A. Bailey. Those first two volumes give knowledge about "the seven rays", which of course is very deep insight on the Seven Rishis, their being, acting and rhythms and cykles. Also psychology of humans based on rishis, chakras and so on. Third volume "Esoteric Astrology" gives insight into astrological factors like planets, zodiac signs, houses from the standpoint of the Seven Rishis = Seven Rays ruling galaxies, signs, suns, planets or the human microcosm. "The controll of form by seven energies a basic cosmic law". Seven Rishis/Rays sort of as the deities of deities of everything, "from the atoms with their consciousness, initiations and final victory to the galaxies and bigger." Houses and Zodiac Signs (tropical) are perceived as space  in which the Rishis work and also fill with their conciousness and energy. The Rishis act in and through humans, planets, suns and so on. These can be seen as the Rishi/Ray incarnated.

Ayanamsa there is the famous Dwal Khul Ayanamsa which you have also programmed in Kala and according to which we are already in the age of Aquarius. For practical astrology though mostly tropical zodiac is used. Discussion was going when I stopped following 15 years ago and sure still is going on. The tibetan master makes huge differences in what and how influences depending on where on evolutionary ladder a human individual, a planet, sun, asf stand or better go. Means: As different chakras become active, different astrological "components" become active. The 27 Nakshatras He never mentions, as far as I know. They could be wonderfully fit into the system from someone who understands the stars and the rishis/rays though. The Tibetan often gives hints or puts questions but does not answer but says something like: "According to the cosmic laws its up to mankind to find the answers, so I cannot tell". O.K. That to give a minimini idea of the esoteric astrology of the seven rays by Master Dwal Khul.

About "exoteric" tibetan astro I  can tell only one anecdote: End of 1970 I had my horoscope made by one of the lama-astrologers who had fled with the Dalai Lama from Tibet. It was Parashara with Vimshottari Dasha. Some Tibetans also did Chinese Astro in old Tibet I was told. Tibet has its own culture with influences from India, China and Mongolia, as far as I see it.

You laughing about your English: Proof that you are very very wise. Because everybody except very very wise one it makes crying;-)))

May the Rishis bless everyone who read this.

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your written help for your lectures for printing also very helpfull. thank you! that was a lot of work!

Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3219
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For the video lagging problem, try another internet browswer. Edge seems to work best. The issue started when covid start and internet resources were being used so much more that the internet hosts prioritize the big sites like  youtube and give the residual bandwidth to people like me. I could host the videos on something like amazon streaming, but then i have to charge more as its very expensive to host this many videos there. Changing browser seems to solve the problem.

Thank you for filling me on the Tibetan astrology system you were referring to. Its been a while since i have looked at the Bailey books. 


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@ernst o.k. and thx!

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@ernst Yes. With Edge seems to do fine. Me happy!
