I have found the latitude and longitude of my birth house in google map and when I converted from decimal form it gave me a few minutes difference from what Kala gave me for the district. The district itself is 1.3 square mile. Does this difference make sense?
Thank you
There are actaully different methods of determining lattitude and longitude. Geodetic and geocentric are the more common. Geodetic became the universal global system since 1994 and all atlas files in kala come with geodetic coordinates. Maps, such as google maps, use geocentric coordinates. The reason for the difference is that the earth is not perfectly round, its a bit ovalized. In the next version of kala we are planning on putting a google maps location finder so that you can put the very address of your house where you were born into kala. Kala will then convert the data as neccesary. But for now, you can ust the google maps if you enter an exact address, otherwise, no reason to just enter it for a city that is already in kala.
not sure when it will be done and don't know the exact new features that we will actually get done. Sorry i can't tell you more but the planets the last two years are making my life so up in the air.