Bach flower questio...
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Bach flower questions

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Hello Ernst and All,

I have a few questions onBach floeer remedies.

-Has anyone read Mechtild Scheffer"s book on Bach flower therapy (anyone of them, Encyclopedia or Theory and Practice)? Is it worth reading? Does it add any new perspective to Ernst's course?

- Can it be applied on children?

- How to use the several types? Ernst says first start with houses, then rashis etc. Or can the all issues combined in one mixture? ( can combine 7 flowers in one bittle.) Eg. Star of betlehem for Sat in general, plus one flower for Sat house placement, other for rashi, other for its conjuncions? Then add some of  Rahu implications and add a few flowers more? Does this mixture make its effect just chaos or make it more effective? So how to go through the several issues indicated by Sat and Rahu and all their implications during the therapy? So we go in steps one by one, or can we combine the sevetal implications,.and if yes, then how?

Many thanks for clarifying in advance.



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Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
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When you combine remedies, you need to verify the remedy. so always, see it in the chart, ask a question to verify it. Then give the ones they relate to the most. 

yes, works great on children. with children you can often start with the signs and ignore the bhavas as when they are innocent they have not manifested the bhava remedies yet. 

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Thank you.

Good to know the application for children. 🙂

And for adults, once it is verified if the remedy is for communication, compensation or breakdown, then how to mix them?

Can i include all the flowers for all Saturn issues? How much is too much at once? So can I mix star of betlemem, with flowers for saturns bhava and sign placement, and conjuncions and aspects? I know not more not more then 7 flowers can be mixed, but is there anything more to know when creating a mixture? How many issues of the patient can be treated at once? How much therapy can the soul tolerate at once? (I dont know how to put it...)

Many thanks


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@agnesbarna Hi Agnes,

I've just recently began using the flower remedies and I found that the best way to test them is to through trial and error on yourself. There's no way of overdosing on the remedies, as they're all natural. If the "wrong" remedy is taken, it simply won't work for you.

You start by determining if the Bhava placement or Rashi placement of Saturn resonates more with you based on your symptoms. Then you you do the same for Rahu and can add in the planet conjunctions if necessary. Then just mix all those Remedies together.

In my case, the remedies I specifically needed for my Saturn Rashi Bhava were missing from my set, so I began by taking Star of Bethlehem and working through my D30 chart Saturn and Rahu placements. 

As for how much therapy the soul can tolerate at once, I think it depends on the individual and how well their body reacts to the flower remedies. I believe Ernst said in the course that people with planets in Pisces and Revati Nakshatra specifically react really well to Bach Flower healing.

Hope this helps 🙂

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@kam   hello Kam,

Thanks a lot for your answer.

Now it is getting clearer, I think as I start talking with clients, it will be also clearer, which flower to take. I have just completed Ernst's Bach flower course, and maybe I am way too much enthusiastic to apply it. 🙂 I guess I (or rather the flowers) dont need to solve all the problems of clients at once (by taking all seven essences in one single mix). 🙂 We can go ahead one by one.

So with time and practice it will be okay.

Hope Star of Betlehem will help you.

I am also about to order that, as all my family members have Saturn in their charts. :-))))

Thanks a lot, regards,


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@ernst    hello Ernst,

Should we treat with Bach flowers also those planets, that get a friendly aspect from Saturn? (Eg. Sat and Venus in oppistion with strong aspect.) Or the rule does not change, and only evil aspects should be treated.

What about Revati nakshatra? Any planet in Revati signifies good reaction to Bach flowers, even when Saturn or Rahu are not involved there? Or there is some rule to it?

Thanks a lot, regards,


Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

Revati rules flowers so it shows good response to flower remedies, but we only need to treat the planets that are in trouble, aka, infuenced by saturn or rahu. 

with respect to the venus example, yes, give it a remedy.
