Saturn starving Moo...
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Saturn starving Moon & Human design

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Hi Ernst & members

Thanks for another great video. I happened to have had 2 relatively recent readings with this conjunction. What I noticed is that they don’t easily open up to what is really going on even though they are consulting... Have you noticed the same?

Another question: you mention human design in this course. Had never heard of it but looked it up quickly and sounds interesting. 2 charts: one at time of birth for personality/conscious stuff and one 88 days prior to birth for unconscious stuff if I understood correctly. Have you looked into it much and is it relevant? My Ketu in Gemini is going ballistic ????????

Thanks again


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Don´t forget to breeeaath Mona!


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@meyes who has time for that?!? ????

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My worlds collided when Ernst mentioned Human Design in the video ????

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@kam do you know anything about it or you’re just like me (a kid finding out about a new candy store in town)?

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@mona I do! I got really into it a few years ago as well as the Gene Keys, which was created by a former Human Design student. 

There are certain aspects of it that I don't quite agree with, like the chakra mapping system, the strategy/authority stuff, and all of the "fear gates" being in Libra (Rude!) ????

But it does mesh very nicely with Astrology 🙂 I especially enjoy the incorporation of the I Ching and learning a bit more about that system of Astrology.


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@kam With my stellium in Libra, that’s definitely a big No No! ????????

Thanks for sharing. I’ve been using the I Ching occasionally over the past few years. Finding it hard to decipher sometimes but am sure it’s brilliant when you master it 

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Hey, now you that you have mentioned Human Design, I would also be curious to see what the more learned ones here think of it. I used to study it for some months, but when I got to its cosmology I found it so different from the entire Vedic/yoga-based cosmology that my reason gave me no choice but to reject it. I mean, only one of these two cosmologies can be true. So, yes how do you find it?

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@david108 I felt the same way after learning some things about the person who created the human design system. My 8th house has Jupiter and Rahu in it so It made me more weary and skeptical about it. I didn't want to get roped in to some Saturn in Leo cult. But now I believe things don't have to be so black and white and I try to enjoy the parts of it that resonate with me, regardless.

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@kam Yes, there is a whole range of states between "all true" and "all wrong". I liked my type classification a lot. But then, I just could not digest the idea that 7 chakras are gone and we have these 9 centers instead and the floating crystals inducing perceptions of aliens and the like...But I kept the stash of HD material just in case 6 years from now a new species really appears on Earth. Then I will be reading it anew, you never know. ????

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@david108 I liked my incarnation cross, and my profile made me realize why I resonate with Chiron in my chart so much. But yes, the chakras! And the fact that if you don't have any planets in Pisces, you're missing the mutation which will keep you alive 6 years from now.. ???? (I'm a goner.)

But I too still have my HD and Gene key books stashed under my bed and my trusty HD app for reference because my Ketu is in Libra; and overall this system seems like a fair trade. 

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@kam @David108 Very funny conversation it turns out. Who would have known for a Sa/Mo conjunction thread! I have Jupiter in Pisces, pfeww but I also have Rahu in Sagittarius, therefore a Ju/Ra same lord conjunction so I tend to approach these things with a cautious mind (I refused to enter a church at the age of 3 ????). Sounds like there are some things to take and some things to leave out, like in everything. I've recently discover the non-dual teacher Rupert Spira who's been knocking my socks off, so am in a phase where am questioning: resting in my own awareness of being aware or getting nerdier about knowing myself more as a person, potentially unnecessarily diving deeper in my own drama. Maybe they are not mutually exclusive. Time will tell ????

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@mona I've not heard of Rupert Spira....he sounds intriguing. Off I go to investigate ????????

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@kam haha, a very different experience from astrology. Let me know what you think:)

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@mona Advaita vedanta teachings or any vedanta teaching should be very compatible with vedic astrology studies. By the way, since you have some experience - which class should I take to learn the most about the spiritual aspects that can be read in a chart?

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@david108 I’ve been hearing about Advaita Vedanta for years but it never “hit” me until I listened to Rupert Spira. When the student is ready, the teacher appears... This is interesting because those are things I was contemplating when I was very young. Anyways, Jaimini has some spirituality/deity indications (audio course, I believe part 1). Personal deity, family deity and deity for concrete problems. Otherwise, I would look at the 12th and 12th house ruler to see the person’s capacity for surrender but I have not looked into it much. Have you taken the Jaimini (audio) class? Also, my interest and focus almost exclusively revolve around Rahu and Ketu. Since Ketu is linked to past lives, that brings out the spiritual aspect of a chart in and of itself so am not putting much thoughts in other aspects of the chart re: spirituality (if that makes sense). 

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@mona Thank you. I have listened to Jaimin sutras and i hoped there are some sort of yogas that make an avatar or something. ???? Maybe there will be something in Parashara yoga courses. Otherwise I find bits scattered in other classes so eventually I will get them all. Also ketu and rahu are still on the waiting list. 

For me the advaita came with the books of Ramana Maharshi and it was a hit... ???? 

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@david108 I’ll check out this Maharshi dude ???? I actually have seen pictures of him and Rupert Spira refers to him as well quite a bit.

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@david108 Also, have you studied the outer planets audio class? I'm almost done and I think the outer planets are likely the most spiritual aspects of our chart. I've learned more about my chart in this class than in any other class (ok, fair warning, I have a tendency to think that after each class but this one + Rahu/Ketu  are just the best imho;)

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@kam Oh wow, I didn't even know about this mutation condition. Even for survivors, according to HD, things are not going to be so great. If HD is correct instead of dwapara yuga and an avatar, we get humanity replaced by this new collective-minded species and when they die out, there is no more life on this planet. Pretty bleak outlook. So I really hope you are still around 7 years from now practicing astrology happily. ???? This system we are studying is indeed a fair deal compared to HD - just look at the prices they run. It was a really easy choice for me to direct energy here.

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@david108 @Kam

Ra Uru Hu has said that autistic people are the first signs of this mutation happening of the consciousness moving into the Sacral chakra. I have an autistic child so I became interested in his theory. It is relevant that autistic children have many sensitivities to toxins and their gut microbiome being off can cause many hard symptoms. This would connect to consciousness moving to this "second brain" sacral area. But yes, i too take these theories in with caution. It is hard to see evidence of any truth but I will say that Yes, I very much fit the Projector type as described 🙂

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@rhiannon Very interesting! I would say that I fit my generator type, yet most of my channels are projector channels so it feels conflicting in that sense also; because I definitely identify with projectors (waiting to be asked) moreso than generators (waiting to respond). But then again, both those types sound very similar in needing to play a waiting game of sorts. So I feel more like a hybrid ????

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@rhiannon I’ll be working with autistic children very soon (early education program within my town’s school system) for about a couple months (not as an astrologer, assistant teacher) Interesting that I was attracted to that experience and learned about HD a short time after. I’ll keep all that in mind 🙂

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@mona I love that you will be working with autistic children! Let me know if you want to listen to my favorite podcast ever on autism (unrelated to Human Design) and I will email it to you 🙂

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@rhiannon yes please! is the best one to use:)

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@rhiannon Yes, I remember this thing about autism and prostate cancer being indicators of mutations to come. The description of a projector also felt spot on for me. But later I found projectors that were not at all projector-like and I also felt that generators are defined in such a way that anyone could identify with it. A bit of HD trivia: Do you perhaps remember whose star's crystal is hidden in a tree in Switzerland the destruction of which could have potentially devastating consequences for life on Earth? I can't remember. Was it Sirius?

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@david108 This thread is becoming weirder by the day, fun! ????

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@david108 Ha ha, yes a generator could literally be anyone. As far as the crystal, I have no idea! I must have missed that transmission 🙂

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I had a brief Human Design reading made for me a couple of years ago, and what I remember clearly is that I´m on Earth for to stir around in the pot. I can relate to that...

(But then, I´m also a 5 of Club. Tends to go in the same direction...)



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@meyes I can testify ????????????

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