Saturn starving Moo...
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Saturn starving Moon & Human design

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Ernst Wilhelm
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In conjunctions, the degrees really dont matter. If its in the same sign, its there. The closer in degrees the earlier in life the deepest trauma relevant to the conjunction was experienced. sometimes you can take the degrees and turn one degree into a year and guess the date. 

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Calculated my HD type now, read some basic descriptions and got some MAJOR insights. Before I was sceptic (I'm sceptic for all thats mainstreme). But this time I actually benefited from it a lot. Now have a hope to accept in myself all for what I've been punished by society and punished myself for. I thought its Rahu/Moon conjunction, but turns out I'm a manifestor (emotional of course - who could doubt with Cancer lagna and Moon in Pisces ????). But I don't think all manifestors have RahuMoon stuff (or have they?).
So now I'm even more curious of what Ernst has to say about HD, when he will have time. And how to combine it properly with astrology (if it's possible).

PS. I didn't get deep to it yet, but what you've talked about earlier here (mutation, crystals etc.) is intimidating ????. And at the same time confusing, because the psychotype description feels so right...

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@beatamanelle My son has Rahu/Moon and is a manifestor as well... But I don't know much about it, but you motivated me to finally grab that book I bought a few weeks ago (by Chetan Parkyn) and dive deeper into my profile (am a generator and the book says "listen to your gut". I have Rahu in Sagittarius which is very much about that so I wonder as well what role Rahu plays in that);)

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@mona interesting! Rahu probably plays a role.

It seems there are so many people who write about it nowadays and do readings... I didn't have a book yet, just see in the net what's open (have to be picky in the right way).

Also got interested. Even to make a full HD reading for myself.. But first find trustable readers :). Or maybe the book is even better than reading indeed.

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@beatamanelle I read the reviews before buying the book and that person seemed to get some great feedback. Like you, I approach things with a certain dose of skepticism and a book feels more authoritative than any info I can find online. And I can take my time to go through it as well. I'll let you know what I think when I read it through with my profile in mind;) I'm also considering a reading but, as you mentioned, I want to find a reliable source first!

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@beatamanelle I too had a reading in HD and my type was spot on. As I mentioned above an investigation into HD was rather disappointing. The more I thought about it, the less I thought of it. To me thinking HD and astrology together is like trying to square a circle. Having said that, if I remember correctly the head of HD USA is also an astrologer...I would love to debate him. So if anyone has achieved some proficiency in human design, I would love to hear from them how they fit the knowledge together with astrology.

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@david108 Yes, I agree about squaring a circle. I checked hd charts of several people I know and being the same hd type as me, i didn't notice a similarity in our astrology charts.. So it's a mystery of how this all calculated in human design, and with all their terminology, I think I will not even try to go to detailed learning of HD ????.
So I think for now it's better to just get what's useful and workable for me and leave what seems strange.

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@david108 I am a certifying analyst teacher in Human Design; working daily with the system as a professional both as teacher and writer since getting certified in 2014 after two years of study and taking programs regularly privately and in official classes. Astrology, I have only been observing since 2016/17, and not at the level of daily application as I have with HD. In my observations, the thematic of a person's chart usually has some carry-over (repeating characteristics and qualities) between the two systems. I don't know enough of Vedic to ask intelligent questions, but I may be able to answer questions about how HD does things if you have specific ones that we might collaborate on to come to clarity. I am beginning my studies here with Ernst after over a year of his invitation and sleeping on it... I am an emotional, split definition 3/5 Projector, Cross of Contagion. 

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@laveenaarchers welcome to the forum! 

wow, this past full moon in Aquarius has activated your 29th and 30th gates ...and you said YES to something cool ???? 

I have those 2 gates in my Design (Earth-Sun) as well.

I hope you'll love your journey of layering both systems!

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@laveenaarchers and anyone else who can help,

Is there a website or app where I can track gate activations/transits for past or future dates?

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@manisha Human Design App on Android is what I use.

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Thanks. It is a good one, but it one only gives transits for + or - 15 days. I can’t find any place where I can look at transits, say 10 years ago or 10 years in the future.

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@manisha Ahh, I see. That's true, I've never found an HD transit calculator like that that's also free. I believe there are a few Human Design sites that offer an HD transits feature in their paid subscription packages. Here's one site like this that I know of:  

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@manisha I use for that.

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Thanks. I had a look at it. The sample looked well put together. I will check the trial version later. Does the software allow one to search transits at different times like we can do with astrology softwares?

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Yes, you can see transits to any date there. And if you click on "transit + me", it'll show a composite chart. Handy is that it also has interpretations of any activation if you click on it. I now use trial version, it's free for two months.

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@laveenaarchers Hello Laveena, pleased to meet you. I am apologize for replying this late, but I took the summer off from astrology and resubscribed only today. Thank you for your offer. For me things need to be logical to accept them. So how do we reconcile the fact that HD speaks about 9-center humans and all matters vedic about 7-center human? If HD is right then this astrology became obsolete when Uranus was discovered. To end on a HD note: I am an emotional projector, 5/1 heretical investigator - and I admit this fits, but that after that things get opaque....

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Did your insights from HD help you in a positive way ?

Haha, I went complete opposite even though I have a Ra/Mo in birth. Saw few sites, got confused, saw youtube ;was better. Finally realized I wanted to know only for myself and not the whole system, so booked a reading within one week. lol... 

Resonated well for me. Gave me a lot of insights. But I already perceive I am slowly getting into my energy, so it was easier. I dont think all manifestors have Ra Mo stuff. My design turned out to be manifesting generator : a pure one. Its amazing how well I can do things when I respond. 

I think Ernst posted his video. He said to use maturation of planets to see when the potential of gate/channel will fully come to picture. And if you dont see it happening, it will be due to avasthas of planets. I can already see that in my case, (the planet activating the full potential of manifesting generator is Me/earth) and I just turned 32 few months ago. I can clearly see abilities and potentials ahead and looking back, the times I did not use them correctly. 

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Hi! Thanks for asking.

Yes, defenitely helped. Was literally lifesaving.
It's a lot of insights, probably even not possible to describe them all here, but mainly it's concidering my type (manifestor) and its notself theme, anger. I've been supressed as a kid, so the key thing for me now, was to realize, that the anger is just built-in driving force in my nature, and not someting bad or smth to condemn. It just shows me when I'm in a wrong environment. It's a call to make a change in a way. And it's just a sensation in a body that comes and goes, and no need to boil it inside for days in order to justify somehow, as I used to do before, which even led me to some serious health issues. There is even no need to express it (healthily or not), just to notice. HD perfectly described the mechanism for me, most importantly allowing to change my subconscious perception of anger (I'm still observing, but seems like it is). And it became possible with a full picture: knowing my open centers (main "notself concentration"), profile, variables (especially motivation), also the astrological knowledge I've already had before.

I'm experimenting with strategy (to inform for manifestors), works so far, and also was good to know that I should also be informed, but not told or asked.

To know how aura works was helpful as well. I now relaxed, that people often don't feel easy around me, due to a dense manifestor aura.

Authority is other crutial topic. I have emotional and it's "no truth in the now". Oh, how I loved to be spontaneous before, lol, and it led me to many troubles. So I have to wait for emotional waves to calm down before making decisions. The acceptance of a fact, that I have emotional waves in constant motion, helped me to release control over my emotional state, and just wait when I'm down, being sure it will go up soon again. Just the mechanics.

PHS (primary health system) is another big topic to explore and experiment. What I got from it so far, is a confirmation of what I felt about my body already.

I like about Human Design that it's an experiment. You can apply and see if it works. What I've managed to apply already, worked in my case.

Haha, I relate to being confused at first. I firstly knew about HD in 2018 from my mom. I looked it up briefly, and probably because russian translations was just filled with so overcomplicated terminology, I thought it's just something new age superficial. I was in Vedic astrology then and with the sidereal placements I've made a perfect manifestor by my chart lol (in sidereal I've had Sun in Aries and Mars in Capricorn). So I thought "no wonder" and left.
And only this year when I heard from Ernst, that manifestors don't suffer from afflicted Moon so much, because they don't need to respond, I was like "Aha", remembered that I'm a manifestor, and started to explore HD in English.

I try to learn initially from Ra, and then explore what others have.
There is Jovian Archive website with several free basic materials, and a few useful websites I've found as well, some of them also have free calculators.

There are also tons of facebook groups when people share free materials, even the Ra's foundation books. He actually wanted the knowledge to be affordable, but the reality nowadays is that the materials are pretty expensive, so it's good that people are sharing.

Funny that couple of posts ago here, I wrote I will probably not go deeper, but I SO did, lol.
What seemed strange and intimidating to me (2027, crystals and stuff), now, when I listened to Ra directly, is not so surreal, and turned out pretty logical. The video, when Ra shares the knowledge first time in 1995, eliminated a lot of confusion for me. Really recommend to watch it.

For me HD filled the gaps of what was difficult to grasp about myself in Astrology. But still, the 2 systems have their own "magic" for me, simultaneously.
I now started to track HD transits as well, to see which gates activated by planets, and what they hit in my bodygraph. Interesting!

I also recently had Mercury maturation, but it was last year for me. I don't know what planet activates the full potential for manifestors, but I have similar experience. I've had pretty intense years behind, there was Saturn return as well just before Mercury maturation, but now I see things much clearer indeed. I'm also in the middle of Mercury dasha now.

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Haha, nice! 

worked on similar lines for me too; except authority part where I found there is truth in the now in my decisions even though my design is emotional too. It never seems so, but in the end that "in the now decision" always turns out correct; and eventually what I will end up following ;even when it just comes out even as a thought.

nowadays I actually don't see Rahu with moon as afflicted moon to be honest, if it is after Me maturation and if Me is placed decently and helping Rahu. I think Rahu is a great planet if one becomes aware of it, and kinda gives abilities to look ahead. Its like it fast forwards our evolution. 

My body's sign is headache. I switch the energy focus to something or someone else, the headache magically goes away. Works with people too for me; I never figured out earlier why I would have headaches so frequently. I thought it was excessive screen time. 

Haha russian translations :D. Seems like you have gone way deeper than you initially thought. Yes; I downloaded from Jovian archive too. I thought the same way, learn it from the creator if it is available. It will be the least corrupted form. 

I haven't gone very deep; but I think the bodygraph chart shows planets on the left side and right side; also shows degree calculation. So, if we just map the degree of planets to the gate number, you can figure out which planet activates the gate/channel. On some website (mybodygraph) if you hover over the gate/channel it shows the planet. You could just use Lajjitadi avasthas or maturation ages for that planet. 

On a side note, I found that thinking about things in a different language than mother tongue makes it easier for me to solve the lajjitadi avasthas. I speak in English only at work; so dont have much conditioning from environment when I think in English in my head. you've ever experimented with that ?


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Yeah, sometimes first thought or decision works too, of course. It's also important for emotional, that what you want to do, makes you feel good. But when I see I'm agitated emotionaly, either too exited, or too upset, I don't do or decide anything that moment. That means I'm in a high or low point of an emotional wave. So I wait when I'll be in the neutral state, and then I act. Still have a lot of cases when I want to commit to smth when in great mood, or quit smth when in bad, but decide to give myself a time, and after, when I calm down, i'm just: "gosh, so good I didn't do it!" ????.

Interesting about Rahu. I've just had Me maturation, so I will observe. My Mercury seems not bad. What I think is Rahu definitely makes Moon much more sensitive, and for good or bad depends on one's mindset. In what sign you have RahuMoon by the way?

Yes, I have a sheet with zodiacal reference for all Human design gates. Didn't see it correlates with left or right side of bodygraph though..

I didn't quite get what you meant by solving your lajjitaadi avasthta in other language. Could you share example please?
But yeah, knowing another language for sure broaden one's mind capacity, I suppose.
I think partly in english, partly in russian nowadays :D.
What your mother tongue btw?

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Nice, agitated might correlate to planets conjunct Su ? Haha, yes everything can be solved with a calm mind. 🙂

For Rahu, it could be other planets too like Ju or lord. I said mercury because that is very prominent for me. It kind of observes overall patterns and Me in the sense of having tried things in a situation before that did not work. So, I consciously make an effort to try something else in the same situation. 

Agree with your rahu moon statement. It makes you much more sensitive. So, it's easier to see where and how energy is flowing and make an assessment how it might be in future based on inertia. What we do with it is upto us. I have Ra/Mo in Aq, its borderline from Pi, what about you ?

I attached a file. You see planets on left and right. If you click on those lines it shows planets. I believe left is subconscious, right is conscious. In this example, its Su, Me and Earth (Asc mostly). So I am assuming, avasthas of either Su or Me and Asc could give information regarding that particular channel. 

For avasthas, Yes, for example for Ju starved by Ve; there could be a subconscious conditioning to think that our happiness completely depends on the vehicle or wife/girl or luxury we can have. The mind will go back to thinking about things we craved in our childhood we couldn't get. I find that this mind chatter happens in our mother tongue mostly. Now, if we catch ourselves; the mind chatter can go to Ernst talking about "these people have to understand Ju is an internal planet, so happiness of jupiter depends on how they feel within". I guess this shift can happen in the same language too with a little more effort, but I observe that old mind chatter completely shuts down temporarily with a change in language. 

My mother tongue is a mixture of tamil and kannada. I speak mostly hindi, kannada with most friends. English with some and at work. 😀

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I meant agitated here with it's literal meaning :), concerning emotions.

Yes, actually Ernst mentioned in his videos related to RahuMoon conj, that crutial planet for these people to do well and be sane, is Mercury. So you are right for it's importance. If Me is weak, there could be lots of illusions and unhealthy addictions in a person's life with this combination.
I have Ra/Mo in Pisces.

Ah, you meant design and personality side (red and black).. I thought you meant the bodygraph itself (the scheme). Yeah, totally you can see and assess the planets there, also applying Lajjitaadi avasthas. Though I can't confirm about ascendent. I suppose Earth is Earth in HD and have it's special meaning. Never heard that it's related to Asc.

I get it now what you meant by conditioning relating mother tongue. Personally I didn't notice it in myself.. The both languages interpretting to each other simultaneously in my mind somehow ????. But that's interesting observation.

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Posted by: @scoobydoo


 I dont think all manifestors have Ra Mo stuff. My design turned out to be manifesting generator : a pure one. Its amazing how well I can do things when I respond. 

I don’t think also,- My father had a mo/ra CON in scorpio/2 and my younger brother have ha moon/saturn/rahu CON in aries/11,- both are emotional generators 

Which hd typ you are depends which centers you have defined and which are connected, right? So the manifestor have only a connection between throat chakra and emotional center or spleen center and therefore they have only one canal definied. This is a rare constellation (these guys are not really often (8%))

This HD stuff is really new for me, but I think (with my little knowledge about it), the key for manifesting is that the manifestors power comes from emotions and get concentrated expression due the throat center (because all the other centers are undefinied)

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@stellaris Manifestor is when an energy center is connected to the throat center. WHen this happens to the solar/emotional center, then yes, its the emotional energy that they use, but only if its that center, if its formed by a different center, its not emotional energy. Emotional manifestors like that get into the most trouble as they jump into things during an emotional rush and so often land in things that are not right for them. So until they learn to wait and see how they really feel about things, they are a lot of fun to watch get into trouble!

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yes, ernst, you and elena are of course right,- thank you both for putting it in the rigth way!

Posted by: @ernst

@stellaris So until they learn to wait and see how they really feel about things, they are a lot of fun to watch get into trouble!

... Maybe it looks like funnier from a higher perspective????

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Manifestors can have many chanels and centers defined. The key which forms a manifestor is the connection from the motor (Solar plexus, Ego or Root center) to the Throat, plus an undefined Sacral.

Yes, as soon as I got bit more familiar with the system, I saw that Ra/Mo doesn't mean any certain type in HD. It was just my random guess at the beginning.

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hi elena

Few weeks ago I heard Ernst speaking about the HD and I ging, and woke my interest, so I was going for. Really really fascinating because of this many many matches

I‘m an emotional manifestor too, with the devined canal 35/36

I don‘t have a moon/rahu-CON, also not a water-lagna, but rahu is in cancer in 4, rahu is nakshatralord for the moon, moon is in watersign scorpio



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Hi Regina,

Fascinating indeed.
So 35-36 is your only chanel in the chart?

Emotional authority is tricky for us manifestors, as we have a great urge to act, but have to wait.

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yes, I only have the throat and emotional center defined... And you?

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Wow, first time I see such a focused design of a manifestor. That's interesting.

I have emotional and throat defined as well, but by 12-22. And also have 23-43, which is between ajna and throat. And that's my only two channels.

So we have a lot of openess in chart. The undefined centers are prone to conditioning, because it's an area of receptivity, but if using correctly it's a great potential of wisdom there.
Probably the most important I learned so far is "beware of who's around" ????.

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Hi Elena

I’m just in the beginning of my journey through my rave chart, so my knowledge is really very little at this moment.

When i saw my body graph the first time i thought there is something wrong because  these emptiness! But I appreciated thankfully your description „focused“☺️, - I couldn’t see it this way!
Their are so many aha!-experiences with my rave chart!


This focus is a really a potential, - I can focuse, but these are rare moments and I have to be really alone, no one around me and also this channel 35-36 distract me to focusing of something longer.

And then with all these white centers I was all my life influenced too from outside and others because my unconsciousness about it, and this fact becomes very clear now. On the other hand this is not really new for me because my Neptun-Theme in western astrology, but in a different, much less tangible manner ...


So I thank you so much for sharing your sight!


By the way, this lession I take too, and surely (beside much others) the learning of my lifelong task; wich is „just“ become conscious!????

I like the channel 23-43, my younger son have it too☺️

I would like to watch this vid with Ra, - could you give me the title or name, maybe a link to find it? ( I‘m no more on facebook and don’t want go back)

And which book from Ra do you recommend at first?


Herzlichi Grüess.   Regina


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Hi Regina,

You are most welcome. I'm glad that my perspective was somehow helpful to you.

What I meant by "focused" it's more that you have a very concentrated way of how you operate. So you have this conscious or unconscious (depends if this 35-36 is black or red) energy of transitoriness.
It's not exactly that you should focus on smth concrete, definitely not, especially with this specific channel ???? . And it's also no "should", it's your own way, depending on your authority. You can have no focus at all, or change it all the time, if it's your unique way of operating, just experiencing life with all it's beauty and versatility. Probably that's what this channel is about.

Yes, "just" being conscious, haha. Easier said than done indeed. But still, it's possible to become aware of how people close to you make you feel. And if aware - half of the deal! Then we can make adjustments, establish boundaries if necessary, etc.

You mean this vid from 1995? (now I see it's actually 94 ????). Idk if I'm allowed to insert external links here, but the name is "Ra Uru Hu - The Original Human Design Introduction (1994)". If copy paste it in youtube search, it should find. Pity it's only a first part though, didn't find the full video in English, but still a lot to grasp.

Concerning the book it's hard for me to advise smth specific. I have a rather chaotic way of studying myself, I just take some aspect of my chart that interests me in the moment and search for info available. But what comes to mind is the "Definitive Book of HD" by Ra and Lynda Bunnell. I didn't read it yet, though ????, but it's well known basic book for studying. Oh, and also what absolutely valuable for us is "Manifestor Manifesto" by Ra. I have these in Pdf, if you want I can send them to you somewhere.

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dear elena

at first thank you so much for your answer and infos about ra????

itˋs really creazy (but profound) what I learned about myself through hd in this short time on top of this many many western and vedic astrology insights!

and how ernst mention, every style seems to be another layer...  in these days I think a lot about the different zodiacs, but thinking about is not the clue, so I have to go into my feelings and my intuition so I will find it maybe into myself, hm ...

ernst mentioned too that the manifestors moon don‘t need to have a connection for working/ manifesting ... I have a light moon but kemadruma yoga,  neecha bhanga from Opp Venus and Mercury, with this incredible felt loneliness if I’m not „nice and communicative“and I‘m wondering if you have maybe a similar Moonposition, or maybe someone else here?

I wish you a nice day



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Hi Regina,

these days I think a lot about the different zodiacs, but thinking about is not the clue, so I have to go into my feelings and my intuition so I will find it maybe into myself, hm ...

Yes, thinking can be a powerful analyzing tool, but for decision making or concluding on smth, the mind is certainly needed to be put aside..

ernst mentioned too that the manifestors moon don‘t need to have a connection for working/ manifesting

Not sure what you meant as "connection", relating to Moon for manifestors. I understood what he said more in terms of adapting. Good Moon - good adapting skills. But for manifestors to adapt is not necessary. As well as to respond to what's coming. Just go and get what one wants, if what's around is not satisfying. But for that of course it's crutial to be alighned with one's true inner calling, means inner authority, and see if it's authentic and didn't came from conditioning/mind.

For me hearing that was kinda relief, because I never succeded in adapting and perceived it as a flaw in myself. My Mo is with Ra in Pisces, aspected only by Sun and Me (but very minor aspects 1 and 11 points - I'd call it "no aspect" lol). I've realized it's not a weakness, and I actually always had a power within to change for what I want instead, just wasn't aware of it. What I've tried to adapt to was simply damaging to me.

Though I can't say that it's easier or "better", haha. I still need to wait for my emotional authority, when I'll be at least 75% clear how I feel (it's never 100% lol). But at least its my own. Gosh, I never in my life waited so much, as when I started this emotional authority experiment, haha. I was always extremely fast. Also because now I realize how tremendous the impact of my decisions would be..
And I've already noticed, that when I wait I always get a better deal.

In terms of connecting to people to manifest, we certainly need the help of other people in one way or another, but more with implementing.

incredible felt loneliness if I’m not „nice and communicative“

People pleasing is a very common notself "strategy" among manifestors, developed mostly early in life in order to survive. Been there, done that ????. I droped that out when realised that in most cases loneliness is much better than fake relashionship when I'm not understood and valued. So loneliness easily transforms to aloneness, which is a precious gift. Especially for us manifestors.
And with the right people being "nice and communicative" comes naturally, so that's not to worry about ????.

Have a nice day too!

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yes, and I would like to get this pdf manifestor manifesto,- would you like to send it by my email  That would be great????
thank you

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Just sent. And also added couple of files that popped up on my phone on manifestors, which I consider really good. You are welcome ????

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oh, and I have an Mars/Uranus CON, so that stuff with passion is very tricky ...

Do you have evtl. a similar Position? 

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Yeah, you probably are dealing a lot with passion and emotion theme in life with Mars/Uranus and 35-36.

I don't have this conj, though my Mars is in 8th and rulling Pluto in Scorpio. Maybe it also says smth with being passionate, just in a bit heavy and controlling way, haha.

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Posted by: @beatamanelle


Yeah, you probably are dealing a lot with passion and emotion theme in life with Mars/Uranus and 35-36.

Looks like, - but a lot of struggle

I don't have this conj, though my Mars is in 8th and rulling Pluto in Scorpio. Maybe it also says smth with being passionate, just in a bit heavy and controlling way, haha.

I can imagine 😉


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Hey guys,

I am looking to do a few free Mini-Readings with HD in June - all I ask for is some feedback since it's a newer system for me. I have been incorporating it slowly in my Astrology and Card readings and it's been really revealing and fun to test, but I haven't used it as a stand alone tool yet, so that's why I could use your help. I would like to start adding it as a separate service if everything goes well (after testing it on more charts and getting some feedback).

If interested, email


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