I will shoot a vid on HD and Vedic astrology for youtube when I get back into town.
I was introduced to Human Design 2-3 years ago, along with a heap of occult stuff. I haven’t studied it extensively, but the surface level stuff that I have picked up connected many many dots for me!
If astrology opened up some understanding, the Cards took it further last year, and Human Design was just another universe on a much subtler level! It helped me further understand and accept myself better, how I operate, why I operate that way, why the family dynamics and the environment worked a certain way, and what I needed to learn from it. The same thing from astrology, but on a different level.
Absolutely, absolutely, fantastic stuff. Looking forward to diving deeper into it in the future, and looking forward to Ernst’s video.
I love human Design and love combining it with Vedic Astrology reading. I believe it only enriches my readings.
I am also curious to find out if you have Moon and Saturn conjunction but with a big difference degree wise (saturn 1 degree and Moon 22) would the still be true but just in a lesser degree? Curious to know what others think.
Best, xx